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Subject: 不知名鳥 [Print This Page]

Author: lyk0712    Time: 28/04/2010 00:49     Subject: 不知名鳥


[ 本帖最後由 lyk0712 於 28/04/2010 00:58 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: DSC_0523_12916.jpg (28/04/2010 00:49, 133.65 KB) / Download count 277

Author: puppymic    Time: 28/04/2010 01:03

Siberian Blue Robin?
Author: Sze    Time: 28/04/2010 02:17

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 28/04/2010 09:27

Yes! there was one yellow Chinese Starling seen two weeks before. I think this is probably the same individual.
對, 兩星期前在塱原有一隻黃色的灰背椋鳥,相信這是同一隻。
Author: jacwu    Time: 28/04/2010 10:02

黃色的灰背椋鳥 難得一見....
Author: lyk0712    Time: 28/04/2010 10:56

多謝回答, thx

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