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Subject: Canon 400mm f5.6 w/ 50D suitable for beginner....pls comment [Print This Page]

Author: SamsonWan    Time: 19/05/2010 00:17     Subject: Canon 400mm f5.6 w/ 50D suitable for beginner....pls comment

各位師兄你好!!!新來報到請名位指教一下...現呈上照片一幅...請問以上裝備ok嗎???作為一個鳥攝初學者有甚麼要特別留意呢....如一些鳥攝的規則...等 thanks a lot!!


[ Last edited by SamsonWan at 8/06/2010 00:23 ]

Image Attachment: test0001a.jpg (19/05/2010 00:20, 85.03 KB) / Download count 489

Author: puppymic    Time: 19/05/2010 00:50

我覺得呢個係一個唔錯既組合,456 機動性強又夠 sharp,係一支很好既鳥攝鏡頭,只係無IS要練習一下以防手震


至於鳥攝守則可以參考下呢度: ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: kmatthew    Time: 19/05/2010 10:33

Yes, a good combination, I will advice you to use a tripod with that lens, as it does not have IS. However, it is much sharper then the 100-400mm lens which I used for a long time. Looking forward to see more of your photos!!
Author: SamsonWan    Time: 8/06/2010 00:25     Subject: Update Photo..........

HI! I want to share for our HKBWS friends....pls give any important comments for my improvement.....thanks a lot!!
GEAR : Canon 50D w/ 400mm f5.6 lens

Image Attachment: bird0001a.jpg (8/06/2010 00:25, 81.61 KB) / Download count 516

Image Attachment: bird0002a.jpg (8/06/2010 00:25, 81.09 KB) / Download count 460

Author: hkwongkit    Time: 9/06/2010 19:30

I own the Canon EOS-50D, EF400/5.6L too.
Here are some shots from yesterday morning with that combo ...

Author: SamsonWan    Time: 18/06/2010 22:02     Subject: thanks

thanks thanks thanks..!

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