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Subject: [Outing] 28/3/10 蒲台及南面水域觀鳥活動 Po Toi and HK South Waters outing [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 18/02/2010 12:06     Subject: 28/3/10 蒲台及南面水域觀鳥活動 Po Toi and HK South Waters outing

28/3/2010 蒲台及香港南面水域觀鳥活動 Po Toi and HK South Waters outing [己滿 FULL]

Activity information
Date: 28/3/2010 Sunday
Time: 07:45 - 16:00
Gathering Time & Place: 07:45 Hang Seng Bank inside Sai Wan Ho MTR Station [Please note that the gathering time is changed to 07:45am!!!]
Fare: HK$160/Member; HK$200/Non-member
Target Species: Seabirds

Limited to 50 participants only - please return the registration form together with the fare to HKBWS Office for registration.

We will confirm the participants about 5 days before the outing whether their reservation application is accepted or not. All the registered participants are required to pay the prescribed fare, no matter they can attend the outing or not. Withdrawal must be raised at least ONE week before the activity, otherwise, no refund will be made. If we cancel the outing due to inclement weather or special reason, the paid fare will be refunded to the participants.

The Activiites Enquiry Hotline / for contacting outing leaders on the event date only: 9457 3196.

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other liabilities arising from the activities.

集合地點:07:45 西灣河地鐵站恆生銀行 [請注意: 活動集合地點已改為早上7:45!!]

名額只限50位,請把報名表格連同費用寄/交回香港觀鳥會辦公室報名參加 (本會會員有優先參與權利)


活動查詢熱線/當天與領隊聯絡電話:9457 3196


Attachment: 10年1-3月戶外觀鳥活動_hkbws_outing_jan-mar10.doc (18/02/2010 12:06, 175.5 KB) / Download count 659

Attachment: 10年1-3月戶外觀鳥活動_hkbws_outing_jan-mar10.pdf (18/02/2010 12:06, 272.58 KB) / Download count 613

Image Attachment: MTR_routemap.jpg (18/02/2010 12:06, 135.98 KB) / Download count 456

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 3/03/2010 12:21

Only few places left. Those who are interested please apply as soon as possible! Thank you!

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 4/03/2010 15:35


The activity is full. Thank you for your support! For those who are interested to join the boat trip to Po Toi and Southern Water, please consider the activity on 25 Apr and 2 May. Thank you!

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 22/03/2010 17:49

Please note that the gathering time is changed to 07:45am!!!
活動集合時間已改為早上7:45, 敬請留意!!

Author: ajohn    Time: 28/03/2010 22:01

Several migrants were around on the trip today, but were not particularly easy to find. A few birds were present at sea. Highlights of the trip were:
On Po Toi
Yellow-throated Bunting x2
Ferruginous Flycatcher x1
Blue and White Flycatcher x3M, 1F
Narcissus Flycatcher M
Asian Brown Flycatcher x2
White's Thrush
Brown-headed Thrush
Red-flanked Bluetail
Rufous-tailed Robin x9 singing
Siberian Rubythroat heard
Eastern Crowned Warbler
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Chestnut Bulbul
Red-billed Starling
Crested Goshawk

At sea:
Heuglin's Gull x15
Mongolian Gull
Black-tailed Gull
Little Tern
Red-necked Phalarope

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