All photographs of the adult and the juvenile were taken on 3rd December 2016 at Mai Po Nature Reserve near Ponds no. 22 & 23.
As many bird photo masters were out in the field taking photos of the cranes on this day, I think I better post my photos quickly before the crispy sharp photos from the masters are out.
This species is currently classified as 'Critically Endangered' in the IUCN Red List.

這物種在IUCN Red List中列為[極危]級。
白鶴幼鳥 Siberian Crane (juvenile)
1st batch - Camera used: Nikon D4S
第一批 - 用Nikon D4S相機拍攝
2nd batch - Camera used: Nikon D500 - these photos show that D500 is no match to D4S in low light condition (e.g. compare the details on the juvenile's face).
第二批 - 用Nikon D500相機拍攝 - 這些照片顯示出D500在弱光情況下遠遠不如D4S (這可在兩組幼鳥照片的幼鳥面部細節看到)。
Last edited by irsychan at 8/12/2016 17:38 ]