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Subject: Plumbeous Redstart [Print This Page]

Author: lwingkay    Time: 17/01/2010 23:37     Subject: Plumbeous Redstart

Tai Po
January 16, 2009 pm
Digiscoped with Swarovski 80 HD ATS, 30x-eyepiece and Nikon CP8400.




[ Last edited by lwingkay at 17/01/2010 23:38 ]
Author: tmichael    Time: 18/01/2010 06:35

For anyone interested, yesterday afternoon I had a female Plumbeous Redstart right beside Hiram's Highway in Sai Kung, just downstream of the bridge where the river is crossed by Tai Chung Hau Road. The general location is the area where the river runs parallel to the road for a few hundred metres, in the general area of the Lions Park, but more specifically close to the entrance to The Giverny.

Mike Turnbull

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