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Subject: Asian Paradise Flycatcher 壽帶鳥 [Print This Page]

Author: ypakwai    Time: 7/09/2010 19:22     Subject: Asian Paradise Flycatcher 壽帶鳥

8/29/2010 大埔滘

Author: kkitty    Time: 7/09/2010 20:56

Original posted by kchonhong at 7/09/2010 19:33

余大俠又出手啦 !
x 2  
Author: Andiona    Time: 8/09/2010 16:54

近期真係被  peter, wallace & 余大師D 鶲鶲鶲毒死

Author: gary    Time: 8/09/2010 23:41

I think the ID of Asian Paradise quite doubtful, especially the second photo shows maroon color on the back.

Author: ajohn    Time: 9/09/2010 16:59

I think this is Asian Paradise Flycatcher. The tail and wings are strongly chestnut - I would expect these to be darker on Japanese.

The mantle is not really maroon, but does show some purplish tones. This is a feature of the incei subspecies of APF, which is the subspecies breeding in Eastern China (and therefore the subspecies which occurs in HK).

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