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Subject: [China] 五月: 雲南 - 西藏 May: Yunnan-Tibet [Print This Page]

Author: wcaptain    Time: 17/06/2010 16:35     Subject: 五月: 雲南 - 西藏 May: Yunnan-Tibet

五月中至六月頭去西藏。頭六日經滇藏及川藏公路(國道214及318) 從雲南入藏,之後在拉薩市內觀光。再到羊卓雍錯(三大聖湖之一),日喀則及納木錯。回程坐青藏鐵路去蘭州(28小時)。留意這不是一次純觀鳥旅程。

Mid May to early June: Tibet. The first six day from Yunnan to Lhasa via Rt 214 and 318 (Yunnan-Tibet Highway/Sichun-Tibet Highway), then city sightseeing and visiting Holy Lakes (Yamdrok Yumtso and Namtso) and Rigatze。Back to HK by Qianghai-Tibet railway via Lanzhou (28 hrs). Not a birding trip. try to see some birds during the trip。

Day 2 雲南-梅里雪山的酒店附近 Yunnan +3000m

? warbler ? 柳鶯

Pink-rumped Rosefich 曙紅朱雀?

西藏芒康附近 Tibet +3000m
Daurian Jackdaw 達烏里寒鴉 -

Hume's Groundpecker 褐背擬地鴉

Godlewski's Bunting 戈氏岩鵐

Hodgson's Redstart 黑喉紅尾鴝

Day 3 東達山 +5000m
White-winged Redstart 紅腹紅尾鴝

Horned Lark 角百靈

Day 4 然烏-米堆冰川附近 (+3000m) a glacier near Ranwu Lake
Brown-cheeked Laughing Thrush 灰腹噪鶥

White-throated Redstart 白喉紅尾鴝

Day 5
通麥天險 2000m

Black Bulbul 黑短腳鵯

魯郎-林芝隘口 +4500m
Rufous-breasted Accentor 棕胸岩鷚

Blue-fronted Redstart 藍額紅尾鴝

往林芝山腰 - 3500m
Coal Tit 煤山雀

Day 6 米拉山 +5000m
Rufous-necked Snowfinch 棕頸雪雀

Day 7
羊卓雍錯 Yamdrok Yumtso +4500m
Hume's Groundpecker 褐背擬地鴉

Tibetan Snowfinch 褐翅雪雀

Rough-legged Buzzard 毛腳鵟

Twite 黄嘴朱頂雀

Hoopoe 戴勝

往日喀則的隘口 Pass to Rigatze +5000m
Tibetan Snowfinch 褐翅雪雀 + White-winged Snowfinch 白斑翅雪雀

Brown Accentor 鴝岩鷚

Day 8 近日喀則 near Rigatze +3000m
Himalayan Griffon 高山兀鷲

Day 9 Lhasa - city tour

Day 10 納木錯 Namtso 4700m
Brown-headed Gull 棕頭鷗

Brown Accentor 鴝岩鷚

Rough-legged Buzzard? 毛腳鵟?

White-rumped Snowfinch 白腰雪雀

Saker falcon? 獵隼?

Ruddy Shelduck 赤麻鴨

Black-necked Crane 黑頸鶴

Unidentified birds during the trip 未能辨認雀鳥
Bird spp 1: Upland Buzzard? 大鵟?

Bird spp 2: Upland Buzzard? 大鵟?

Bird spp 3: Upland Buzzard? 大鵟?

Author: wcaptain    Time: 17/06/2010 16:49     Subject: 獸類篇 - Mammals


Chinese Giant Flying Squirrel灰鼯

Taken during the Qianghai-Tibet railway trip. A bit blur. 在青藏鐵路上拍的,有點朦。
Tibetan antelope 藏羚羊

Wild Ass 野驢

Wild yak 野牦牛


Author: HFCheung    Time: 17/06/2010 21:21

Rough-legged Buzzard is not correct.  It is more like Upland Buzzard.

HF Cheung
Author: kkoel    Time: 18/06/2010 13:22

The last mammal is a pika. Thanks for sharing, many finches!

And the warbler is probably a Yellow-streaked Warbler (armandii?)

[ Last edited by kkoel at 16/07/2010 17:32 ]

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