
辦公室新貨品 New products in Office

辦公室新貨品 New products in Office

數量有限,有與趣的朋友請即到香港觀鳥會辦公室選購 (不設預留服務)。

This November, Wild Bird Society of Taipei and Chinese Wild Bird Federation invited HKBWS to participate two bird watching festivals in Taipei. We gained alot from the two trips. At the same time, we have brought some books, binoculars straps and small gifts which will be sold at reasonable price.
Only limited quantity. For those who are interested, please feel free to come and purchase at the HKBWS office (No reservation).

A Field Guide to the Waterbirds of Asia (English only) 已售 SOLD
會員 HKBWS member HK$250
非會員 non-member HK$270
數量 Quantity: 1

100 Common Birds of Taiwan (English with Chinese bird name)
會員 HKBWS member HK$40
非會員 non-member HK$50
數量 Quantity: 1

台灣常見100種鳥類 (中文版)
會員 HKBWS member HK$30
非會員 non-member HK$40
數量 Quantity: 3  (只剩一本 Only one left)

猛禽觀察圖鑑 (中文版 Chinese only) 已全部售罄 Sold out
會員 HKBWS member HK$120
非會員 non-member HK$135
(香港一般巿價 General price in HK $150)
數量 Quantity: 只剩下1本


望遠鏡背帶 Binoculars Straps (2款不同圖案可供選擇 2 different patterns available) 已全部售罄 Sold out
會員 HKBWS member HK$65
非會員 non-member HK$78
數量 Quantity: 10 (每款5條; 5 for each pattern)

全部使用金屬扣, 比以前的膠扣更穩固 All are metal buckles, more secure than the plastic ones in the old version.

2款圖案 2 patterns


Only 5 binoculars straps left. Those who want to buy, hurry up!


Binoculars straps are all sold out, thank you very much for your support!
Please feel free to come and purchase other products.

