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Subject: [Oversea] Munich Germany 德國慕尼黑2/3 [Print This Page]

Author: cthomas    Time: 7/10/2010 21:23     Subject: Munich Germany 德國慕尼黑2/3

Munich Germany 德國慕尼黑
EF 17-40mm f4L, EF 400mm f5.6L

Red-Crested Pochard

Tufted Duck





Mandarin Duck


[ Last edited by cthomas at 8/10/2010 21:02 ]
Author: tmichael    Time: 7/10/2010 21:44

The Black Duck is just a domesticated Mallard-type.

I thought the second bird could be a Common Scoter for a second but it is definitely a Red-crested Pochard - they are quite easy to confuse.

Mike Turnbull

PS I was always told our Mute Swans in western Europe were introduced in ancient times, but a bit of research (well Wikipedia) suggests this may be wrong.
Author: ajohn    Time: 8/10/2010 13:07

Also, the Teal is a Gadwall.

The status of Mute Swan in Europe is confused - some argue that they are introduced, others that they are native. Personally, I see no reason that they should not be native (the main problem seems to be that they were farmed and eaten - this also applies to Mallard and Greylag Goose, which are undeniably native to Europe).

PS. The second duck is clearly a Red-crested Pochard, Mike. It looks nothing like a Common or Black Scoter ;-)
Author: tmichael    Time: 8/10/2010 16:17

Not spotting the mis-labelled Gadwall (I just didn't look, honest!) is bringing back grim memories!

Mike Turnbull
Author: ajohn    Time: 8/10/2010 16:24

Let's hope you're paying more attention when the Scaly-sided Merganser turns up this winter...
Author: cthomas    Time: 8/10/2010 21:04

Mike, John,

  Thanks for yours reply!


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