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Subject: Long Valley Moon Cake 塱原土作月餅 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 13/09/2010 16:34     Subject: Long Valley Moon Cake 塱原土作月餅

長春社與香港觀鳥會合辦、環境及自然基金會資助的《塱原自然保育管理計劃2010 - 2012》,今年將與香港聖雅各福群會土作坊擕手合作,首次推出『塱原土作月餅』!


『塱原土作月餅』現正接受訂購。請填妥附件之表格,電郵至 進行訂購。
迷你單個裝 (HKD42)
迷你孖裝 (HKD78)
迷你四個裝 (HKD168)
八星報喜 (迷你八個裝) (HKD300)
標準單個裝 (HKD78)
標準四個裝 (HKD298)

提貨日期及地點 :
1.) 17/9(五) 及21/9(二) 09:15 - 19:00長春社佐敦辦公室(九龍吳松街191-197號突破中心9樓)
2.) 17/9(五) 及21/9(二) 11:00 - 18:00土作坊灣仔地舖 (灣仔堅彌地街3A地下)
3.) 12/9 (日) 及 19/9 (日) 09:30 – 16:30大埔太和農墟  (太和消防局旁)
4.) 11/9 (六) 及 18/9 (六) 10:00 – 16:00屯門農墟  (黃金海岸一期對面國際十字路會)

同時間我們將有40KG本年早造『塱原生態糙米』正式推出市場出售,新登場優惠價為每包HKD38.00 (一公斤包裝),歡迎各位訂購或到以上提貨地點購買。

查詢電話 : 2377 4387 (香港觀鳥會Vicky) 或 2272 0311 (長春社KATIE)

長春社 & 香港觀鳥會

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!
This year, the “Nature Conservation Management for Long Valley 2010-2012” which is co-organized by the Conservancy Association and the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society and funded by the ECF, has cooperated with the Ground Works of St. James’ Settlement and produced Long Valley Moon Cake!

Ingredients of the moon cake include the eco-friendly lotus seeds from Long Valley, organic Camellia oil from Jiangxi, organic cane sugar, organic flour, salted egg-yoke etc. We have collected 300 lotus seed pods which can produce more than a hundred moon cake.

Long Valley Moon Cake is now available for order. Please fill in the form below and email to .
Price of different Moon Cake set:
Mini Moon Cake [1 pcs] (HKD42)
Mini Moon Cake [2 pcs] (HKD78)
Mini Moon Cake [4 pcs] (HKD168)
Mini Moon Cake [8 pcs] (HKD300)
Standard Moon Cake [1 pcs] (HKD78)
Standard Moon Cake [4 pcs] (HKD298)

Collection date and point:
A.        17 & 21 Sep 2010 (Fri and Tue)  09:15-19:00  Office of The Conservancy Association (9/F, Breakthrough Centre , 191-197, Woosung Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong)
B.        17 & 21 Sep 2010 (Fri and Tue)  11:00-18:00  Green Shop (G/F, 3A, Kennedy Street, Wan Chai)
C.        12 & 19 Sep 2010 (Sun)  09:30-16:30  Tai Po Farmer’s Market (next to Tai Wo Fire Station)
D.        11 & 18 (Sat)  10:00-16:00  Tun Mun Farmer’s Market (Crossroads Village, No.2, Castle Peak Road, Tuen Mun (opposite Gold Coast Phase 1))
* You can pay at the collection point.
** The Long Valley Moon Cake will be made 1-2 days before collection. NO preservatives will be added, so it is suggested to finish the moon cakes within ONE week.

At the same time, we are glad that the paddy rice harvested early this year has produced about 40kg of Brown Rice (unpolished rice). It is now available with special offer of HKD38 (1 kg). Please feel free to purchase at the above collection points.

Enquiry: 2377 4387 (Vicky, HKBWS) or 2272 0311 (Katie, The Conservancy Association)

The Conservancy Association & HKBWS

mooncake_order_form.doc (86 KB)

Attachment: mooncake_order_form.doc (13/09/2010 16:34, 86 KB) / Download count 780
Author: wcaptain    Time: 13/09/2010 17:45

When I scan the title on the "Latest info webpage", I thought someone found a Long Valley Moon Crake, a new species to science.

[ Last edited by wcaptain at 13/09/2010 17:46 ]

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