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Subject: Long Valley 塱原 Winter 冬 2006/07 [Print This Page]

Author: sdavid    Time: 29/12/2006 15:02     Subject: Long Valley 塱原 Winter 冬 2006/07

Had a quick walk around Long Valley Yesterday lunchtime/early afternoon.  Plenty of pipits, wagtails and common snipe about with occasional Stonechats and Daurian Redstarts.

A large flock (c.300) Crested Mynas were also present. Up to 25 avocet were seen on the river, with many small parties using the wet ponds. Two different individual Dusky (or part-dusky) Shrikes were seen.  

Species of note included:

7 Greater Painted Snipe - 5m, 2f
2 Bluethroat - both m
Grey-backed Thrush
Common Buzzard

I think I may have seen a Ruddy-breasted Crake.  I didn't get a terrific look at it, but just saw it just as it scuttled into dense cover; very small, reddy-brown colour - though I didn't get a good look at the under tail which I understand is distinctive.  Has anyone else seen this species here recently?
Author: wgeoff    Time: 29/12/2006 17:40

Yes, there was a Ruddy-breasted Crake today in Long Valley. I never know how to describe the various ponds, but this one is a rough pond near where most of the Bluethroats are (3 today, 2 males and a female).

Also I think Kwan and Peter Wong saw a Water Rail in the same pond, as well as the Ruddy-breasted Crake. Both were difficult to see, hidden in the bushes in the middle of the pond.
Author: sdavid    Time: 29/12/2006 20:49

That desciption of the pond will do for me! That's exactly were I saw it!  Thanks Geoff.
Author: wgeoff    Time: 2/01/2007 07:51

Yesterday, 1.1.07, at Long Valley, a Water Rail and the Ruddy-breasted Crake together.

Also a Buff-bellied Pipit.

Author: ddavid    Time: 2/01/2007 18:42

Long Valley January 2nd 3.15 - 4.55 p.m.

Grey Heron - 1 (Bloodworm ponds)
Little Egret - 5
Chinese Pond Heron - 3
Common Buzzard - 1
Water Rail - 1 (Pond 95)
Ruddy-breasted Crake - 1 (Pond 95)
White-breasted Waterhen - 4
Common Moorhen - 6 (3 on Pond 197, 3 on Pond 105)
Greater Painted Snipe - 1 (Pond 95)
Black-winged Stilt 4 (3 on Bloodworm ponds, 1 on Pond 238)
Pied Avocet - 2 (Pond 177)
Little Ringed Plover - 1
Green Sandpiper - 2
Wood Sandpiper - 36 (including 12 on Pond 177, one of which was the leucistic bird that's been wandering around for a few weeks)
Common Sandpiper - 1
Common Snipe - 20 (including 8 on Pond 177 and 5 on Pond 241)
White-throated Kingfisher - 1
Eurasian Wryneck - 1
Yellow Wagtail (taivana) - 18
White Wagtail (leucopsis) - 9
Richard's Pipit - 7
Olive-backed Pipit - 18
Red-throated Pipit - 17
Bluethroat - 3
Common Stonechat - 8
Common Blackbird - 2
Zitting Cisticola - 7
Dusky Warbler - 14
Yellow-browed Warbler - 5
Red-throated Flycatcher - 1
Scaly-breasted Munia - 24
Red-billed Starling - 80

Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 6/01/2007 18:38     Subject: some snap of Rail and Crake in Long Valley today

same pond same place and almost same time.

Long Valley

Image Attachment: IMG_3343.jpg (6/01/2007 18:38, 0 Bytes) / Download count 6983

Image Attachment: IMG_3347.jpg (6/01/2007 18:38, 0 Bytes) / Download count 6986

Image Attachment: IMG_3341.jpg (6/01/2007 18:38, 0 Bytes) / Download count 6946

Author: kmatthew    Time: 6/01/2007 22:37

Both the Ruddy-Breasted Crake and the Water Rail was seen again today at dusk. The Water Rail walked out into the open, where we got a great look at it and managed to took a few photos, even though it was very dim.

Author: kmike    Time: 9/01/2007 03:56

The Eastern Water Rail and the Ruddy-breasted Crake were again seen in the same pool at dusk ang with at least 2 Painted Snipe.

I also disturbed a Nightjar, which I presume was Savannah from one of the pathways after it was dark. There were also at least 5 Bluethroat on Long Valley.

Even more wonderful was the sight of over 200 Wood Sandpipers, 20 Common Snipe, 6 Green Sandpipers, 2 Common Sandpiper and 3 Avocet making use of the HKBWS-managed shallow water habitat. Aw onderfl sight , and congratulations to all involved in this project.

Mike K
Author: ddavid    Time: 13/01/2007 19:09

Long Valley  13th january 2007  3.40 - 5.00 p.m.

Grey Heron - 1
Little Egret - 4
Chinese Pond Heron - 2
Black Kite - 2
White-breasted Waterhen - 2
Common Moorhen - 2
Greater Painted-snipe - 6 (Pond 218)
Black-winged Stilt - 6
Little Ringed Plover - 1
Green Sandpiper - 3
Wood Sandpiper - 30
Common Sandpiper - 3
Pintail Snipe - 1
Common Snipe - 22
Oriental Turtle Dove - 1
Plaintive Cuckoo - 2
Yellow Wagtail (taivana) - 15
White Wagtail (leucopsis) - 5
White Wagtail (ocularis) - 1
Richard's Pipit - 2
Olive-backed Pipit - 17
Red-throated Pipit - 11
Bluethroat - 4
Daurian Redstart - 1
Common Stonechat - 10
Common Blackbird - 9
Pale Thrush - 1
Zitting Cisticola - 11
Dusky Warbler - 8
Yellow-browed Warbler - 1
Red-throated Flycatcher - 1
Scaly-breasted Munia - 39
Red-billed Starling - 5

Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 19/01/2007 19:52


All the following can be find at the same pond as before:

Ruddy-breasted Crake x 2
Water Rail                   x 1
Greater Painted-Snipe  x 10
Author: sdavid    Time: 23/01/2007 08:39

Long Valley 22/01/06  1530-1700

Common Buzzard - 1
Common Kestrel - 1
Wood Sandpiper - max count 43
Green Sandpiper - 3
Common Snipe - max count 21
Greater Painted-snipe - 3
Little Ringed Plover - 5
Pied Kingfisher - 1 overhead
White-breasted Kingfisher - 1
Plaintive Cuckoo - 2
Yellow Wagtail -11
White Wagtail - 4
Olive-backed Pipit - 10+
Red-throated Pipit - 8
Richard's Pipit - 3
Bluethroat - 4 (possibly 5)
Siberian Rubythroat - 1 male
Daurian Redstart - 1 female
Common Stonechat - 12
Common Blackbird - 11
Grey-backed Thrush -1
Zitting Cisticola - 7
Dusky Warbler - 7
Yellow-browed Warbler - 1
Black Drongo - 1
Silky Starling - 12

Is there a map and numbering system for the ponds/plots available for recording purposes? I realise some ponds are numbered in the field, however many are not. I realise from following other threads,  it may be preferential not to disclose that that exact locations of particular birds at the site. But it would be useful from a personal perspective and easier when submitting records.
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 23/01/2007 10:45

Dear David and All,

Thank you for all the bird records. We keep every single record and appreciate your time and effort!
Yes, there is a map showing all farmlands in Long Valley with numbers. Though we didn't put it on web for public, we are glad to provide our map to birders for easy bird record.
David, please kindly check PM.

HKBWS Officer
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 24/01/2007 15:55

24-1-2007 Cold and windy 10:15am
Wood Sandpiper x3
Common Sandpiper x1 (on bund)

有關農田編號176 和 177的特別雀鳥紀錄,請瀏覽:

For more details on special bird record of field #176&177, please visit:
Author: mkoren    Time: 24/01/2007 19:32

I am also interested in getting a copy of the map. Is it possible to send it via e-mail?

Cheers, Koren
Author: bkenneth    Time: 24/01/2007 20:34

24/1 1400-1500 hours

Bluethroat (female) x 1
Common Snipe x 16

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 30/01/2007 12:35

I've just checked with the LV bird list and found that Pale Thrush is first record to LV!!!  :
Author: ajohn    Time: 30/01/2007 13:33

I had a quick (40 min) visit to Long Valley early on Sunday (28th).

Highlights were:
Ruddy-breasted Crake
Brown-headed Thrush
Japanese Thrush
Grey-backed Thrush
Blackbird x3

The brown-headed thrush was in trees near the large drainage channel on the N edge of LV (on the way towards Sheung Shui)

Sorry, I forgot to check pond numbers while I was visiting.
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 31/01/2007 14:30

Visited the n edge of LV today around 11:00am
Grey-backed Thrush
Japanese Thrush
Red-throated Flycatcher

But no sign of Brown-headed Thrush  
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 1/02/2007 14:57

A Brown-headed Thrush was seen on farmland #257 (HKBWS managing wet agricultural land) this morning by Kwok Jai.

