a short stay in Extremadura, Spain after watching UEFA Champion League Final in Madrid. Just 250km away from Madrid (driving time 2 and 1/2 hours), Extremadura is completely different from the bustling capital. What i have seen is plains, cows, sheeps and just a few people. The best thing I like is the blue sky without any pollution and of course lots of birds. Here are some pictures and I hope you enjoy:
These great bustards can be seen everyday in the plains, albeit a bit far.
大鸨 Great Bustard 係大草原差不多每天都見. 好大隻. 不過又飛得好好. 最多果次有成 20 隻. 不過就係遠左 d . 拍照比較困難. 求其影張記錄照.
Great Spotted Cuckoo were seen on the last day and three of them have been observed for a long time including the male was trying to feed the female and how they were chased by the azure-winged mapgie. At first only seen one:
Subsequently another came and try to feed the female. upper is male and below is female.
後來有隻仔飛過黎想比野個女食. 鳥導話上面果隻係仔. 下面果隻係女.
The female really wanted the food with mouth open wide.
隻女都好想食. 張到個口鬼咁大.
All a sudden another male came and was trying to chase the other male away but not succeed.
點知突然又殺出一隻黎想趕走隻仔. 追趕一輪. 不過最終都唔成功.:
White storks with nests and chicks everywhere.
雖然話觀鳥無話一定見邊隻唔見邊隻. 不過鳥導話呢隻一定會見到: White Stork白鸛
四週圍都係佢地嘅巢. 尤喜人地屋頂. 電線杆及教堂頂部.
European Roller. Abundant. Extremely easy to see. They used the nest boxes provided by the local gov't on the poles.
藍胸佛法僧European Roller. 大量. 極易見. 當地政府係 d 電線桿上面放左好多個巢箱. 佢地真係有用到.
European Bee-eater. Abundant. Extremely easy to see
蜂虎European Bee-eater 大量. 極易見
These little owls are quite common thhere, can be seen in the plains easily. They love to perch on the rocks and pretended to be part of the rocks.
重有呢隻縱纹腹小鸮 little owl 去親大草原都見. 最鐘意扮石頭.. 不過都企得幾遠下.
紅腿石雞 Red-legged Partridge
毛腳燕House Martin
Corn bunting. Abundant. Extremely easy to see
黍(巫鳥) Corn Bunting 大量. 極易見.
Many larks around. Crested larks. Abundant. Extremely easy to see.
有好多 lark 包括 鳳頭百靈 Crested Lark 大量. 極易見.
Godfinch are also easy to see. some around the hotel i stayed.
紅額金翅雀 Goldfinch 係住果間酒店都有幾隻
Just learned that this black vulture is different from the one i have seen in America.
Black Vulture 原來呢隻同美國果隻 Black Vulture係完全唔同嘅 species. 初時重諗住唔影添.
In Monfrague National Park, there are many many Griffon Vultures nesting there. At one particular point, some volunteers were doing the bird counts and they told us that 38 nests were on the rock facing us. In May, the chicks are quite big already.
呢隻高山禿鷲 Griffon Vulture. 係 Monfrague National Park 成個山頭都係佢地嘅巢. 用望遠鏡睇到佢地餵戚戚都得意.
This Spainish Imperial Eagle perched on the top of the rock facing us for a long time . It was chased away by the Griffon Vulture but somehow it returned to the same spot without moving giving us a good time to view it clearly through the scope.
Spanish Imperial Eagle 呢隻鳥曾經只剩下幾拾隻. 係西班牙國寶. d 國民如果發現自己屋企個園林有佢地嘅出現都會好自豪. 呢隻企左係對面山好耐都唔走. 雖然好遠. 見到都好開心.
Nightingale singing all the time. very lovely song.
日唱夜唱的新疆歌鴝 Nightingale 唱得鬼咁好聽
Rock bunting chasing the moth.
淡灰眉岩鵐 Rock Bunting 見佢掛住追住隻 moth 大風到連自己都吹到我腳下.
Rufous Bush Robin 棕薮鸲
白頂(即鳥)Black-eared Wheatear 左男右女
House Sparrow
Trying to find nightjar at one night but not succeed. could only seen 2 scops owls so better pictured the moon.
其中一晚走左出去搵 nightjar. 不過見唔到. 只見到 scops owl. 結果影下月光算.
Apart from birds, what i like most is the fresh air and wildflowers (everywhere)
除左睇鳥. 最開心就係空氣清新. 遍地野花.
and yet have time to visit some historic towns, a very relaxing holiday
很 relaxing 的一個假期. 還有時間可到附近古城參觀 :
White storks' nests on the top of the church in Trijillo
Trujillo 教堂上的 White Storks 巢
Merida has lots of Roman ruins
Merida 還有很多古羅馬建築
this is the place I stayed for one week.
and my appreciation and big thanks to Mr. Martin Hesley, an experience bird guide, found all these good birds for me. Anyone interested to go there can visit his web site as follows:
很感謝鳥導 Martin Hesley 的幫忙才看到這麼多鳥. 有興趣的朋友可參考他的網頁: