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Subject: Shek Kong Airfield Road -石崗機場路 WInter 2006/2007 冬 [Print This Page]

Author: ddavid    Time: 14/01/2007 19:18     Subject: Shek Kong Airfield Road -石崗機場路 WInter 2006/2007 冬

Shek Kong Airfield Road - January 14th, 2007  (3.15 - 5.45 p.m.)

(In addition to the records below, I was told that a Dusky Thrush had been seen in the morning.)

Chinese Pond Heron - 11
White-breasted Waterhen - 2
Greater Painted-snipe - 6
Green Sandpiper - 3
Wood Sandpiper -
Common Snipe - 1
Yellow Wagtail subsp - 1
Grey Wagtail - 4
White Wagtail leucopsis - 11
White Wagtail ocularis - 1
Richard's Pipit - 3
Olive-backed Pipit - 13
Daurian Redstart - 1
Common Stonechat - 1
Japanese Thrush - 3
Common Blackbird - 3
Brown-headed Thrush - 1
Grey-backed Thrush - 4
Pale Thrush - 1
Yellow-browed Warbler - 17
Pallas's Leaf Warbler - 4
Red-throated Flycatcher - 1
Little Bunting - 1
Black-faced Bunting - 1
Common Rosefinch - 1
Yellow-billed Grosbeak - 1
Red-billed Starling - 300

Author: gary    Time: 14/01/2007 23:05

May I add 6 more record to the list:

Dusky Thrush
White's Thrush x 2
Brown Shrike
Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler x 2
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Buff-bellied Flowerpecker

Author: kmike    Time: 15/01/2007 21:34

Could I ask where the Commo Rosefnches, Brown-headed Thrush and Dusky Thrushes were seen - its a long long road! (but not many winding turns)

This evening a very quick visit to the pigmanure pond area delivered:

Greater Painted-snipe - 2

Japanese Thrush - 2mf
Scaly Thrush - 1
Grey-backed Thrush - 4
Unidentified thrush - plenty!

Daurian Redstart - 2
Siberian Rubythroat - 1 singing

Mike K
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 15/01/2007 21:56

Rosefnches can be find about two more lamp post foward right where the pigeon useto be.  a bit open area let u see the opposite of the channel clearly. they like to feed up the tree in the otherside of the channel. the same place for the last two weekend.
Author: kmike    Time: 16/01/2007 07:16

Thanks Owen

Anyone know abou the Dusky and Brown-headed Thrushes?

Mike K
Author: ddavid    Time: 16/01/2007 08:12

Mike -

Brown-headed Thrush - Feeds in the drainage channel near the second footbridge (if you come along Airfield Road from Kam Tin). Stand on the bridge and look back in the direction of the first bridge. The bird can be a bit flighty, but I eventually got excellent views on Sunday.

Dusky Thrush - The same place as last winter (although I didn't see it then either!!) Cross over the drainage channel on the bridge by the pig farm that feeds the Painted-snipe pond. Take the path immediately on the right through the mesh-covered fields. The bird was seen somewhere in this area.

Author: ddavid    Time: 16/01/2007 08:13

Mike -

Brown-headed Thrush - Feeds in the drainage channel near the second footbridge (if you come along Airfield Road from Kam Tin). Stand on the bridge and look back in the direction of the first bridge. The bird can be a bit flighty, but I eventually got excellent views on Sunday.

Dusky Thrush - The same place as last winter (although I didn't see it then either!!) Cross over the drainage channel on the bridge by the pig farm that feeds the Painted-snipe pond. Take the path immediately on the right through the mesh-covered fields. The bird was seen somewhere in this area.

Author: kmike    Time: 16/01/2007 08:52

Great stuff - thanks Dave!
Author: kmike    Time: 16/01/2007 20:43

No luck with the target thrushes this evening between 5:15 and 6:15, but I did see two male Japanese Thrushes and there were many more thrushes about.

I also saw a female Kestrel and discovered that the Silky Starlings ROOST in a noisy flock inisde the airfield

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 19/01/2007 18:51

During a site inspection this afternoon which discovered a cherry blossom farmer using dead birds as scarecrows the following birds were seen:

Commn Buzzard - 1

Greater Painted-Snipe - 10 a new high count for this site?
Wood Sandpiper - 2

Richard's Pipit - 1

Daurian Redstart - 1 male

Grey-backed Thrush - 5
Japanese Thrush - 1 male
Scaly Thrush - 1
Pale Thrush - 2 (inc 1 male)
Brown-headed Thrush - 1male
Chinese Blackbird - 4

Pallas' Leaf Warbler - 2
Yellw-browed Warber - 3
Dusky Warbler - 3

There was no sign of the pigeon, the rosefinches or the Dusky Thrush.

