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Subject: Maybe Green-backed Flycatcher [Print This Page]

Author: wmartin    Time: 16/04/2010 18:35     Subject: Maybe Green-backed Flycatcher

For fun with tough flycatchers! A "female" type flycatcher on Cheung Chau this afternoon.

Image Attachment: [maybe elisae's flycatcher photo] maybe elisae2010Apr16.jpg (16/04/2010 18:35, 79.38 KB) / Download count 429

Image Attachment: [maybe elisae] maybe elisaes from video.jpg (16/04/2010 18:35, 56.27 KB) / Download count 401

Author: wmartin    Time: 16/04/2010 18:47     Subject: flycatcher notes

This bird was mainly in dense cover, but did come to within around 5 metres of me, spent a little time beside a path (even so,light dull on a grey day).

I've had a look at the ID notes re Narcissus Flycatcher types on Birds Korea: ... atchers-types.shtml

This bird had olive tinged upperparts (mantle and head). Faint yellowish wash on underparts - once looked obvious from below, sometimes not easy to note, suggests not Narcissus, tho seems they can have yellow tinge at times (I've seen shots of one on Po Toi).
One thing against Narcissus would seem to be the dark and light spotting on the breast, extending across breast, much as in a photo of a Po Toi bird on the BIrds Korea site. (owstoni should have streaking more on the sides of breast)
Did appear whiter towards undertail coverts.
I thought uppertail dark brown; didn't note rufous.
Bill did seem fairly heavy, I think looks heavy in photos. (Of course, no similar species there to compare it to; and I don't really take note of regular male Narcissus flycatcher bills!)
wingbars - two - looked off-white to me; not rusty as Birds Korea notes for Narcissus.
I looked at Birds Korea between first seeing the bird, and going back to relocate it. Saw re eye-rings: but had to look hard at this bird to just about make out a real faint eyering. Just visible here; but whether two-toned or monotoned I can't say - mind you, can barely make out two-tones on a Birds Korea shot or two!

Couldn't count visible primaries!

Anyway, maybe of some interest.
It was on Fa Peng, southeast Cheung Chau. Stayed there for at least 3 hours.
Tristram's Bunting and Daurian Redstart v close by, also a Chinese Goshawk (a couple more flew over; so only 1438 short of Po Toi yesterday...), Orange-bellied Leafbird also se Cheung Chau.

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