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Subject: [Hong Kong] 落馬洲河套地區發展規劃及工程研究Study on Development of LMC Loop [Print This Page]

Author: HFCheung    Time: 16/12/2010 11:47     Subject: 落馬洲河套地區發展規劃及工程研究Study on Development of LMC Loop

Is there any news on the development of Lok Ma Chau Loop?  I heard that Chairman of ACE (Advisory Council on the Environment) was up on TV talking about this.  It would be good for HKBWS to update her members the situation.

HF Cheung
Author: kmike    Time: 16/12/2010 19:05     Subject: 落馬洲河套地區發展規劃及工程研究Study on Development of LMC Loop

There is a public consultation on Saturday at Cheung On Tak Lecture Theatre (TU201) at Hong Kong Poly U. at 2:30 PM.

HKBWS strongly opposes the proposed development of the Loop for the following reasons:

1. The Loop is an integral part of the Deep Bay Wetlands.

It was formerly a fishpond area until our Government and the Shenzhen Government agreed to fill the ponds with toxic mud from the Shenzhen River. Even despite this abuse it retains some ecological value and the project proponent's  ecological consultant has stated in public that it could easily be restored as a wetland.

Expanding urban development into a wetland area is inconsistent with Hong Kong's planning theory and practice, but this is what the Government (PlanD and CEDD) is proposing.

Hong Kong's rural borderlands are already being sacrificed to SHenzhen's urban sprawl - the new border crossing  at Heung Yuen Wai is intended to ease traffic congestion in Eastern Shenzhen. The plan for the Loop is another attempt to expand the sprawl at the expense of Hong Kong's countryside and biodiversity.

2. There is no justification for creating a new university/research campus on this wetland
There is nothing about the site which makes it uniquely suitable for education or any other form of urban development. This is not consistent with the principles of planning in Hong Kong.

Nor is there any justification for locating a development for 50,000 people or more on an area which serves an an important buffer zone between the heavily developed Futian/Huang Gang district of Shenzhen and the ecologically significant Deep Bay Wetlands.

3. Proposed plot ratio is three times higher than any other Deep Bay site.

Planning Department has proposed a plot ratio of 1.37. This is three times higher than the plot ratio for any other site in the Deep Bay area. Again no reason has been given as to why this site should qualify for such extraordinary treatment, and  there is no possible justification for making a proposal that is so incompatible with the character of the site and surrounding area.

4. Fragmentation of recognized wetland site

A second access road to the site will cut through a part of the Deep Bay wetland area that has been identified in the Nature conservation policy as one of the sites of highest ecological value in Hong Kong. It is incredible that the Government dares to propose to inflict direct ecological damage on a site it has recognized itself - especially as a part of a project that breaks all planning norms and has no valid justification.

5. Permanent loss of flood control capacity

We know from HK Observatory that HK is already experiencing sea level rise which will increase the likelihood of flooding. The Loop is on a flood plain (in other words a plain that floods!). If the Loop is covered in concrete it will not be able to help absorb heavy rainfall or overspill from the Shenzhen River as it does now. Any development of this site will reduce the flood control capacity of the site - and this cannot be mitigated. In plain language the risk of flooding to Shenzhen will increase if this development goes ahead.

Summary - please raise your objection!
HKBWS advises all members to challenge on the basis of these fundamental issues rather than to join in any discussion of the lesser details of how such a development should be made better. The proposal is wrong in principle, is disrespectful of the Government's own conservation objectives, defies good planning principles, and will increase flood risk.

Mike Kilburn
Vice Chairman
Author: Sze    Time: 17/12/2010 23:38

又再次麻煩朋友幫忙翻譯! 感謝朋友的幫忙!

HKBWS strongly opposes the proposed development of the Loop for the following reasons:

1. The Loop is an integral part of the Deep Bay Wetlands.

It was formerly a fishpond area until our Government and the Shenzhen Government agreed to fill the ponds with toxic mud from the Shenzhen River. Even despite this abuse it retains some ecological value and the project proponent's  ecological consultant has stated in public that it could easily be restored as a wetland.

Expanding urban development into a wetland area is inconsistent with Hong Kong's planning theory and practice, but this is what the Government (PlanD and CEDD) is proposing.

Hong Kong's rural borderlands are already being sacrificed to Shenzhen's urban sprawl - the new border crossing  at Heung Yuen Wai is intended to ease traffic congestion in Eastern Shenzhen. The plan for the Loop is another attempt to expand the sprawl at the expense of Hong Kong's countryside and biodiversity.

