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Subject: [Oversea] Queensland birdwatching - Atherton Tableland and surrounding area [Print This Page]

Author: pchunchiu    Time: 26/11/2010 18:55     Subject: Queensland birdwatching - Atherton Tableland and surrounding area

Got a chance to work in Queensland and squeezed some time to do birding. I had done it mainly in Atherton Tableland near Cairns and the surrounding area. A total of 150 species were seen in the trip and I have attached a bird list at the bottom of this post. Rainforests there are classified as Wet Tropics World Heritage which contains lots of flora and fauna. Field guide I used is "The Slater Field Guide to Australian Birds".

Rainbow Lorikeet

White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike

Willy Wagtail

Red-tailed Black Cockatoo - look more like a crow from distance

Olive-backed Sunbird

Laughing Kookaburra

Spangled Drongo

Pacific Black Duck

Dusky Honeyeater

Eastern Spinebill

Australian Figbird

Bush Stone-curlew

Threat-display by the bird as I accidentally approached its nest

Noisy Pitta

Purple Swamphen

Rufous Fantail

Spotted Catbird - A nearly endemic to Wet Tropics

Lewin's Honeyeater

Grey-headed Robin - Wet Tropics Endemic

Bridled Honeyeater - Wet Tropics Endemic

Australian White Pelican

Tooth-billed Bowerbird - Wet Tropics Endemic. It is the group of birds which builds bower and collect shiny and colorful stuff to display. You may find many video clips about Bowerbirds on Youtube such as:

Bower of the Tooth-billed Bowerbird

Great Bowerbird

It will give a flower as a gift to a female bird which is attracted to visit its bower!

Victoria's Riflebird - Wet Tropics Endemic, one of the four Birds of Paradise found in Australia

Magpie Lark

White-breasted Woodswallow

Sarus Crane

Whistling Kite

Buff-banded Rail

Masked Lapwing

Red-capped Plover

Chestnut-breasted Mannikin

Chowchilla - Wet Tropics Endemic

Australian Bustard - it's now quite rare to see one

Red-winged Parrot

Golden-headed Cisticola

Black-necked Stork - Good to see one!

Collared Sparrowhawk chased by a Willy Wagtail


Leaden Flycatcher

Lesser Sooty Owl

Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher - The most beautiful Kingfisher I have ever seen. Definitely a must-twitch bird if you visited the area.

Black-backed Fairy-wren

White-cheeked Honeyeater

Brown Honeyeater

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike

Australian Darter

Yellow Honeyeater

Varied Sittella

Pale-headed Rosella

Black Kite - Doesn't look quite like the one in Hong Kong which has a paler head

White-throated Honeyeater

Sacred Kingfisher

Bar-shouldered Dove

Yellow-throated Scrubwren

Pied Imperial-Pigeon

Silver Gull

Eastern Barn Owl

Southern Cassowary - A huge flightless bird which is related to Ostrich and Emu. Listed as Vulnerable in IUCN Redlist. Lucky to see a father with three chicks. The little chicks are definitely not little.

Here is the bird list for the trip. Sorry that it is not in systematic order. Feel free to contact me if you want more information about birding in Queensland.

Silver Gull
Masked Lapwing
Greater Crested Grebe
Pacific Black Duck
Pied Cormorant
Australian Pelican
Australian White Ibis
Red-necked Crake
Southern Cassowary
Australian Brush-turkey
Orange-footed Scrubfowl
Bush Stone-curlew
Black Kite
Nankeen Kestrel
Emerald Dove
Spotted Dove
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Rainbow Lorikeet
Pheasant Coucal
Laughing Kookaburra
Sacred Kingfisher
Forest Kingfisher
Noisy Pitta
Spotted Catbird
Fairy Gerygone
Lewin's Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Macleay's Honeyeater
Scarlet Honeyeater
Dusky Honeyeater
Eastern Spinebill
Brown Honeyeater
White-cheeked Honeyeater
Little Friarbird
Helmeted Friarbird
White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike
Black Butcherbird
Pied Currawong
Australian Magpie
Torresian Crow
Spangled Drongo
Willy Wagtail
Rufous Fantail
Leaden Flycatcher
Spectacled Monarch
Black-faced Monarch
Pale-yellow Robin
Metallic Starling
Olive-backed Sunbird
House Sparrow
Australian Grebe
Plumed Whistling-duck
Wandering Whistling-duck
Sarus Crane
Cattle Egret
Purple Swamphen
Whistling Kite
Brown Goshawk
Brown Cuckoo-dove
White-throated Treecreeper
Bridled Honeyeater
Eastern Whipbird
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
Grey Fantail
Grey-headed Robin
Red-browed Finch
Victoria's Riflebird
Peaceful Dove
Yellow-breasted Boatbill
Red-backed Fairy-wren
Australian Pipit
Little Fied Cormorant
Atherton Scrubwren
Welcome Swallow
Tooth-billed Bowerbird
Little Black Cormorant
Black-shouldered Kite
Australian King Parrot
White-bellied Sea Eagle
Wompoo Fruit-dove
Grey Whistler
White-breasted Woodswallow
Lesser Sooty Owl
Australian Darter
Royal Spoonbill
Tawny Grassbird
Buff-breasted Paradise-kingfisher
Varied Triller
Yellow-throated Scrubwren
Australian Bustard
Great Bowerbird
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
Bower's Shrike-thrush
Large-billed Scrubwren
White-faced Heron
Yellow-spotted Honeyeater
Blue-faced Parrot-finch
Noisy Friarbird
Red-capped Plover
Grey-tailed Tattler
Shining Flycatcher
Buff-banded Crake
Bar-shouldered Dove
Intermediate Egret
Australian Swiftlet
White-throated Needletail
Green Pygmy-goose
Magpie Goose
Yellow Honeyeater
Black-necked Stork
Comb-crested Jacana
Golden-headed Cisticola
White-browed Crake
Collared Sparrowhawk
Red-winged Parrot
Varied Sittella
Little Shrike-thrush
Nutmeg Mannikin
Brown/Stubble Quail
Pied Butcherbird
Ground Cuckoo-shrike
Azure Kingfisher
White-headed Pigeon
Pale-headed Rosella
Black Swan
Bassian Thrush
Yellow-faced Honeyeater
White-throated Honeyeater
Double-barred Finch
Pied Monarch
Eastern Barn Owl
Brown Gerygone
Eastern Koel
Little Bronze-cuckoo
Bar-tailed Godwit
Great Knot
Terek Sandpiper
Rock Dove
Little Egret
Eastern Reef Egret
Red-necked Stint
Eastern Curlew

[ Last edited by pchunchiu at 26/11/2010 21:34 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 26/11/2010 21:22

How nice for you to have to go here for work!

A great selection of Australian birds - I love the pic of the Chowchilla scraping leaves!

Author: ypakwai    Time: 26/11/2010 22:37

Great Trip
Author: Gumbei    Time: 26/11/2010 23:00

Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures!
Author: lchunfai    Time: 26/11/2010 23:13

Wonderful trip!!!
Author: Stonechat    Time: 27/11/2010 10:33

Fantastic....thanks for sharing...what a wonderful trip...
Author: John Holmes    Time: 27/11/2010 14:54     Subject: Cairns and the Atherton Tablelands

It's a great reminder of a really exciting bird-watching area..

Thanks a lot !
Author: thinfor    Time: 27/11/2010 15:59

Bowerbird...yes, really a very nice creature.  It has been introduced in the recent BBC program 'Life' in Pearl.
Author: pchunchiu    Time: 27/11/2010 22:19

Thanks a lot everyone. It is indeed a very good and easy birding place!

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