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Subject: Macbook Pro question [Print This Page]

Author: handrew    Time: 23/12/2009 17:51     Subject: Macbook Pro question

I have run my Photoshop (currently CS4) on an HP desktop without problem for ages. My wife bought me a lovely Fujitsu Lifebook S laptop to give me more mobility but it won't run Photoshop for some reason. I was thinking of buying a Macbook Pro 17" - I have never used Mac before and wondered whether anyone has good experience using this model with CS4. I saw David Tipling using what I think is this on a wildlife photography DVD.

Many thanks

Author: cwchan    Time: 23/12/2009 18:25

I use Macbook Pro 15 inches with CS3 & Nikon NX when I am not at home, they work fine.
Author: handrew    Time: 23/12/2009 18:53

Good to hear. Thank you.

Author: cchristina    Time: 23/12/2009 19:03

Hi Andrew,

I am using Macbook Pro with CS4 photoshop installed. It runs good and fast. You are welcome to ask me if you have any question on Mac.
Author: handrew    Time: 23/12/2009 19:07

Thanks Christina. That is very kind of you.

Happy Christmas

Author: Robbin    Time: 23/12/2009 23:36

Apple machine is better, in general, than Windows machine, in terms of make, graphics etc etc.

U won't regret it once U run CS4 on it.
Author: handrew    Time: 24/12/2009 15:19

Thanks Robbin. I feel a trip to Fortress or Broadway coming on!

Author: handrew    Time: 25/12/2009 19:45

Probably a daft question but my CS4 is the Windows version. Is there a way I can run it on a Mac or would I have to buy a new version?
That would be an expensive premium to pay for the switch (HK$19,188 for the 17" model). Thanks,

Author: cchristina    Time: 25/12/2009 20:49

Hi Andrew,

You should buy another version of CS4 for Mac.
Author: Robbin    Time: 25/12/2009 23:15

Original posted by handrew at 25/12/2009 19:45
Probably a daft question but my CS4 is the Windows version. Is there a way I can run it on a Mac or would I have to buy a new version?
That would be an expensive premium to pay for the switch (HK$19,1 ...
Apple is providing Boot Camp for apple user to run Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 on Apple machine/OS, so don't worry about it.  If U don't want to partition yr hard disc drive, U can use 3rd party software like Parallels Desktop, Virtual Desktop etc etc to run Windows under Apple OS.
Author: thinfor    Time: 26/12/2009 01:07

I also have a iMac as well.  Bootcamp is good, free as it's well tested and seemed to be more stable.   For Parallel Desktop or VMware, the comments are both good and bad.
Author: handrew    Time: 26/12/2009 07:44

Thanks everybody. Very helpful comments.

Happy new year


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