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Subject: [Hong Kong] 齊來救塱原以文字與圖片Help to Save Long Valley with Words & Photo [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 5/01/2010 20:40     Subject: 齊來救塱原以文字與圖片Help to Save Long Valley with Words & Photo

Click here to download the above campaign logo

鳴謝 James Lam 的設計 Thank you James Lam for the design


傳真:2522 8524


傳真:2693 2918

Please send your objection letter immediately to the following departments:

Studies and Research Section, Planning Department
16/F, North Point Government Offices,
North Point,Hong Kong
Fax:2522 8524

New Territories North and West Development Office
Civil Engineering and Development Department
9/F., Sha Tin Government Offices
Shatin, NT
Fax:2693 2918

請各位將反對信或/及相片副本抄送到 好讓我們有個紀錄。

Image Attachment: CDNCEA1.jpg (5/01/2010 21:49, 121.63 KB) / Download count 893

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 5/01/2010 21:16

Summary of the HKBWS submission to the

North East New Territories Development Study

The following is a summary of the HKBWS submission to the North EastNew Territories Development Study, in which Planning Department has proposed tozone Long Valley for development. We explain why this is unacceptable, andpropose that it should be resumed, and zoned for conservation instead. Aconservation zoning would also recognize LongValley’s importance for people - as a place to enjoy Hong Kong’s agricultural and natural heritage, and as a site whereconservation became the priority despite our trash and cash developmentculture.

You can still make a submission expressing your views on Long Valley by emailing to before 12 January. If you do, please send a copy to HKBWS at We are also keen for photographers to support the campaign, and have created a logo to add to pix of birds taken in Long Valley.  The logo can be downloaded from the HKBWS website at and from the HKWildlife website at

Summary of HKBWS Submission

1. Long Valley is universally recognized for its high ecological value.
Long Valley has been recognized for its ecological value, not just by HKBWS, but by many other environmental groups, all the relevant government departments and bureaux, and even by those who have tried to damage its ecological value.  
•        Ten years ago KCRC recognized Long Valley’s high ecological value but tried to trash it. Ten years later Planning Department have again recognized its high ecological value, and have proposed a zoning that could trash it.
•        Back then AFCD and EPD fought in a tribunal to protect it, and in 2004 they identified Long Valley as one of 12 sites of outstanding ecological value under the nature conservation policy.
•        Back then the Advisory Council on the Environment refused to endorse KCRC’s EIA for Long Valley, and in December ACE refused to endorse the proposal unless Long Valley was zoned as a Nature Park.
•        The Environmental & Conservation Fund has given Conservancy Association and HKBWS substantial funding to enhance its biodiversity, to protect its agricultural heritage, and to share Long Valley with the wider public.
•        The 5 Black-faced Spoonbills that have visited the drained fishpond in the last few days and the Yellow Breasted Buntings that came onto the rice fields – both are threatened species newly attracted by our successful management!

2. So what’s the problem?
PlanD has been urged by landowners to zone the site for development. They claim that because they own the land they have the right to develop it. This is not true. Right now Long Valley is zoned for “Agriculture”. This means that landowners can only use the land for farming. To develop the land they must apply to change the zoning. If you have to apply, there is no right. End of story.

But PlanD has “respected” the views of villagers and tried to compromise, with a zoning that seems to allow for both, called Comprehensive Development Nature Conservation Enhancement Area (CDNCEA). The idea is that a developer will develop a part of the site, but must commit to protect and enhance the ecological value of the rest of the site.

Apart from creating a false expectation in landowners that they do have a right to develop, there are two problems with this zoning:

1.        It creates an assumption that it is OK to develop Long Valley, and increases pressure for development. It is not OK. According to the basic principles of town planning, sites of high ecological value should zoned for conservation.
2.        Long Valley can only be protected if part of the site is developed: so CDNCEA means: “No development, no conservation”. But remember, for private developers nature conservation is only ever a means to an end, never an end in itself.

3.         What’s the alternative?

There are two parts to the HKBWS proposal:

•        Long Valley should be given a purely conservation zoning
PlanD is supposed to establish zonings reflecting the current value of the land. Long Valley is an area of outstanding ecological value. Conservation zonings – Conservation Area, Nature Park, Nature Reserve, or Site of Special Scientific Interest all offer better protection of ecological value, with no need for compromise, and no need to rely on the good will of developers.

•        The Government should resume Long Valley.
HKBWS fully supports the resumption of Long Valley up to the boundaries set out by AFCD and published on its website at: ... ho_sheung_heung.pdf Once it is Government land no one else can develop it. If LV is zoned for conservation and owned by the Government, it should be safe forever.

4.         Everyone wins

Even though some officials claim that land cannot be resumed for conservation, this is not true. In fact there is a very good precedent. The Government resumed the land for the Wetland Park because of the ecological value of the fishponds at Tin Shui Wai. What has been done before, can be done again!