2. There is no justification for creating a new university/research campus on this wetland

There is nothing about the site which makes it uniquely suitable for education or any other form of urban development. This is not consistent with the principles of planning in Hong Kong.

Nor is there any justification for locating a development for 50,000 people or more on an area which serves an an important buffer zone between the heavily developed Futian/Huang Gang district of Shenzhen and the ecologically significant Deep Bay Wetlands.

3. Proposed plot ratio is three times higher than any other Deep Bay site.

Planning Department has proposed a plot ratio of 1.37. This is three times higher than the plot ratio for any other site in the Deep Bay area. Again no reason has been given as to why this site should qualify for such extraordinary treatment, and  there is no possible justification for making a proposal that is so incompatible with the character of the site and surrounding area.

4. Fragmentation of recognized wetland site

A second access road to the site will cut through a part of the Deep Bay wetland area that has been identified in the Nature conservation policy as one of the sites of highest ecological value in Hong Kong. It is incredible that the Government dares to propose to inflict direct ecological damage on a site it has recognized itself - especially as a part of a project that breaks all planning norms and has no valid justification.

5. Permanent loss of flood control capacity

We know from HK Observatory that HK is already experiencing sea level rise which will increase the likelihood of flooding. The Loop is on a flood plain (in other words a plain that floods!). If the Loop is covered in concrete it will not be able to help absorb heavy rainfall or overspill from the Shenzhen River as it does now. Any development of this site will reduce the flood control capacity of the site - and this cannot be mitigated. In plain language the risk of flooding to Shenzhen will increase if this development goes ahead.

Summary - please raise your objection!

HKBWS advises all members to challenge on the basis of these fundamental issues rather than to join in any discussion of the lesser details of how such a development should be made better. The proposal is wrong in principle, is disrespectful of the Government's own conservation objectives, defies good planning principles, and will increase flood risk.


Mike Kilburn
Vice Chairman

Author: Sze    Time: 18/12/2010 01:57


Today (18Dec) 2:30pm Public Forum will hold at Poly U


For Your Views, please send to the following department before 22Jan!
Planning Department
Civil Engineering and Development Department

Author: Sze    Time: 19/12/2010 16:01

團體憂河套生態受創 ... amp;art_id=14781983

【蘋果日報】落馬洲河套區計劃的建築密度惹起爭議。佔地 87.7公頃的河套區被草叢及蘆葦覆蓋,一片綠油油,有市民昨日出席公眾論壇時表示,計劃綠化比例不足,擔心本港綠色地帶買少見少;環保團體則質疑東部新道路的必要性,恐蠔殼圍一帶的濕地及魚塘生態受創。

規劃署及土木工程拓展署昨日舉行落馬洲河套區計劃公眾論壇,近百名市民及環保團體代表出席。河套地區將劃分為教育區、創新區、交流區、生態區及濱河休憩區五個區域,樓宇不可高於 15層,其中生態區佔地 12.7公頃,僅佔整個河套區面積約一成半。市民陳先生認為計劃「唔係好低密度」,而且綠化比例不足,希望當局「唔好執着為發展而發展」。
規劃署副署長凌嘉勤表示,河套區的建築密度仍有優化及檢討空間,並指生態區接連旁邊的漁塘及山丘,闊度達 400多米,相信不會影響雀鳥的飛行路線。
Author: gary    Time: 26/12/2010 19:26

Having gone through the Lok Ma Chau (LMC) Loop development plan and the queries raised, it sounds to me a few different environment aspects are involved. Some of the points I do not fully concur with but, as a bird watcher speaking on bird discussion forum, I share the concern of habitat fragmentation in view of its potential detrimental effect on wetland birds.

Habitat Fragmentation
If you have luck to have chance visiting the fishpond area from LMC east to Hoo Hok Wai(HHW) and Ma Tso Lung (MTL), you would realize the contiguous fishponds is rather tranquil and natural under the background of fishpond landscape, compared with those fishponds in Mai Po and Tai Sang Wai. As you may expect, it is not lack of important waterbirds and wetland-dependant bird. I can recall a few raptors such as Imperial Eagle, Bonelli’s Eagle and Crested Serpent Eagle flying over the area and perching on adjacent woodland and rare species such as Black Bittern, Black-faced Spoonbill and a group of seven Pied Kingfishers (a scene I still have not seen in other place in Hong Kong). All were found in HHW/MTL fishpond area. I am sure if you ask other birdwatcher/ bird surveyor whom regularly visit or count bird there, they must also have a long list of interesting and important bird species.

