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Subject: Revised HK List [Print This Page]

Author: cgeoff    Time: 3/07/2010 12:10     Subject: Revised HK List

Although the basis of the recent revision of the HK List has been agreed, the work required to finalise it has not quite been completed. This is mainly due to the fact that, in addition to adopting a new taxonomy and nomenclature, we have also adopted a new system of categorisation.

Finalising species' names has involved consideration not only of those for which we feel a different English name is more appropriate, but also amendments to the system of hyphenation used, which the RC feels is problematic for a few species. These have now been implemented.

However, the new categorisation system (posted previously on this Forum) has required reviews of the status of a small number of species to be carried out (primarily due to the loss of the old Category B). These have not yet been completed, and the following remain: Chestnut-tailed Starling, Pale Blue Flycatcher, Chinese Blue Flycatcher, Grey-necked Bunting, Eurasian Collared Dove and Azure-winged Magpie.

Rather than waiting for these to be completed (at the next RC meeting scheduled for 1st Sept), we are posting the new list now. Please note the numbers are provisional, and will be finalised once the reviews have been completed.
HK List (IOC) Cat I-II 20100706.pdf (209.07 KB)
HK List (IOC) Cat III 20100703.pdf (94.65 KB)

Any comments on the list or the format in which it is presented are most welcome.

Finally, a warning that the upcoming HKBR will not be based on this revised list. It is too far along the road to final publication. However, the 2007-08 Report will.


RC Chairman

Attachment: HK List (IOC) Cat III 20100703.pdf (5/07/2010 10:01, 94.65 KB) / Download count 1122

Attachment: HK List (IOC) Cat I-II 20100706.pdf (6/07/2010 16:23, 209.07 KB) / Download count 1000
Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 5/07/2010 10:02

Files uploaded.
Author: HFCheung    Time: 5/07/2010 11:29

Thanks to Geoff and Record Committee members. Producing the most-updated HK list is an important task of HKBWS. The list with Chinese name has been uploaded in the HK List section of the discussion forum.

HF Cheung
Author: gary    Time: 5/07/2010 15:26

Thank you for RC's effort, it's a not easy and never ending task.
Just have one observation: Pomarine Skua, Parasitic Jaeger and Long-tailed Jaeger are all from same genus Stercorarius but different in naming - Skua/Jaeger. Is that any meaning for not being consistent?
Author: HFCheung    Time: 5/07/2010 17:59

Some observation of the new HK list:
1. Category
Old      New
A        I
B        I
C        IIA
D        IIB

2. New English name (obvious changes only)
Number        New English Name        Old English Name         Ch. Name
17        Indian Spot-billed Duck        Indian Spotbill        印缅斑嘴鸭
18        Chinese Spot-billed Duck        Chinese Spotbill        中華斑嘴鴨
23        Eurasian Teal        Common Teal        綠翅鴨
30        White-winged Scoter        Velvet Scoter        斑臉海番鴨
31        American Scoter        Black Scoter        黑海番鴨
52        Eurasian Bittern        Great Bittern        大麻鳽
54        Von Schrenck's Bittern        Schrenck’s Bittern        紫背葦鳽
62        Eastern Cattle Egret        Cattle Egret        牛背鷺
65        Eastern Great Egret        Great Egret        大白鷺
68        Pacific Reef Heron        Pacific Reef Egret        岩鷺
79        Western Osprey        Osprey        鶚
91        Chinese Sparrowhawk        Chinese Goshawk        赤腹鷹
96        Eastern Buzzard        Common Buzzard        普通鵟
99        Eastern Imperial Eagle        Imperial Eagle        白肩鵰
123        Great Stone-curlew        Great Thick-knee        大石鴴
151        Eastern Curlew        Far Eastern Curlew        紅腰杓鷸
194        Caspian Gull        Yellow-legged Gull        黃腳銀鷗
209        Pomarine Skua        Pomarine Jaeger        中賊鷗
214        Domestic Pigeon        Rock Dove        原鴿
219        Common Emerald Dove        Emerald Dove        綠翅金鳩
228        Asian Koel        Common Koel        噪鵑
230        Square-tailed Drongo Cuckoo        Drongo Cuckoo        烏鵑
234        Lesser Cuckoo        Asian Lesser Cuckoo        小杜鵑
236        Oriental Cuckoo        Horsfield's Cuckoo        霍氏[中]杜鵑
254        House Swift        Little Swift        小白腰雨燕
255        Oriental Dollarbird        Dollarbird        三寶鳥
285        White-bellied Erpornis        White-bellied Yuhina        白腹鳳鶥
294        Red-billed Blue Magpie        Blue Magpie        紅嘴藍鵲
296        Eurasian Magpie        Common Magpie        喜鵲
316        Grey-throated Martin        Plain Martin        褐喉沙燕
319        Common House Martin        Northern House Martin        白腹毛脚燕
322        Asian Stubtail        Asian Stubtail Warbler        鱗頭樹鶯
324        Manchurian Bush Warbler        Japanese Bush Warbler        日本樹鶯
325        Brown-flanked Bush Warbler        Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler        強腳樹鶯
329        Common Chiffchaff        Chiffchaff        嘰喳柳莺
338        Two-barred Warbler        Greenish Warbler        暗綠柳鶯
365        Golden-headed Cisticola        Bright-capped Cisticola        金頭扇尾鶯
369        Rufous-rumped Grassbird        Large Grass Warbler        大草鶯
377        Chinese Hwamei        Hwamei        畫眉
379        Silver-eared Leiothrix        Silver-eared Mesia        銀耳相思鳥
382        Chesnut-collared Yuhina        Striated Yuhina        栗耳鳳鶥
393        Daurian Starling        Purple-backed Starling        北椋鳥
397        Rosy Starling        Rose-coloured Starling        粉紅椋鳥
402        White's Thrush        Scaly Thrush        虎斑地鶇
424        Plumbeous Water Redstart        Plumbeous Redstart        紅尾水鴝
426        Siberian Stonechat        Common Stonechat        黑喉石(即鳥)
450        Chinese Blue Flycatcher        Blue-throated Flycatcher        藍喉仙鶲
453        Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher        Grey-headed Flycatcher        方尾鶲
456        Fire-breasted Flowerpecker        Buff-bellied Flowerpecker        紅胸啄花鳥
467        Eastern Yellow Wagtail        Yellow Wagtail        黃鶺鴒
484        Chinese Grosbeak        Yellow-billed Grosbeak        黑尾蠟嘴雀

