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Subject: [China] Hainan Jian Feng Ling 海南島 尖峰岭 2010 [Print This Page]

Author: kmatthew    Time: 8/01/2010 09:36     Subject: Hainan Jian Feng Ling 海南島 尖峰岭 2010

Spent our first few days of 2010 at Hainan Jian Feng Ling with 4 other birdwatchers, we left HK on the 31st via Shenzhen airport and flown to Sanya. Stayed on til the 5th of Jan which gave us around 5 days to bird in the area. A total of 95 species was seen in 5 days, including most of our targeted birds and endemic (Except for the Blue-bearded Bee-eater, Large Scimitar Babbler & Hainan Peacock Pheasant). It was an enjoyable birding trip in all, with great company, great food and great birds!! What more can you get?? The conditions in the rainforest does not favour photography though, my excuse for these rather poor photos!!

Puff-throated Bulbul - Very Common in JFL

Hainan Leaf Warbler - Endemic to Hainan and common in JFL

Spot-necked Babbler - Common in JFL with few seen on most days

Bronzed Drongo - Active around bird waves

Crested Serpent Eagle - The most numerous raptor in JFL

Large Woodshrike - Stated as rare but seen on 2 out of 5 days, moves in large flocks

Red-headed Trogon hainanus - Not easy to spot sometimes despite it's bright red appearance, but not uncommon


Chinese Barbet faber - Common in JFL

Lesser Yellownape longipennis - Common in JFL, moves with the larger birds

Silver-breasted Broadbill polionotus - Uncommon in JFL but not difficult to see, seen 2 our of 5 days

Sultan Tit - Common in JFL

Yellow-billed Nuthatch chienfengensis - Not uncommon, moves in bird waves

Grey-cheeked Fulvetta - Very common in JFL

Fork-tailed Sunbird christinae - Common, Hainan race shows darker or black back in some lighting

Siberian Stonechat - Common in the agricultural fields next to Tain Chi

Black-throated Laughingthrush monachus - Common, Hainan race shows rufous neck and black face

Rufous-cheeked Laughingthrush - Uncommon, but seen in flocks on most days, extremely nosiy

Ratchet-tailed Treepie - Seen everyday, moves with the large birds

Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker - Common in JFL, associated with smaller bird waves most of the time

White-crowned Forktail - Common in JFL, but heard more often

Greater Yellownape styani - uncommon to rare, seen only on the last day

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo johni - Common in JFL, seen & heard everyday

Indochinese Green Magpie katsumatae - Rare, 6 seen on the last day amongst Greater Racket-tailed & Greater Yellownape

Other target species seen but unable to photograph:
Hainan Partridge - Seen on 2 days, 3 associated each time
Silver Pheasant whiteheadi - Seen on 2 days, 2 - 4 birds each time
Rufous Woodpecker - 1 seen while another heard at the same time
Pale Blue Flycatcher - 1 male seen on the last day
Snowy-browed Flycatcher - 2 seen, photographed by Dr.Choi aka Uncle Tall
Grey-headed Parrotbill - 2 flocks seen, photographed by Christina Chan
White-winged Magpie - rare, seen on 2 days at around the same location

Also to note, a possible White-winged Flycatcher-Shrike was spotted, first thought as a male Mugimaki Flycatcher, but unfortunately was not photographed.

[ Last edited by kmatthew at 8/01/2010 09:39 ]
Author: John Holmes    Time: 9/01/2010 11:21     Subject: Jianfengling

Hi Matthew,

Yes, Jianfengling is a great place for birds, and relatively easy to get to from Hong Kong (with direct flights to Sanya from HK and Shenzhen)

Are you free to come along to the Indoor Meeting about JFL on 3rd February at the Scout Centre ?

Author: kmatthew    Time: 9/01/2010 13:08

Hi John

It is a great place, hoping to go to other places on Hainan in the future too! I have a feeling that Hainan is really under birded and much more awaits for discovery! I should be able to go that day, it will be great to hear other birders share their findings and experiences overseas too!!

Author: kkoel    Time: 10/01/2010 12:02

Wonderful trip Matthew!! I should have skipped classes and gone with you...!!
Author: calexander    Time: 10/01/2010 19:39

This was a splendid trip. We did not expect to see so many birds - both in species and in number. On the last day, we were actually surrounded by waves of bird - minivetss, sultan tits, woodshrikes, white-browed shrike-babbers, pygmy woodpeckers, and lots of yellow-billed nuthatch. We wish to thank Dr Kwan for inviting us to join the trip and in particularly Matthew who spotted so many birds for us.
Everyone of us though has at least one or two leeches climbed up their body but luckily not everyone got a bite. I think this is part of the admission fee to tropical rainforest. We noticed that the route leading up to the watchtower in the core area is least infested with leech.

Yellow-billed nuthatch photographed by Uncle & the Snowy-browed flycatcher photographed (and actually discovered) by Auntie, both on 4/1/2010.

[ Last edited by calexander at 10/01/2010 19:49 ]

Image Attachment: [Yellow-billed nuthatch 淡紫鳾] yellow-billed nuthatch 2c.jpg (10/01/2010 19:39, 77 KB) / Download count 419

Image Attachment: [Snowy-browed Flycatcher 棕胸蓝鹟] Snowy-browed flycatcher c.jpg (10/01/2010 19:41, 69.44 KB) / Download count 449

Author: cchristina    Time: 18/01/2010 22:49

Sliver-breasted Boardbill 銀胸絲冠鳥

Lesser Yellownape 皇冠啄木鳥

Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker 星頭啄木鳥

White-crowned Forktail 白額燕尾

Racket-tailed Treepie 塔尾樹鵲

Sultan Tit 冕雀

Grey-headed Parrotbill 灰頭鴉雀

Greater Racket-tailed Drogon 大盤尾

Chinese Barbet (Black-browed Barbet) 黑眉擬啄木鳥

Yellow-billed Nutnatch 淡紫鳾

Puff-throated Bulbul 白喉冠鵯

Large Woodshrike 鈎嘴林鵙

Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥 (海南亞種)

Mountain Bulbul 綠翅短腳鵯

In addition ~ The leech 山螞蝗

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