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Subject: 香港鳥類圖鑑(增訂版)校勘表 Corrigendum Photoguide to the Birds of HK [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 18/06/2010 11:21     Subject: 香港鳥類圖鑑(增訂版)校勘表 Corrigendum Photoguide to the Birds of HK

香港鳥類圖鑑(增訂版)校勘表  Corrigendum Photoguide to the Birds of HK (Revised Edition)

香港鳥類圖鑑(增訂版)雖然已經修訂,但仍然有一些錯誤,更正如下,歡迎各位鳥友繼續提供有關資料,我們會不斷修正。但為了方便讀者檢閱,請把有關資料以電郵(Email-h kbws@hkb或短消息(PM)傳給本會。

The revised edition of the book "A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong" has been published. But some mistakes are still found. Please forward your correction to us through email (hkb ws@hk or PM once you find more.
Thank you so much.
HKBWS Office

Image Attachment: 校勘表 Corrigendum_201006181.jpg (18/06/2010 11:21, 130.61 KB) / Download count 847

Author: cwho    Time: 18/06/2010 19:58

有點疑惑, P.211是鷓鴣, P.212才是鵪鶉!(我手上的是第一版)

[ Last edited by cwho at 18/06/2010 20:01 ]
Author: Sze    Time: 21/06/2011 22:40

不好意思! 因為近日翻看資料才發現有以下錯誤,我手上的是第一版的!
Sorry for the late reply! For the 1st Printing version:

405頁 褐魚鴞 相片 2:相中的是未離巢幼鳥
P.405 Brown Fish Owl Photo 2:The bird is a juvenile.
Author: DCW    Time: 30/11/2011 21:13

不好意思,今天(30.11.2011)剛看到此更正,但是我有些疑問. 我手上的是增訂版,第211頁的圖,好像圖4比較像鵪鶉?
Author: 梁厚鍵    Time: 1/05/2012 11:39

增訂版第二次印刷版本中第602頁,栗頭縫葉鶯的常見月份資料缺漏了,不知道是什麽原因?其特徵與行爲描述中沒有説明牠是逸鳥或籠鳥(參考了第 210,536,578 及 765 的鳥種的特徵與行爲描述中有説明該等鳥種是逸鳥或籠鳥,而常見月份資料是沒有説明的)。


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