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Subject: Chestnut-flanked White-eye - Lamma Island [Print This Page]

Author: mguy    Time: 21/12/2010 10:42     Subject: Chestnut-flanked White-eye - Lamma Island

Apologies as I only caught a glimpse of it in a flock of about 20 Japanese White-eyes and is the only image available.... I'll keep an eye out for it in future..

Lamma Island - North facing hillside near water
D3 w/Nikkor 500mm F/4D
Author: brendank    Time: 21/12/2010 11:08

Excellent find and shot!
Author: lchunfai    Time: 21/12/2010 13:13

GoOd find!
Author: Andiona    Time: 21/12/2010 13:29

Good find & good shot
Author: subbuteo    Time: 21/12/2010 17:31

Wow!  You should sell tickets.  I've still not seen one of these.  Great pictures- keep them coming.

Author: TommyL    Time: 21/12/2010 18:52

Wow ... what a nice capture.
Author: mguy    Time: 21/12/2010 19:19

Thanks all.... was just pure luck getting the first glimpse of "her".
The good news is that the flock came back an hour or so later & I was able to get this shot....(but no "dry" ones yet... maybe tomorrow)
(ps... I have received several PM's recently & have replied to them all, but am not sure if they are being sent as no record in "outbox")

[ Last edited by mguy at 21/12/2010 19:36 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 21/12/2010 22:05

Guy, sent PM's appear in Tracking not Outbox - quirky system.

Another great find - your garden will soon become an IBA (which I've recently learnt means 'Important Bird Area').
I still don't know what a BBS is but I can think of a few things.
Author: Beetle    Time: 21/12/2010 23:02

I am worrying that in the next photoguide all the forest species would become bathing photos with the same background.
Author: mguy    Time: 22/12/2010 04:55

Original posted by wgeoff at 21/12/2010 22:05
Guy, sent PM's appear in Tracking not Outbox - quirky system.
Thanks Geoff.
mmm... not showing up in "tracking" either... probably me doing something wrong.
If anybody hasn't received a reply from me... pls resend yr original message & i will try again as a couple of my replies were quite lengthy
Original posted by wgeoff at 21/12/2010 22:05

Another great find - your garden will soon become an IBA (which I've recently learnt means 'Important Bird Area').
I still don't know wh ...
I know what BBS stands for coz I have to hose down the rocks round my pond every day so it doesn't get in the photos, especially after a flock of Red-billed Starlings had camped there all day.

BTW... GREAT JOB on Po Toi........if yr getting fed up with Po Toi, you might try the Northern end of Lamma......, I'm pretty sure there are some great finds to be had there.

All the best, Guy

[ Last edited by mguy at 22/12/2010 04:58 ]
Author: mguy    Time: 22/12/2010 05:04

Original posted by Beetle at 21/12/2010 23:02
I am worrying that in the next photoguide all the forest species would become bathing photos with the same background.
Hi Beetle....... I'll take that as a compliment...., at the same time think I really do need to get out of my garden, although is difficult to tear myself away..
Should start on YSW harbour next week...... mainly Little & Reef Egrets, but have also seen a Great Egret, a Grey Heron, Kingkfishers, Blue Rock Thrush, Mynas, Starlings in the past few weeks.. so who knows what might be lurking there.

All the best, Guy
Author: wgeoff    Time: 22/12/2010 05:57

Another suggestion Guy - don't tick the 'save a copy in outbox' box when sending PM's.
Author: Beetle    Time: 22/12/2010 14:20


Good luck and hope you will find some great birds for the christmas!
Author: brendank    Time: 22/12/2010 15:41

I have found the south end of Lamma Island better than the north end on my two birding trips there. Perhaps because I have gone to the south part in morning and been in the north in the afternoon. I would encourage coverage in that area by anyone interested.  A lot of good birds could be wintering.

If all these great birds keep showing up in one spot, there must other birds elsewhere too.
Author: mguy    Time: 22/12/2010 17:14

Hi Brendan... I did reply at length to your PM, but perhaps you did not receive it.

All my photos are taken in my garden which is about 10 minutes from the ferry at Yung Shu Wan.

I am only able to recognise some bird calls (not being a birder). I have heard many I do not recognise at all.
I would be happy to show you where I think are the best areas on this part of Lamma.
I know 2 ppl who would be far better guides, but are very hard to contact.......

As for my garden.... the notable ones I have missed/not photographed are:
Chinese Flycatcher (99% sure)- 2 weeks ago
Eye-browed Thrush (100% sure) - 5 days ago
Male Mugimaki Flycatcher (100% sure) - 1 month ago
Male Emerald Dove (100% sure) - 10 days ago
Male Daurian Redstart (100% sure) - 3 weeks ago
Stub-tailed Warbler (100% sure) = 5 days ago
Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush (50% sure) 10 days ago
Author: brendank    Time: 25/12/2010 23:06

Missed this. Thanks! My impression of Yung Shu Wan is that is quite crowded (as opposed to South Lamma) but I need to explore more around that area.
Author: mguy    Time: 27/12/2010 18:52

27/12/2010 08:08
Tai Shan West, Lamma Island
D3 w/Nikkor 500mm F/4D
According to HK Bird book these birds are ordinarily only found in flocks of Japanese White-eyes. However this individual was on its own at about the same time with no sound of a flock of JWe's anywhere in the vicinity. Saw him/her on his/her own yesterday as well

Author: brendank    Time: 27/12/2010 20:09

Your garden continues to be fantastic! There seem to be more reports than ever for this species. There was that large flock of Chestnut-flanked's at Po Toi earlier. Maybe some of those moved to Lamma Island. Quite possible some Po Toi migrants make it over to Lamma. Would be interesting if radar could confirm that.
Author: fneil    Time: 29/12/2010 01:53

Excellent find Guy.  This is going to be the best season of "lifers" for you.
Author: wleepoin    Time: 29/12/2010 07:53

Excellent shots! They really love your spa!
Thanks for sharing.

Author: lpaul    Time: 4/01/2011 20:36

Guy, looking at the shape of the eye-ring and the patern of the lores, it seems that you have at least two birds here.  Further, not all Chestnut-flanked White-eyes have chestnut flanks; any photos of other birds in the flock, especially any with clean white underparts?
Author: mguy    Time: 5/01/2011 06:24

Hi Paul.
Yes thought I had 2 different.
One was part of a flock of about 30 & the second was a sole visitor.
Yes have been looking at the other birds looking for the clean white underparts or the shorter yellow throat... have see some that I thought might be "Chestnut-flanked" but didn't want to make a fool of myself again.
I will take a closer look & post what I think might be Chestnut-flanked.
The only flock hanging around at the moment is one of about 20 or so.

All the best, Guy

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