
Gei wai #21 - Press Release and Hide Open

Gei wai #21 - Press Release and Hide Open

A HK$1.5 million new home for migratory waterbirds at Mai Po Nature Reserve

世界自然基金會剛完成米埔自然保護區成立以來最大型的一項基圍工程,利用「香港觀鳥大賽」籌得的善款及企業的慷慨捐獻,斥資150萬元翻新基圍#21,為遷徙水鳥提供漲潮棲息地。翻新工程分08及09年夏季兩階段進行,剛於09年10 月底完工。目前,米埔自然保護區是本港唯一仍有基圍運作的地點。

WWF has just completed the largest-scale single gei wai project ever at the Mai Po Nature Reserve, the only place where active gei wai still functions in Hong Kong. With funds raised from WWF's Big Bird Race and generous donations from corporate sponsors, gei wai #21 received a full renovation to the delight of migratory waterbirds. Construction work for the project spanned two summers and cost nearly HK$1.5 million.

Full Press Release : English   Chinese

Hide Open
The large roadside hut at gei wai #21 has been converted into a simple bird observation hide to view waterbirds and is ready for use by the public. Please note due to the original building design, the windows are slightly higher than usual.