3. New Latin name (obvious changes only)
Number        New English Name        New Scientific Name        Old Scientific Name        Ch. Name
30        White-winged Scoter        Melanitta deglandi        Melanitta fusca        斑臉海番鴨
62        Eastern Cattle Egret        Bubulcus coromandus        Bubulcus ibis        牛背鷺
65        Eastern Great Egret        Ardea modesta        Egretta alba        大白鷺
96        Eastern Buzzard        Buteo japonicus        Buteo buteo        普通鵟
100        Bonelli's Eagle        Aquila fasciata        Hieraaetus fasciatus        白腹隼鵰
101        Mountain Hawk-Eagle        Nisaetus nipalensis        Spizaetus nipalensis        鷹鵰
160        Grey-tailed Tattler        Tringa brevipes        Heteroscelus brevipes        灰尾漂鹬
182        Slender-billed Gull        Chroicocephalus genei        Larus genei        細嘴鷗
183        Brown-headed Gull        Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus        Larus brunnicephalus        棕頭鷗
184        Black-headed Gull        Chroicocephalus ridibundus        Larus ridibundus        紅嘴鷗
185        Saunders's Gull        Chroicocephalus saundersi        Larus saundersi        黑嘴鷗
186        Little Gull        Hydrocoloeus minutus        Larus minutus        小鷗
187        Relict Gull        Ichthyaetus relictus        Larus relictus        遺鷗
188        Pallas's Gull        Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus        Larus ichthyaetus        漁鷗
196        Heuglin's Gull        Larus fuscus        Larus heuglini        灰氏銀鷗
197        Gull-billed Tern        Gelochelidon nilotica        Sterna nilotica        鷗嘴噪鷗
198        Caspian Tern        Hydroprogne caspia        Sterna caspia        紅嘴巨鷗
199        Greater Crested Tern        Thalasseus bergii        Sterna bergii        大鳳頭燕鷗
200        Little Tern        Sternula albifrons        Sterna albifrons        白額燕鷗
201        Aleutian Tern        Onychoprion aleuticus        Sterna aleutica        白腰燕鷗
202        Bridled Tern        Onychoprion anaethetus        Sterna anaethetus        褐翅燕鷗
203        Sooty Tern        Onychoprion fuscatus        Sterna fuscata        烏燕鷗
207        Whiskered Tern        Chlidonias hybrida        Chlidonias hybridus        鬚浮鷗
217        Spotted Dove        Spilopelia chinensis        Steptopelia chinensis        珠頸斑鳩
236        Oriental Cuckoo        Cuculus optatus        Cuculus horsfieldi        霍氏[中]杜鵑
245        Northern Boobook        Ninox scutulata        Ninox japonica        鷹鴞
247        Grey Nightjar        Caprimulgus jotaka        Caprimulgus indicus        普通夜鷹
249        Himalayan Swiftlet        Aerodramus brevirostris        Collocalia brevirostris        短嘴金絲燕
254        House Swift        Apus nipalensis        Apus affinis        小白腰雨燕
259        Collared Kingfisher        Todiramphus chloris        Halcyon chloris        白領翡翠
261        Crested Kingfisher        Megaceryle lugubris        Ceryle lugubris        冠魚狗
279        Scarlet Minivet        Pericrocotus speciosus        Pericrocotus flammeus        赤紅山椒鳥
285        White-bellied Erpornis        Erpornis zantholeuca        Yuhina zantholeuca        白腹鳳鶥
297        Daurian Jackdaw        Coloeus dauuricus        Corvus dauuricus        達烏里寒鴉
303        Yellow-bellied Tit        Periparus venustulus        Parus venustulus        黃腹山雀
313        Chestnut Bulbul        Hemixos castanonotus        Hypsipetes castanonotus        栗背短腳鵯
314        Mountain Bulbul        Ixos mcclellandii        Hypsipetes mcclellandii        綠翅短腳鵯
316        Grey-throated Martin        Riparia chinensis        Riparia paludicola        褐喉沙燕
321        Red-rumped Swallow        Cecropis daurica        Hirundo daurica        金腰燕
324        Manchurian Bush Warbler        Cettia canturians        Cettia diphone        日本樹鶯
327        Mountain Tailorbird        Phyllergates cucullatus        Orthotomus cuculatus        金頭縫葉鶯
338        Two-barred Warbler        Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus        Phylloscopus trochiloides        暗綠柳鶯
354        Thick-billed Warbler        Iduna aedon        Acrocephalus aedon        厚嘴葦鶯
355        Sykes's Warbler        Iduna rama        Hippolais rama        赛氏篱鶯
358        Russet Bush Warbler        Bradypterus mandelli        Bradypterus seebohmi        高山短翅鶯
363        Japanese Swamp Warbler        Locustella pryeri        Megalurus pryeri        斑背大尾鶯
390        Red-billed Starling        Spodiopsar sericeus        Sturnus sericeus        絲光椋鳥
391        White-cheeked Starling        Spodiopsar cineraceus        Sturnus cineraceus        灰椋鳥
392        Black-collared Starling        Gracupica nigricollis        Sturnus nigricollis        黑領椋鳥
393        Daurian Starling        Agropsar sturninus        Sturnus sturninus        北椋鳥
394        Chestnut-cheeked Starling        Agropsar philippensis        Sturnus philippensis        紫背椋鳥
397        Rosy Starling        Pastor roseus        Sturnus roseus        粉紅椋鳥
402        White's Thrush        Zoothera aurea        Zoothera dauma        虎斑地鶇
426        Siberian Stonechat        Saxicola maurus        Saxicola torquata        黑喉石(即鳥)
450        Chinese Blue Flycatcher        Cyornis glaucicomans        Cyornis rubeculoides        藍喉仙鶲
455        Plain Flowerpecker        Dicaeum minullum        Dicaeum concolor        純色啄花鳥
467        Eastern Yellow Wagtail        Motacilla tschutschensis        Motacilla flava        黃鶺鴒
486        Crested Bunting        Emberiza lathami        Melophus lathami        鳳頭鵐