Another LV first record!!Yeah!! :
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 8/02/2007 14:55

2 Wood Sandpiper and 1 Common Sandpiper were feeding in the farmland and 1 Common Sandpiper was walking on the bund

#242 (Wet Agricultural Land)
2 Snipe sp. (one should be Common Snipe) were hiding inside the paddy rice field
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 14/02/2007 10:15

13/2 afternoon around 3:30-6:00
This is my first "afternoon visit", aimed to observe birds using HKBWS farmlands in the afternoon. More birds than the morning.

#101 (dry agricultural land)
1 x Bluethroat

#176 (shallow water habitat)
31 x Wood Sandpiper (highest count)

#177 (shallow water habitat)
3 x Wood Sandpiper (highest count)

#225 (shallow water habitat)
Several snipes (around 3, I think)

#226 (shallow water habitat)
Snipes, Wood Sandpipers, lots of Red-billed Starling and Crested Myna

#229 (NEW shallow water habitat)
1 x Wood Sandpiper
8 x Little-ringed Plover (with full breeding plumage)

#242 (wet agricultural land)
3 (probably 4) snipes

Also flocks of over a hundred starlings were seen.
The Ruddy-breasted Crake is still there.
Author: sdavid    Time: 15/02/2007 08:26

14/02/07 09:00-10:00

A brisk walk around yesterday morning revealed the usual suspects. Plenty of  Common Snipe (max count 16 on the Lily Ponds) and Wood Sands (max count 26 on #175) about, including the white bird.  

Also what looked like a Ruff was seen on the Lily ponds.  Definitely bigger than the wood sands, with a shorter bill, and buffish-brown in colour.

A Japanese Thrush was seen foraging along the bunds of the HWBWS farmland.

Single Bluethroat and Black-faced Buntings (3) seen in the dry "stubble" areas.

Didn't see the rail or crake, probably a bit late in the day but there were two Painted Snipe in the pond where they have been previously sighted.
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 23/02/2007 15:20

Sunny this morning
1 Cattle Egret turning into breeding feather standing on a Mango tree
3 Wood Sandpipers resting on the bund between #176 & 177
8 Wood Sandpipers (including the white form) resting on Water Hyacinth of #138
Kwok Jai has recorded 40 Wood Sandpipers in #224 during bird survey early this morning

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 26/02/2007 15:28

Visited to LV last night around 6:15-8:20pm
Half moon, fine weather, tide about 1.8-2.0m
Only visited some target wet farmlands, not as many birds as expected

#81 (Tung Choi farmland)
Painted Snipe x 1 (Female)

#96 (CA managed shallow water habitat)
Snipe spp. x 5

#92 (Lotus Pond)
Snipe spp. x 2
Painted Snipe x 1(Female)
Wood Sandpiper x 1

#93 (Lotus Pond)
Snipe spp. x 4
Wood Sandpiper x 2
Green Sandpiper x 1

#176 (HKBWS managed shallow water habitat)
Sandpiper spp. (probably Wood Sandpiper) x 1
Snipe spp. x 1

#177 (HKBWS managed shallow water habitat)
Snipe spp. x 2

#226 (HKBWS managed shallow water habitat)
Snipe spp. x 1

#229 (HKBWS managed shallow water habitat)
Snipe spp. x 11
Wood Sandpiper x 21

#238e (HKBWS managed shallow water habitat)
Wood Sandpiper x 10
Snipe spp. x 7
Common Teal x 2

#238f (CA managed shallow water habitat)
Green Sandpiper x 2
Wood Sandpiper x 33
Snipe spp. x2

#242 (HKBWS managed wet agricultural land)
Snipe spp. x 1

#217 (mitigation wetland)
Painted Snipe x 4

Nightjar was heard also.

For more details about night bird survey, pleave visit: (english) or (chinese)
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 20/03/2007 17:37

9 Mar 07
on bund between #176&177
4 little ringed plover preening

1 common sandpiper
2 wood sandpiper

2 wood sandpiper

2 snipe sp.

1 snipe sp.

2 little ringed plover

1 green sandpiper
1 common sandpiper

16 Mar 07
1 yellow breasted bunting
Author: bkenneth    Time: 4/04/2007 20:00

3rd April 1700 hours onwards

Sand Martin x 2 (Ijimae)
Snipe (both Fantail and Pintail/Swinhoes) x 20+


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