This valuable patch of wetland is connected to Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site via a narrow fringe of fishpond in San Tin (ST) and Lok Ma Chau (LMC). It is well believed and proven that the waterbirds in Mai Po Ramsar Site also use the fishponds in Hoo Hok Wai and Ma Tso Lung. Although I do not think the LMC loop itself is high in ecological importance and wildlife usage, its undeveloped nature facilitate the flyway amongst the fishponds, which is equally important from a wetland conservation perspective. Even without detailed developed plan, we can still figure out the future LMC Loop would greatly obstruct the flight pathway between Ramsar Site at west and fishponds at east and reduce the likelihood of waterbirds using HHW/MTL wetland.  

Worst still, we expect the LMC loop development would not isolate itself as an island, instead more associated facilities and utilities will come along the fringe of the loop. Such cluster of development would totally isolate the valuable HKW/MTL wetland at east. Meanwhile the LMC associated development would further extend to east toward HKW/MTL direction and encroach onto the degraded fishpond (after open of FCA). If you see further east, it is Long Valley (LV) /Ho Sheung Heung (HSH) area. No need to mention, this area is also important to waterbirds, including some are from MP Ramsar Site such as the 11 Black-faced Spoonbill recorded last years. It is believed that the birds come from NW wetland through he ST-LMC-MTC flyway. In fact, I can’t figure out where they come from if not through the ST-LMC-MTL flyway. If the passageway is obstructed, the bird communities in HSH/LV would also be detrimentally affected, no matter how successful you manage to preserve the LV.
This is what I mostly concern.

Aside from objecting the project as a whole, I would think of what we/ the authority can do to alleviate the impact. I think firstly the authority should recognize the importance of wetland in HHW/MTL and its extension to HSH/LV and formulate conservation plan/scheme to protect the area. My view is if we can sustain a good local ecosystem in HHW/MTL - HSH/LV and adjacent woodland, it can attract more bird localize in the area which eventually minimize the need for frequent exchange between the Ramsar Site and HHW/MTL. In fact, the landscape features in HHW/MTL provide a good setting from conservation design - wetland in north and woodland in south. It gives some wetland-dependent bird good foraging opportunity at fishpond and roosting habitat at woodland. Zoning the HKW/MTL - HSH/LV as conservation area or, more aggressively, a nature reserve is the most conservation favorable act. Meanwhile the wetland alongside the edge of LMC loop should be strictly preserved to maintain a flyway for wetland birds. This is what I can figure out. This is not only crucial to LMC, but also HKW, MTL, HSH and the future of the sacred Long Valley.

Author: HFCheung    Time: 31/12/2010 16:16

Glad to see the issue of LMC Loop development made more visible to our members on the discussion forum.

HF Cheung
Author: lalan    Time: 31/12/2010 22:59

LMC Loop
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 28/12/2011 17:11

環保署日前為落馬洲可套地區發展發出了新一份環評報告研究摘要, 比2008年的研究摘要新增多項要求, 當中不少部份回應了本會提出的意見, 例如要求環評報告需要考慮減低發展高度、注意光污染對生態的影響、建築物外牆的鳥撞問題、對深圳河的水文影響等。本會會繼續關注落馬洲河套地區的發展及參與將來的公眾諮詢。
The Environmental Protection Department has issued a new Study Brief for the Lok Ma Chau Loop Project. It has a number of new requirements which responded to HKBWS's previous comments on the Project Profile, such as to reduce development footprint and height, impact of light pollution on wildlife, bird collision with buildings and structures and the impacts on the hydrology of the Shenzhen river.
HKBWS will keep an eye on the latest issues of the Lok Ma Chau Loop Project and attend future public consultation.

環保署發出的研究摘要 The Study Brief issued by EPD
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 13/07/2012 13:00

HKBWS considers that the Lok Ma Chau Loop Development is unacceptable in planning and environmental aspects. Our previous comments have not been properly addressed while the public consultation lacks transparency.

HKBWS's formal submission 香港觀鳥會的正式意見
HKBWS_Comments_LMCloop_stage2.pdf (335.64 KB)

Attachment: HKBWS_Comments_LMCloop_stage2.pdf (13/07/2012 13:00, 335.64 KB) / Download count 1341

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