069 White-bellied Sea Eagle 白腹海鵰
Chek Keng 赤徑
D2x + AF-S VR 300mm + 1.7x (Handheld on boat)
當我仲係船尾搵緊啲不明燕鷗o既時候, 佢竟然係船頭飛過....
When I was searching for the unknown terns I saw earlier this week, it just flew in front of the ferry....
我即刻由船尾趕番去船頭, 但係佢已經飛咗去側光位....
I rushed to the front, but it already flew to a position which the light is not good for taking images....
唔理喇, 少見o既雀, 影低再講....
Anyway, it's not common to see it, record this first....
Juvenile 未成年鳥
唔知佢係乜野? 唔緊要, 認下佢o既父母就得喇....
Don't know what it is? No problem, just identify one of it's parents....