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Subject: Is it a Red-throated Flycatcher? [Print This Page]

Author: wkcheng    Time: 11/01/2010 21:11     Subject: Is it a Red-throated Flycatcher?

Long Valley

I find both Red-throated Flycatcher and Red-breasted Flycatcher in "A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong". However, I cannot distinguish the species.

Would any experienced birdwatcher advise?
Thanks for kindly assistance.

Image Attachment: DSC_4319a.jpg (11/01/2010 21:11, 135.42 KB) / Download count 345

Image Attachment: DSC_4320a.jpg (11/01/2010 21:11, 138.14 KB) / Download count 353

Author: wkcheng    Time: 13/01/2010 21:16

Two more photos for additional information.

Any idea?

Image Attachment: DSC_4313a.jpg (13/01/2010 21:16, 122.66 KB) / Download count 383

Image Attachment: DSC_4314a.jpg (13/01/2010 21:16, 121.27 KB) / Download count 369

Author: ajohn    Time: 14/01/2010 10:44

Red-breasted Flycatcher was first recorded in Hong Kong fairly recently but has now been recorded on a few occasions. Bear in mind though that the vast majority of birds will prove to be Red-throated Floycatcher, which is a fairly common winter visitor.

Key features to look for include:
Uppertail coverts (jet black in Red-throated, browner in Red-breasted)
Bill (all black in Red-throated, pale base in Red-breasted)
Call (a very rapid rattle in Red-throated, slightly slower in Red-breasted)
There are a few other features, but I can't remember these - hopefully someone can post later to detail them.

Based on the uppertail and bill, your bird is Red-throated. The groups of planted trees around Long Valley are a good site for this species.

I hope this helps. Hopefully someone else can provide a few more details later.
Author: wgeoff    Time: 14/01/2010 18:19

Here are three photos of a Red-breasted Flycatcher to compare with your Red-throated Flycatcher

You can see the identification points mentioned by John.
In addition, the Red-breasted is buff/brownish around the head, breast and lower body whereas the Red-throated is more grey, and the pale line on the wing is white for Red-throated but buff/brown for Red-breasted.

The most obvious visible features are
Pale lower bill for Red-breasted, mostly all dark/black for Red-throated
Red-breasted is a softer buff/brown colour, Red-throated is a greyer colour

But the easiest way to separate them is by the call, since both call quite frequently.
Red-breasted call is slower, softer, you can hear each note separately, Red-throated is a fast rattle. Listen to this sound clip, the first two calls are Red-breasted, the last two are Red-throated

You can see the difference on this 'picture' (sonogram) of these four calls

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 14/01/2010 18:26 ]
Author: wkcheng    Time: 14/01/2010 21:13

Thanks both ajohn and wgeoff for the explanation. The information does help in identification.

Hope that I can see a Red-breasted Flycatcher soon.

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