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 22/01/2007 21:16

This areas was pretty good again this afternoon, although I still can't find the Dusky Thrush!

All the other thrushes and  Red-throated Flycatcher were present in the drainage channel between the second bridge and the Painted Snipe (6 birds visible) pond and a Bluethroat was an addition in the field where the Dusky Thrush was seen last winter.

The male Daurian Redstart in the channel by the pond is a wierd-looking bird with an orange tinge to the white wing patches.

I also counted 600 Silky Starlings going to roost this evening.

Mike K
Author: bkenneth    Time: 24/01/2007 20:43

24/1  1630-1800hrs

Brown-headed Thrush (male) x 1
Scaly Thrush x 1
Japanese Thrush (male) x 1
Grey-backed Thrush (m/f) x 4

Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 25/01/2007 17:05

25/01/2007 11:00-13:00

Pale Thrush x 1
Dusky Thrush x 1
Japanese Thrush x 3
Brown-headed Thrush x 1
Scaly Thrush x 1
Grey Back Thrush x N
Chinese Black Bird x N
Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike x 1
Asian Paradise Flycatcher x 1
Yellow-billed Grosbeak x N
Author: kmike    Time: 25/01/2007 22:44

Hi Owen

wehere was the Dusky Thrush?

I have missed it 3 times already!

Mike K
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 26/01/2007 06:16

mike, send u a map, check pm pls.
Author: yyattung    Time: 26/01/2007 10:09


Please also send me the map too!


Author: wgilman    Time: 26/01/2007 14:07

Could anyone tell me how can I go to Shek Kong Airfield Road by public transportations? Thanks.
Author: lkatherine    Time: 29/01/2007 09:36

14 Painted Snipe were seen on 27-Jan-07.

Katherine Leung, Eva Cheuk and Mei-ling Lau.
Author: mkoren    Time: 31/01/2007 16:07

Where is the painted snipe pond? I walked up and down the road on the other side of the canal from the barracks but didn't see any paths that looked like they led anywhere. I'm not familiar with the area so I was reluctant to go wandering through people's fields without any idea where I was going.

I did see the following birds of interest along the canal:

grey-backed thrush - several
brown-headed thrush - 1 male beyond the 2nd bridge
japanese thrush - 1 male beyond the 2nd bridge
blackbird - several
dusky warbler
yellow-browed warbler
pallas's warbler - lots!
asian brown flycatcher - 2
scarlet-backed flowerpecker - 1 beautiful male feeding in the mistletoe
common rosefinch - 1 female seen beyond the 2nd bridge

There were so many warblers that there may have been some others too, but I couldn't tell.

Cheers, Koren
Author: kmike    Time: 1/02/2007 00:09

Hi Koren

The pond is nt visible from the path, but close.  If you are coming from Airfield Rd:

1. Cross the second ridge and turn right.
2. Walk up to the end of the road and take the dirt track that continues alongside the channel.
3. When you see a water pipe that crosses the path and the drainage channel turn right and follow it for about 30 yards until you see a path going diagonally left under a couple of trees.
4. Follow this path and when you get to the orchard of cherry trees turn left again and the pond should appear on your left after 20 yards or so.

Its a lovely spot to see Painted Snipe and a range of farmland birds including Brown Shrike, Rubythroat, Silky Starling.

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 3/02/2007 01:11

A couple of productive visits on the last two evenings:

Brown Shrike - 1

Chinese Blackbird - 6
Grey-backed Thrush - 5
Pale Thrush - 5
Japanese Thrush - 3
White's Thrush - 2
Brown-headed Thrush - 1

and best of all, after five attempts . . .

Dusky Thrush - 1

Yesterday the stand-out birds were two different Red-throated Flycatchers and the Asian Paradise Flycatcher.

Plus the usual Daurian Redstart, Silky Starling and Painted Snipe

A pretty good couple of days!

Mike K

Image Attachment: DSCN9422web2.jpg (3/02/2007 01:11, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2605

Author: bkenneth    Time: 6/02/2007 21:06

6/2 1600-1745hrs
(all past the second bridge)

Brown-headed Thrush x1
Japanese Thrush x 2
Pale Thrush x 1
Grey-backed Thrush x 4
Blackbird x 8

Brown Shrike x 1
Silky Starlings x 200+

Author: kmike    Time: 21/03/2007 23:02

Today and yesterday the following were seen:

Greater Painted-snipe

Scaly Thrush
Pale Thrush
Eye-browed Thrush
Japanese Thrush
Grey-backed Thrush

Daurian Redstart

Red-throated Flycatcher
Asian Brown Flycatcher

Brown Shrike

Mike K

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