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Subject: [Herons] Black-crowned Heron [Print This Page]

Author: cwchan    Time: 30/09/2010 00:34     Subject: Black-crowned Heron

Tsing Yi,
Digiscopic shot, 30X eyepiece, Lumix Lx5

Author: lwingkay    Time: 30/09/2010 13:26

Do you mind telling how LX5 performs on your Swarovski 80 and how it is linked to the DCA? Perhaps, the portlet here is not suitable for discussing those. If so, send me a PM if you don't mind. Thanks in anticipation. Pete
Author: cwchan    Time: 30/09/2010 20:56

Original posted by lwingkay at 30/09/2010 13:26
Do you mind telling how LX5 performs on your Swarovski 80 and how it is linked to the DCA? Perhaps, the portlet here is not suitable for discussing those. If so, send me a PM if you don't mind. Thanks ...
There is no secret, Peter.

The original connection tube (made by Panasonic) or those from third party ( selling at ShamShuipo) are too long in length and as a result, it made serious vignetting image throughout the whole zoom range. After trial and error, I got the tube length of 23mm long finally for my DCA which could produce satisfactory full frame image except the two extreme ends. However, special attention is required, say, to adjust the position of the DCA in order to prevent the taking lens snubbing against the eyepiece. That is why; I don't recommend this DC for beginner.

LX5 performs excellently with the HD80 if you don't mind the shortcoming mentioned above. Optically, it is very sharp, but still a bit soft, when compare with my old workhorse Nikon 8400(its ED lens is supreme.). The fast/accurate focus and rapid process of raw file, LX5 wins Nikon 8400 a mile.  Share.


Author: lwingkay    Time: 7/10/2010 01:47

Thanks for the details.
Can you estimate the focal lengths at the wide angle and telephotographic ends where vignetting will set in?
For my Ricoh 24-72mm zoom lens, vignetting sets in from 24mm to 32mm and again from 65mm to 72mm.  Pete
Author: cwchan    Time: 7/10/2010 08:47

The zoom lens of the Lx5  is 24mm to 91.2mm.
Wide end and tele end where vignetting found are 24-32mm and 88mm onward respectively.
However, its tele end is a bit soft. I normally use the range from 35mm to 75mm, the sharpness is very good.
Author: lwingkay    Time: 25/10/2010 09:39

Original posted by cwchan at 7/10/2010 08:47
The zoom lens of the Lx5  is 24mm to 91.2mm.
Wide end and tele end where vignetting found are 24-32mm and 88mm onward respectively.
However, its tele end is a bit soft. I normally use the range from 3 ...
I missed seeing this until today. Thanks.  Pete

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