塱原清除雜草活動 Weed Removal Activity in Long Valley
日期:2007年11月25日 (星期日)
時間:早上8:45 – 12:30
1. 此活動要求參加者作數小時的體力勞動,需要一定體能。
2. 此活動不適合小童參加。
3. 由於此活動需穿著水鞋在濕地上行走,故有一定的危險。
4. 本會將提供水鞋、手套及其他工具。
5. 本會已為此活動購買保險,參加者亦可自行購買適當保險。
6. 參加者請穿著輕便服飾,請自備太陽帽、防曬用品、蚊怕水等野外活動用品,參加者宜多備一套衣服以作替換。
歡迎攜同家人和朋友參加。如有興趣參與,請將參加者姓名、聯絡電話及參加人數電郵至yv icky@hkb ws.org. hk (請先刪除空白鍵),或傳真至2314 3687,或致電香港觀鳥會辦公室2377 4387 與楊小姐聯絡報名。
In April, volunteers removed Water Hyacinth which covered up a large piece of farmland.
This abandoned farmland was a good feeding and resting place for waterbirds. After half year, however, this farmland is invaded by different kinds of weeds and left no place for birds. HKBWS is going to hold a weed removal activity to stop the deterioration of wetland. All are welcome. Details as follow:
Date: 25 Nov 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 8:45am-12:30pm
Place: Long Valley
Gathering time: 8:45am
Gathering place: Outside Maxims Cake Shop, Sheung Shui KCR
Quota: 20
Important notes:
1. Participants are required to do physical work for a few hours, good physical ability is preferred.
2. This activity is not suitable for children.
3. The activity is of certain risk since participants are required to walk on wetlands with boots.
4. HKBWS will provide boots, gloves and other equipments.
5. This activity is insured, participants can also purchase suitable insurance themselves.
6. Casual wear is recommended. Please bring hat, sun block, insect repellent. Participants are suggested to bring spare clothes.
Families and friends are welcome. Interested parties, please send the participant names, contact no. and no. of participants to Miss Vicky Yeung via email yvic ky@hkb ws.org.hk (please delete space), fax 2314 3687 or phone 2377 4387.