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Subject: [China] Shenzhen [Print This Page]

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 14/04/2010 19:58     Subject: Shenzhen

I've heard a Mountain Tailorbird this morning in Yangtai Shan near Longhua. I would like to know even this date is late or not.
Was really few migrant there,and a windy weather not so good to look for passerines,  most interesting bird was :
1 male Blue and white flycatcher "cumatilis"
1 asian brown flycatcher

For the local one :
3 white throated kingfisher
1 crested serpent eagle
2 Hwamei
2 fork-tailed sunbird

and some others more common...


Author: lrichard    Time: 14/04/2010 20:19

Hi Joanathan

Great to get news from other places in SE China!

Your 'cumatilis' Blue-and-white Flycatcher is a genuine rarity in Guangdong, which as far as I know has been previously recorded only in HK and at Ba Bao Shan.

It's much rarer than Mountain Tailorbird, which has now bred in Hong Kong and according to the latest Shenzhen Bird Report was found in Shenzhen on 26 Dec 2006, followed by up to two on 3 Feb, 17 June and 2 Nov 2007.


Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 14/04/2010 21:49

Hi Richard,
I could give news from south east China more often. I will remenber it.
Thanks for the information about the mountain tailorbird. I will try to see if this bird stay there.

FOr the B&W flycatcher, once again you probably pointed one of my gap. I did'nt expect this ssp was so rare here. So i would like to say i should have spend more time on this bird ID (sometime not so easy with blue and white flycatcher). The blue of the upperpart gave me the impression of something more light and more green than the deep blue of cyanomelana, and th throat wasn't so dark as on the pic i've seen on OBI. But after open on my computer the blur pic i've made this morning, i would'nt not be so affirmative on the validity of my ID! May be the lighting condition give me this impression, and also maybe the fact that it seems to be a 2CY male with some rest of his juv's feather, that could explain why this bird was'nt so deep blue as i expected on a cyanomelana. Here the pic of the year of my B&W flycatcher so that everybody can get his own opinion. Mine will stay, at all, on B&W flycatcher without any subspecific precision! Anyway good lesson, and i will paid more attention on it next time!

Thanks again for this precious information.

I heavily recommended this place to Shenzhen's birdwatcher, as a really good quiet spot near Longhua, just have to find the ways used by the horses carrying the material to build the steps for the tourist and visitor. I go there allready 3 times, and still have seen more horses than people there, and really planty of quiet place.



Image Attachment: _MG_3358VBD.jpg (14/04/2010 21:49, 126.22 KB) / Download count 423

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 14/04/2010 21:52

definitly cyanomelana, i hope nobody allready moove to the place :-)

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 16/04/2010 21:20     Subject: Shenzhen Yangtai SHan

Again in Yangtai Shan late afternoon, the good surprise was to find a good population of Pigmy wren-babbler with a least 4 singers (1 bird seen, always a good challenge to see this bird)
The mountain tailorbird looks also to be well established there with 3 singers this afternoon.
Other birds include 2 female of Blue and White flycatcher (i did not manage to try give any under sp this time), 1 Yellow-browed warbler, 3 singers of fork-tailed sunbird and 1 singer of Asian Barred owlet just before the dark.

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 18/04/2010 23:39     Subject: Shenzhen Yangtai SHan 18/04/2010

after a rainy morning, i moove again  on middle of afternoon to what become my favorite place, probably because the own one not to far from my appartment!
Anyway i've got some good surprise today, most interesting bird listed as below :
1 Chinese sparrowhawk
Hodgson's hawk cuckoo 1 heared many times (got sound record for people interesting)
grey nightjar 1 singer (near 7PM)
savanna nightjar 1 shy singer (near same time)
black-naped monarch 2
red-billed blue magpie 3
brown-flanked bush warbler 1 singer
pygmy wren babbler 4 singer
blue wistling thrush 3
fork-tailed sunbird 5 singer

and the big gap of today was about owl, first i've hear a bird singing exactly as mountain scop owl near 6:30 PM, but giving 3 notes instead of 2!,with a space of a fiew second between each 3 notes, the note and tons was very similar of the record i have with me and it does'nt seems to be a frog, my impression was that the sound was coming from very far away. Did any body have an idea about what it could be?

To close the day, i have a big nocturnal raptor just flew over my head,the dark was allready nice installed so i can not distinguished any details,  when i first saw it from face(before use my binoculars) i thought was a black-crowned night heron (just to give a idea of the size and of the wing's beats rapidity), i've seen no legs dangling, and the bird jizz remember me more a "strix" t
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 18/04/2010 23:43     Subject: Shenzhen Yangtai SHan 18/04/2010

after a rainy morning, i moove again  on middle of afternoon to
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 19/04/2010 08:26     Subject: Shenzhen Yangtai SHan 18/04/2010

after a rainy morning, i moove again  on middle of afternoon to what become my favorite place, probably because the own one not to far from my appartment!
Anyway i've got some good surprise today, most interesting bird listed as below :
1 Chinese sparrowhawk
Hodgson's hawk cuckoo 1 heared many times (got sound record for people interesting)
grey nightjar 1 singer (near 7PM)(sound record too)
savanna nightjar 1 shy singer (near same time)
black-naped monarch 2
red-billed blue magpie 3
brown-flanked bush warbler 1 singer
pygmy wren babbler 4 singer
blue wistling thrush 3
fork-tailed sunbird 5 singer

and the big frustration of today was concerning owl, first i've hear a bird singing exactly as mountain scop owl near 6:30 PM, but giving 3 notes instead of 2!,with a space of a fiew second between each 3 notes, the note and tons was very similar of the record i have with me and it does'nt seems to be a frog, my impression was that the sound was coming from very far away. Did any body have an idea about what it could be?

To close the day, i have a big nocturnal raptor just flew over my head,the dark was allready nice installed so i can not distinguished any details,  when i first saw it from face(before use my binoculars) i thought was a black-crowned night heron (just to give a idea of the size and of the wing's beats rapidity), i've seen no legs dangling, and the bird jizz remember me more a "strix" type, wasn't an eurasian eagle owl that i allready saw many time and the wing's beat are much more slower... so i will keep it as a strix sp for the moment!



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