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Subject: [China] Dong Zhai National Nature Reserve 董寨國家級自然保護區 [Print This Page]

Author: Paux    Time: 7/06/2010 21:32     Subject: Dong Zhai National Nature Reserve 董寨國家級自然保護區

Dong Zhai National Nature Reserve, Henan Province 河南董寨國家級自然保護區
Some bird photos taken during a 4-day stay between 30/5 to 3/6.
Ashy Drongo 灰卷尾

Blue-throated Bee-eater 藍喉蜂虎

Russet Sparrow-male 山麻雀-雄鳥

Russet Sparrow-female 山麻雀-雌鳥

Collared Finchbill 領雀咀鵯

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Author: Paux    Time: 7/06/2010 22:02

Meadow Bunting 三道眉草鵐

Crested Kingfisher 冠魚狗

Forest Wagtail 山鶺鴒

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Author: msamuel    Time: 8/06/2010 22:12

A fruitful trip.  Thank you for sharing.  Don't forget to share your travel arrangement such as transport and accommodation.
Author: Paux    Time: 9/06/2010 20:43

Samuel, some of my target birds were again missed in this trip !

Birding at Dong Zhai
1. Transportation
By train : from Xinyang (信阳) Railway Station, take a yellow bus to Ling Shan (灵山) from the nearby long distance bus station & alight at Dong Qiao (董桥) (about 1hr). Many trains start at Guangzhou & pass through Xinyang. Fastest one takes about 13 hrs.

By air: from Wuhan (武汉) Tianhe International Airport take an airport bus to Hankou (汉口) Railway Station & then take a train to Xinyang (about 2 hrs but only a few). You can also hire a van to pick you up from the airport & send you to Dong Zhai direct (3-4 hrs).

2. Accommodation
Happy Farmhouse (農家樂) - about 10 mins walk from the main road. Basic but clean, run by a staff of the nature reserve. His name is 高振建 (董寨老高) & can be contacted at the following email address (in Chinese only, transportation can also be arranged ) :

Guest House of Bai Yun Protection Station (白云保护站)
- located at the top of the hill; about 50 mins walk from the main road (contact details unsure as I haven't stayed there before)

3. Birding mainly along the vehicular path leading from the main road to the protection station, forest around the station & the paddy-field across the main road.

1. 交通
火車 : 從信陽火車站,到附近的長途汽車站, 坐至靈山的黃色巴士,在董橋下車 (大約 1小時). 廣州有多班火車經過信陽, 特快一班大約13小時可到

飛機 : 從武漢天河機場,坐機場巴士到漢口火車站,再坐火車到信陽 (大約 2 小時,但班次不多) 亦可以包車由機場直接到董橋 (大約 3-4 小時)

2. 住宿
農家樂 - 從大路下車走大約10分鐘, 由保護區一位職員經營,簡單但乾淨。可用電郵聯絡 (包括交通安排) :
高振建 (董寨老高) -

白云保护站招待所 - 位於山上,從大路下車走大約50分鐘 (因未曾住過,所以未能提供聯絡辦法)

3. 觀鳥主要沿連接大路的支路到山上的保護站,保護站周邊樹林與大路旁邊稻田
Author: msamuel    Time: 9/06/2010 22:05

Yet another site on the go-list.  Thanks, Paul.
Author: roxyroxy    Time: 17/03/2011 13:49     Subject: 董寨觀鳥


a.  "坐機場巴士到漢口火車站" <--- 請問車資大約多少? 車程又要多久呢? 是否到埗才買車票也可呢?

b.  "再坐火車到信陽 (大約 2 小時,但班次不多)" <--- 請問時間表如如何呢? 不知我要搭幾點飛機幾回到埗才趕得及坐火車呢? (因為不想要在漢口住一晚酒店呢!!)

c.  "包車由機場直接到董橋 (大約 3-4 小時)" <--- 請問車資大約多少? 會否比坐機場巴士+火車還要化算?(是否周圍有人問坐不坐車? 否則在哪裡找車?)

d.  請問到達董寨後是否主要徒步就可在山上觀鳥? 還是要再租車才行?

e.  請問董寨觀鳥有分季節嗎?

不好意思, 新手有很多問題呢, 麻煩師兄師姐們解答. 謝謝.
Author: Paux    Time: 17/03/2011 22:43


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