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Subject: Shek Kong Airfield Road - White-bellied Green Pigeon 紅翅綠鳩 [Print This Page]

Author: ddavid    Time: 30/12/2006 18:23     Subject: Shek Kong Airfield Road - White-bellied Green Pigeon 紅翅綠鳩

Today I found a female White-bellied Green Pigeon in the Shek Kong Airfield Road area.

Directions: Go along Shek Kong Airfield Road from Kam Tin. The drainage channel will be on your right, Shek Kong camp on your left. Cross over the first footbridge you come to and turn right. Walk along the road for five minutes until you come to a small wood containing a number of graves. There are some fruiting trees at the start of the wood. The bird was initially in a tree right by the side of the road just before lamp post  number FB9276. Later it was feeding/resting in another fruiting tree further inside the wood. Stand at the lamp post and face a newly dug-grave. The tree is at 1 o'clock to you,  five or six metres above the ground and set back a few metres into the wood.

The pigeon was present in this area from 3.50 - 5.30 pm

Author: kmatthew    Time: 1/01/2007 16:53

The Pigeon was seen again on 1/1/2007 at the same spot, it was present all morning til noon.
Author: kmike    Time: 2/01/2007 00:49

Great find Dave, and thank you - my 19th tick of 2006!

Mike K
Author: cywong    Time: 2/01/2007 22:47

Thanks to Dave. This is my first tick of 2007.
Author: ktzehoi    Time: 2/01/2007 23:13     Subject: White bellied Green Pigeon

Thanks Dave for the detailed description so that we can locate the bird easily as if playing a game of treasure hunting.  

Thanks Pippen and others for showing us this bird on the first day of 2007. Without fellow birders helping you, one is really difficult to locate it.

Thanks Cherry for sharing the insect repellent with us, any guys visiting that site again should bring with them their own insect repellent. Otherwise the price for a new tick would be many mosquito bites!

I especially like the eyes of this pigeon, a combinaton of red sclera plus  blue iris that was beautifully depicted by the photos of Pippen and Matthew.

Happy New Year to all fellows of HKBWS. I really enjoy being a member of this birding and nature loving community.

Author: kmike    Time: 3/01/2007 23:42

The WB Green Pigeon was present again in the same spot today.

Mike K
Author: mbill    Time: 4/01/2007 11:48

Thanks Dave and Mr. Tai. This is my first tick in 2007 too. The last tick in 2006 was Dusky Thrush in Mai Po. (thanks ALLEN pointed me the bird)
Author: John Holmes    Time: 4/01/2007 22:12     Subject: White-bellied Green Pigeon

The bird was still around at about 16:30 this afternoon.

Thanks to Dave D. for our first "HK tick" of 2007

Image Attachment: JGH_1504-01.jpg (4/01/2007 22:12, 0 Bytes) / Download count 4173

Author: blackdogto    Time: 5/01/2007 19:11

Thanks Dave   
I also found it this morning abot 10:15 and company with her for 1.5 hr. She was having a short sleep after eaten the fruits. 8)
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 7/01/2007 11:47

no sign of this Lovely Bird both Yesterday and Today Morning lah.  
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 7/01/2007 19:53

the pigeon back this afternoon around 14:00

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