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Subject: [Others 其他] Flagged waders in Mai Po [Print This Page]

Author: HFCheung    Time: 30/08/2010 21:11     Subject: Flagged waders in Mai Po

Here are some flagged waders from Mai Po boardwalk on 29 Aug 2010.

HF Cheung

Image Attachment: DSCF9529.JPG (30/08/2010 21:11, 73.05 KB) / Download count 583

Image Attachment: DSCF9531.JPG (30/08/2010 21:11, 72.07 KB) / Download count 594

Image Attachment: DSCF9542.JPG (30/08/2010 21:11, 72.03 KB) / Download count 611

Image Attachment: DSCF9545.JPG (30/08/2010 21:11, 71.06 KB) / Download count 565

Image Attachment: DSCF9546.JPG (30/08/2010 21:11, 82.29 KB) / Download count 637

Author: ajohn    Time: 2/09/2010 10:41

Thank you for posting these Ho Fai.

These are, of course, birds that we flagged at Mai Po on 26th August. See: ... o=lastpost#lastpost
Author: lrichard    Time: 5/09/2010 12:29

Mike Kilburn & I saw the following HK leg-flagged waders in front of the Mai Po boardwalk today (5 Sep 2010):

Marsh Sandpiper A3, A8
Greenshank A4
Common Redshank A7, A9, A10, B9, B10.

We also saw a Curlew Sandpiper, which was moulting out of breeding plumage, with an orange flag on its right leg.
Author: kmike    Time: 5/09/2010 21:00

A correction to the leg-flagged waders:

Marsh Sand A4, A8
A9 was a  Common Greenshank, not a Redshank.

Author: kmike    Time: 5/09/2010 22:05

The Curlew Sandpiper at the Boardwalk today.

Mike K

Image Attachment: DSCN2699 Curlew Sand orange flag bf.jpg (5/09/2010 22:05, 64.05 KB) / Download count 494

Author: mhs    Time: 5/09/2010 23:19

5 Sept., 2010. MP.

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 6/09/2010 10:44

Please follow below link for a "Mai Po Update" article on the engraved flagged waders:

[ Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 6/09/2010 10:50 ]
Author: lrichard    Time: 19/09/2010 12:35

HK-flagged waders seen by MIke Kilburn and me in front of Mai Po boardwalk on 19 Sep 2010:

Whimbrel A1
Common Redshank D4, E2
Author: lkatherine    Time: 20/09/2010 09:41

This morning (08:15) at Gei wai #11:

Common Redshank - H1
Common Greenshank - A5 (plus another 2 plain HK-flagged individuals)

Author: lrichard    Time: 24/09/2010 15:55

Seen 22 Sep 2010:

Common Redshank B5, C3, D4, H0
Greenshank A0
Author: dick    Time: 24/09/2010 23:59

MaiPo Boardwalk 2010-09-24
Common Redshank?

Image Attachment: [H3] 7Z3V9380.jpg (24/09/2010 23:59, 95.96 KB) / Download count 461

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