However, if the Government resumes Long Valley as part of the Kwu Tung North New Town, the landowners will be compensated at a fixed rate that is much more than their land is worth for agriculture. If the Government do this then everybody wins – the landowners, the wildlife, the environmental groups and birders, villagers who oppose development, and the future residents of Kwu Tung.

It is important to remember that Long Valley is too small and too sensitive to turn into another Wetland Park. Fortunately there is relatively disturbance-free access along the drainage channel access road on the edge of the site. Careful planning will allow many people to enjoy Long Valley with minimal disturbance.

Author: james4j    Time: 5/01/2010 21:53


Author: puppymic    Time: 5/01/2010 23:06

I object to the proposal of zoning Long Valley as a Comprehensive Development Nature Conservation Enhancement Area.

[ Last edited by puppymic at 6/01/2010 10:29 ]
Author: puppymic    Time: 5/01/2010 23:23

點解我開出黎個  logo 會變成 CDWEA ?

[ Last edited by puppymic at 6/01/2010 08:17 ]
Author: Allen    Time: 5/01/2010 23:59

Author: ckuifai    Time: 6/01/2010 00:25

支持!  支持!





[ Last edited by ckuifai at 6/01/2010 20:46 ]
Author: bmw343hp    Time: 6/01/2010 09:36

100% Support
Author: GEOFFREYLI    Time: 6/01/2010 10:27


Image Attachment: 111.jpg (6/01/2010 10:27, 135.86 KB) / Download count 834

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 6/01/2010 11:26

Please use the "CDNCEA" logo.

Author: smp    Time: 6/01/2010 11:50

Author: wdickson    Time: 6/01/2010 15:29

下星期一的會,未能抽身出席  ,希望在此提一些意見,盡一點綿力!


我諗除了logo外,我們還需要加上一點的個人意見,同時,加上姓名,這樣相信被視為單一意見的機會減少,大家記住一定要用自已的email去send,無諗住post左係到就算 ,佢地一定會有formal的reply俾番你。

























我都整左個sample.... 張相係2001年影的...

Image Attachment: 20010302_11-59-30.jpg (6/01/2010 15:29, 80.79 KB) / Download count 689

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 6/01/2010 19:33


傳真:2522 8524  或

Author: lchunfai    Time: 6/01/2010 19:46


Author: kyshum    Time: 6/01/2010 23:33


[ Last edited by kyshum at 6/01/2010 23:35 ]
Author: hwunfung    Time: 6/01/2010 23:44

Fully Support!!!!
Author: John Holmes    Time: 7/01/2010 10:20     Subject: Long Valley proposed re-zoning

This photo accompanied our submission to Planning Department this morning.

If we value Long Valley, and I'm sure we all do, let's all make our objections known to Planning Dept., at the Email address given above.

Image Attachment: 081211FantailSnipe-01.jpg (7/01/2010 10:20, 106.09 KB) / Download count 647

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 7/01/2010 12:45

懇請各位將相片發送到有關部門(,並副本抄送到 好讓我們有個記錄,以便日後作出適當的跟進行動。
Author: butter    Time: 7/01/2010 14:03

already sent my email (with real name) to the Planning Dept to show my support re. conservation of Long Yuen!
w/o Long Yuen >

[ Last edited by butter at 7/01/2010 14:05 ]
Author:    Time: 7/01/2010 17:01

Author: thinfor    Time: 7/01/2010 19:42

Already sent mine too with CC to HKBWS.  Thanks.
Author: cwho    Time: 7/01/2010 21:28

Ask for help!Please tell me where to download the CDNCEA logo and how to stick into the photo.
Author: csimon    Time: 7/01/2010 22:22

Support.. ! Objection sent ...!

Image Attachment: Pacific Golden Plover.jpg (7/01/2010 22:22, 161.78 KB) / Download count 721

Image Attachment: Yellow Wagtail.jpg (7/01/2010 22:22, 184.37 KB) / Download count 697

Image Attachment: Dusky Warbler.jpg (7/01/2010 22:22, 177.56 KB) / Download count 805

Author: jaclau    Time: 7/01/2010 22:29

Author: kyshum    Time: 7/01/2010 22:41

Already sent mine also. Don't wait, action!
Author: puppymic    Time: 7/01/2010 23:32

Ask for help!Please tell me where to download the CDNCEA logo and how to stick into the photo.
To get the logo, you may click the "zip" file in 2nd post.

stick into the photo: 用photoshop問左張相,再用photoshop開埋個logo,將個logo resize到適合大小之後,拉過幅相度就ok啦
Author: fkm    Time: 8/01/2010 03:15

Objection sent and copied...

Image Attachment: D2H_1303.jpg (8/01/2010 03:15, 167.75 KB) / Download count 654

Author: dick    Time: 8/01/2010 20:20

remember to attend the meeting next Monday
Author: kw223    Time: 8/01/2010 21:12

Author: CYLAM    Time: 8/01/2010 22:52

Support, objection sent.

