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Subject: 2010-11 winter colour-ringed BFS re-sightings report [Print This Page]

Author: yyattung    Time: 1/10/2010 21:49     Subject: 2010-11 winter colour-ringed BFS re-sightings report

Dear members,

Please help us report the colour-ringed BFS. It is a very important information to the BFS conservation. Sightings of colour-ringed BFS can be posted below and so this information can be gathered altogether.

Thank you very much
Yu Yat Tung


請把你們見到有腳環的黑臉琵鷺報告在這專題, 這樣我們可以把資料集中.



Author: yyattung    Time: 4/11/2010 10:51

By iherman

Mai Po

Author: lkatherine    Time: 9/11/2010 14:16

A39 feeding at drained Gei wai #12 this morning (9-Nov, 08:00).

I have entered the sighting to the Tainan BFS website as well.

Author: msamuel    Time: 9/11/2010 21:15

About 40 BFS were seen at Mai Po on 8Nov2010 at pond #3
I presume the two color rings representing two different places.  Good to know which two.  Thanks

Author: Sze    Time: 10/11/2010 23:39

Hi Samuel,




[ Last edited by Sze at 10/11/2010 23:43 ]
Author: Sze    Time: 16/11/2010 00:11

K57 was spotted at 香港濕地公園泥灘觀鳥屋對開 in front of Hong Kong Wetland Park Mudflat Hide on 13Nov2010 by Lee Siu Fung Chris.(from Tainan website)

[ Last edited by Sze at 16/11/2010 00:14 ]
Author: kkitty    Time: 16/11/2010 21:22

15 Nov 2010
Wetland Park


Author: dreamcat    Time: 17/11/2010 21:58

A39 13NOV10 Mai po

Author: ajohn    Time: 18/11/2010 16:22

Some of you may remember A39 as an individual which was found injured at Mai Po back in 2008, having swallowed a fish hook ( ... &extra=page%3D3). The bird was picked up on the reserve and taken to Kadoorie Farm for treatment, and was released back at Mai Po in late February 2008. It is great news that, almost 3 years later, this bird is still doing well and has once again returned to winter in Hong Kong.

Congratulations and thank you to all the staff at KFBG for their hard work in saving this spoonbill. Also thank you to Bena for noticing this bird at Mai Po, and catching the bird so that it could be taken to KFBG for rehabilitation. (Also, thank you for posting the photos so that we can track the progress of this bird!)

The illegal fish hooks around Deep Bay have much potential to cause permanent injuries and death of water birds (there are previous records of spoonbills killed in this way), and it is always nice to have some good news to report about how the hard work of some people can be important for saving the lives of these threatened birds.
Author: Stonechat    Time: 18/11/2010 17:40

So encouraging to know that the bird is doing well....
Author: Sze    Time: 18/11/2010 23:52

Yes! Need to say Thank you to all people who give a help to save A39.

From Tainan website record, you can find that A39 come back to Hong Kong at early Nov in this three year (2008-2010).(

Hope we can meet it every year.
Author: camanda    Time: 19/11/2010 10:57     Subject: A39 resighting

Great to see A39 still doing well.  Thanks for posting the photos and to John for reminding everyone of this birds history.  Have spread the message to all that were involved with this case here at KFBG.
Likewise we are delighted that A25 & A26 still seem to be thriving.  They were some of our earliest sucessful rehabilitation cases back in 2001 & 2002.

Author: Sze    Time: 19/11/2010 11:09

Hi Amanda!

Not only the BFS, we need to say THANK YOU again to all the KFBG staff for saving other birds (eg: raptor) too! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

BTW, I just can found that A26 was rescued at 2002 from Tainan website .

But I cannot found the rehabilitation information of A25.
Would you mind share some information about it?

Thanks again!
Author: yyattung    Time: 24/11/2010 14:43

E03 at Mai Po, Pond 6, 24 Nov 2010
Author: lkatherine    Time: 25/11/2010 15:28

Reported by one of our Mai Po Interpreter:
E03 at Gei wai #4 on Sunday 21-Nov.

Author: lchunfai    Time: 27/11/2010 16:10

Sorry for the poor quality

Wetland Park 27.11.10

Author: Sze    Time: 28/11/2010 19:41

Fai jai! what number it is?
Author: lchunfai    Time: 28/11/2010 19:57

Original posted by Sze at 28/11/2010 19:41
Fai jai! what number it is?
Sze... I am sorry that I cannot see its number
Author: Sze    Time: 28/11/2010 21:31

ic! I guess it maybe K57 and it was spotted at wetland park on 13Nov2010 too.
Author: Late    Time: 3/02/2011 15:15


2 Feb 2011 Wetland Park

估計是 K64  ?

[ 本帖最後由 Late 於 4/02/2011 00:31 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: DSC_9367.JPG (3/02/2011 15:15, 151.14 KB) / Download count 440

Image Attachment: DSC_9371.JPG (3/02/2011 15:15, 127.87 KB) / Download count 569

Image Attachment: DSC_9373.JPG (3/02/2011 15:15, 114.43 KB) / Download count 390

Author: anncheung0831    Time: 3/02/2011 15:27

Original posted by Late at 3/02/2011 15:15
2 Jan 2011 Wetland Park

估計是 K64  ?
2010-11-07 (Sunday) 10am~1pm期間小妹於wetland park疑似見過呢隻一隻腳紅一隻腳綠o既BFS
Author: yyattung    Time: 4/02/2011 04:03

Posted by wchuwah

at 28/1/2011

Author: lida    Time: 2/03/2011 14:30

A39 seen on 26.02.2011 at around 5:20pm at Mai Po Nature Reserve.
Author: Sze    Time: 2/03/2011 22:04

Original posted by lida at 2/03/2011 14:30
A39 seen on 26.02.2011 at around 5:20pm at Mai Po Nature Reserve.
Hi Iida! Thanks for your information!
May I know which geiwai you found A39?
Thanks a lot!
Author: lida    Time: 11/03/2011 23:53

Hi Sze, I really forgot which gei wai was it, but I saw it near the border fence.
Author: Sze    Time: 13/03/2011 01:28

Original posted by lida at 11/03/2011 23:53
Hi Sze, I really forgot which gei wai was it, but I saw it near the border fence.
Oh! icicic! Thank you very much!
Author: lkatherine    Time: 7/04/2011 11:26

A39 saw again at Mai Po, Pond #15 yesterday (6-Apr).

Have reported this to the Taiwan website.


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