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Subject: Lamma Island - Autumn 2010 [Print This Page]

Author: brendank    Time: 28/11/2010 20:48     Subject: Lamma Island - Autumn 2010

28 November 2010 - Lamma Island

First time I have birded Lamma Island.  I was quite pleasantly surprised by the amount of birds. Most good birds were near SheK Pai Wan.

2 Black-headed Gulls (on the ferry ride)
probably Yellow-streaked Warbler--see my post elsewhere
2 Emerald Doves
2 Black-naped Monarch
1 Pygmy Wren Babbler (heard only)
1 Lesser Shortwing (heard only)
5 Asian Stubtail Warbler
1 Manchurian Bush Warbler
1 Mountain Taylorbird
28 Chestnut Bulbul
1 Pale Thrush
5 Japanese Thrush
1 White's Thrush

Image Attachment: BlMon.JPG (28/11/2010 20:48, 52.18 KB) / Download count 512

Image Attachment: MTaylorbird.JPG (28/11/2010 20:48, 72.55 KB) / Download count 496

Image Attachment: EmeraldD.JPG (28/11/2010 20:48, 66.4 KB) / Download count 509

Author: ckwokwing    Time: 29/11/2010 18:23

29 Nov 2010

Dusky Thrush
Grey back Thrush
Daurian Redstart
Plumbeous Redstart
Author: brendank    Time: 29/11/2010 18:33

Just curious about the general area of these birds.  I am not that familiar with Lamma Island so am trying to get a sense of the best birding areas on the island.

The trail between Mo tat wan and Yung Shue Ha had great habitat. I am not familiar with the north end of the island.
Author: mguy    Time: 29/11/2010 19:41

Good to see I'm not the only person seeing birds on Lamma.... although I really think I must get outside my garden sometime.
Some very nice finds.... well done.
Other areas?:
1) Between Mo Tat Wan & Yung Shu Ha has a wet valley running the full length and should be very good
2) Between Yung Shu Ha/Tung O there is a valley that leads off the trail on the left before you climb up the hill to go to Sok Kw Wan
3) Just below Lo So Shing is a valley that runs from Sok Kwu Wan side to Lo So Shing Beach
4) Black-eared Kites (maybe 100+) roosting over the quarry ridge opposite Sok Kwu Wan
5) On the trail between Yung Shue Wan & Pak Kok there is a raised valley (wetland) just before Heart-attack Hill
6) Pak Kok when the Goshawks migrate back (perhaps 500+) spiralling to get altitude
7) Farmland & behind near Power Station Beach - at various times have seen Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (from 8'), Black-winged Stilt, Egrets, Buntings Stonechats, etc etc
8) Windmill Ridge - various at various times - White Bellied Sea Eagle, Amur Falcon, Buzzards, White Collared Crow, open hillside birds etc
9) Valley behind Yung Shue Wan has a large variety from Wetland to Forest birds
10) December/January should see about 20-30 Little Egrets, several Reef Egrets, Grey Heron all within 30' at times in Yung Shue Wan
11) My Secret Garden

Lamma covers quite a large area and has many areas suitable for many different types of birds... really depends what you are looking for, what time of year, & how much time you want to spend...

All the best, Guy
Author: brendank    Time: 30/11/2010 14:03

Thanks for the tips!  Hope more good birds will be showing up on Lamma.
Author: brendank    Time: 5/12/2010 22:58

5 Dec 2010 - Lamma Island mostly near Lo So Shing

4 Emerald Dove (Lamma Island seems to be an excellent location for this species)
1 Oriental Turtle Dove
1 Ashy Drongo
1 Hair-crested Drongo
4 Japanese Thrush
2 Grey-backed Thrush
20+ unidentified thrush (so hard to see)
4 Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler (singing early in the morning)
1 Japanese Bush Warbler
1 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler (see my post elsewhere)
1 Dusky Wabler

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