[ Last edited by overover at 8/01/2010 22:56 ]

Image Attachment: LV-04.jpg (8/01/2010 22:52, 148.04 KB) / Download count 653

Image Attachment: LV-05.jpg (8/01/2010 22:54, 139.92 KB) / Download count 622

Author: fkm    Time: 8/01/2010 23:45

I notice the reply from the government is being copied to several persons at some, I subsequently found this site:

Does that mean the firm is responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment of Long Valley? Anything additional thing should be done?
Author: cwho    Time: 10/01/2010 00:04

所謂綜合發展保育, 祗不過是巧立明目, 創建灰色地帶, 將破壞塱原生態環境合法化, 所以堅決反對任何不利塱原生態保育的規劃!

Author: BWA    Time: 10/01/2010 23:30

Author: kken    Time: 11/01/2010 21:53

I told the proposal of CDNCEA to my kids who both are against of it.

[ Last edited by kken at 11/01/2010 22:06 ]
Author: AC07    Time: 11/01/2010 22:55

[ Last edited by AC07 at 11/01/2010 23:49 ]
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 11/01/2010 23:27

Save Long Valley!!

Image Attachment: IMG_8939.jpg (11/01/2010 23:27, 169.61 KB) / Download count 688

Image Attachment: IMG_3404.jpg (11/01/2010 23:27, 107.97 KB) / Download count 581

Image Attachment: IMG_7117.jpg (11/01/2010 23:39, 109.07 KB) / Download count 667

Author: VRII    Time: 12/01/2010 00:08


Author: cwchan    Time: 12/01/2010 00:09

Save Long Valley.

Author: Late    Time: 12/01/2010 11:24

今日send 咗, 會不會太遲?

Image Attachment: DSC_8476.JPG (12/01/2010 11:24, 123.95 KB) / Download count 729

Image Attachment: DSC_8700.JPG (12/01/2010 11:25, 126.63 KB) / Download count 691

Author: hooooon    Time: 12/01/2010 15:04

e-mail sent with the following photos.

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 12/01/2010 16:25

Original posted by Late at 12/01/2010 11:24
今日send 咗, 會不會太遲?
Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 12/01/2010 17:42

Below is the letter from Mr Lam Chiu Ying to the Planning Department and Civil Engineering and Development Department for your reference.

Submission re NENT development_CY Lam.doc (39 KB)

Image Attachment: 111.jpg (12/01/2010 17:49, 355.58 KB) / Download count 813

Image Attachment: 222.jpg (12/01/2010 17:49, 470.86 KB) / Download count 747

Image Attachment: 333.jpg (12/01/2010 17:49, 511.7 KB) / Download count 797

Image Attachment: 444.jpg (12/01/2010 17:49, 524.68 KB) / Download count 756

Image Attachment: 555.jpg (12/01/2010 17:49, 457.2 KB) / Download count 769

Attachment: Submission re NENT development_CY Lam.doc (12/01/2010 17:53, 39 KB) / Download count 1507
Author: pitarhk    Time: 12/01/2010 22:16


Author: kmike    Time: 13/01/2010 01:11

More LV birds sent to PlanD and CEDD

Thanks to everyone who took the time to make a submission!
Also a huge thank you to James for designing the logo!

Mike K

Image Attachment: DSCN8845-GP-S-dusk-juv-bf.jpg (13/01/2010 01:11, 74.09 KB) / Download count 606

Image Attachment: DSCN8843-view-bf.jpg (13/01/2010 01:11, 64.87 KB) / Download count 627

Image Attachment: DSCN4327-01-NENT.jpg (13/01/2010 01:11, 159.59 KB) / Download count 632

Image Attachment: BNS-(+nest).jpg (13/01/2010 01:11, 141.21 KB) / Download count 622

Image Attachment: DSCN0065-fix.jpg (13/01/2010 01:11, 139.93 KB) / Download count 662

Author: kmike    Time: 13/01/2010 01:12

Some more pix not yet included:
Author: isaac_chan    Time: 13/01/2010 20:49

Objection to Long Valley to be zoned as "Comprehensive Development and Nature Conservation Enhancement Area" (CDNCEA)

Author: John Holmes    Time: 13/01/2010 22:26     Subject: Black-faced Spoonbills seen feeding in Long Valley on Jan 13, 2010

9 Black-faced Spoonbills
Long Valley
January 13, 2010

Image Attachment: [Black-faced Spoonbill] 4BFS_stilt_LV_3345-01-01.jpg (13/01/2010 22:26, 132.49 KB) / Download count 598

Image Attachment: [Black-faced Spoonbill] 2BFS_fish_LV_3396-01-01.jpg (13/01/2010 22:26, 87.01 KB) / Download count 590

Image Attachment: [K81] K81_portrait_LV_3264-01-01.jpg (13/01/2010 22:26, 92.9 KB) / Download count 620

Image Attachment: [Black-faced Spoonbill] 3BFS_fly_LV_3430-01-01.jpg (13/01/2010 22:26, 75.91 KB) / Download count 615

Author: wchiyin    Time: 16/01/2010 13:16


Image Attachment: DSC_3211.jpg (16/01/2010 13:16, 69.12 KB) / Download count 592

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