HF Cheung
Author: yyattung    Time: 5/07/2010 18:49

450 Chinese Blue Flycatcher  Cyornis glaucicomans 中華仙鶲 is not the same species as Blue-throated Flycatcher Cyornis rubeculoides 藍喉仙鶲. It is not just a change of name, but a review of their taxonomical status.
Author: cgeoff    Time: 6/07/2010 15:13

One error has been pointed out to me, and that concerns Fork-tailed Drongo Cuckoo, which had the incorrect English and scientific name. This is now corrected, and the revised list will be uploaded soon.

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 6/07/2010 16:23

File updated.
Author: gary    Time: 9/07/2010 22:26

May I know does the HK list strictly or selectively follow IOC world list? Just found that Eurasian Black Vulture is not found in the IOC list, which instead adopt the name Cinereous Vulture.
Also, Christmas Frigatebird in IOC list but Christmas Island Frigatebird in HK list.


[ Last edited by gary at 9/07/2010 22:34 ]
Author: cgeoff    Time: 10/07/2010 10:24

The taxonomy is adopted in its entirety, while the English names are largely the same as the IOC. Where there was strong feeling that a particular English name was inappropriate (partly based on comments received when the List was initially uploaded to the Forum), the RC adopted a different one.

This decision and the list of departures from the IOC List was posted on the Forum and comments invited.



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