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Subject: 龍友圍拍嚇窒 塱原蛇鵰「出走」 [Print This Page]

Author: Sze    Time: 22/12/2010 12:05     Subject: 龍友圍拍嚇窒 塱原蛇鵰「出走」


【蘋果日報】牠不是性感 o靚模,也不是天王巨星,卻吸引不少「龍友」遠赴元朗捕捉其一舉一動。一隻曾在一個早上捕食七條蛇的小蛇鵰,近期熱爆元朗塱原濕地。小蛇鵰年約一歲半,香港觀鳥會發言人張浩輝指牠是個異數,因蛇鵰是神秘猛禽,極怕人類,過去觀鳥人士只能靠望遠鏡觀察。他說月前已接獲觀鳥人士報告,稱見過有 30至 40人包圍小蛇鵰瘋狂拍攝,行徑誇張。據悉小蛇鵰近期受不住過盛人氣,轉到其他地方覓食。

Author: HFCheung    Time: 22/12/2010 15:46


This notes are not from me.  Most reporters would have more than one source of information.
I never doubt that photographers would eventually become bird conservationists.

I have supplied some basic information on the status and general behavior of Crested Serpent Eagle, and have mentioned that birdwatchers and photographers need to have a good relation with farmers.  For example, stepping on farming crops would not be acceptable to farmers.

HF Cheung

[ Last edited by HFCheung at 22/12/2010 15:52 ]
Author: Andy-li    Time: 22/12/2010 16:01

本人想澄清一下有關文中引述本人所說的內容. :

1.[鳥友] 變為 [龍友]

2. [Andy稱見過有人圍着正在田地上吃蛇的小蛇鵰拍照,「有人用 iPhone近距離對住蛇鵰拍短片」。
本人原意是想指出這蛇鵰是那麼地不怕人,(但給人曲解地報導 )




Andy Li
Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 22/12/2010 23:48

最多的時候, 有過百人.
Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 22/12/2010 23:51

Original posted by 觀鳥新丁 at 22/12/2010 23:48
最多的時候, 有過百人.
其實, 龍友e個字都被曲解. 本來是拍喜愛沙龍攝影的朋友.

沙龍攝影本是藝術,著重構圖, 光影, 對比, 色彩, 意境, 內涵等. 方為沙龍.

但現在mk那一班用flash及單反向mm掃蕩的, 就是龍友.... 我個人認為係不妥的.

龍友與鳥友又係兩回事, 鳥友可以是鳥攝, 鳥攝不一定是鳥友. 我指的鳥友, 是鳥的朋友.
Author: Siudidi    Time: 23/12/2010 16:06

Original posted by Andy-li at 22/12/2010 16:01
本人想澄清一下有關文中引述本人所說的內容. :

1.[鳥友] 變為 [龍友]

2. [Andy稱見過有人圍着正在田地上吃蛇的小蛇鵰拍照,「有人用 iPhone近距離對住蛇鵰拍短片」。
本人原意是想指出這蛇鵰是那麼地不怕人,(但給人 ...
現在報紙所謂的報導信7成已經太多, 尤其是生果日報
Author: Sze    Time: 23/12/2010 23:15

Unacceptable disturbance of Cested Buntings at
Long Valley

Author: ying    Time: 24/12/2010 02:00

Author: fkm    Time: 27/12/2010 20:55

The plain fact is, the Crested Serpent Eagle is still being seen at Long Valley today (27th December, 2010)!!! (Check the internet for photos taken by other photographers.)

From day 1, we knew the eagle would be gone when snakes go hibernating but you still use it as an excuse to mislead the public. Is there any benefits to this group of people by constantly defaming the photographers???!!!
Author: ying    Time: 29/12/2010 02:00

原帖由 fkm 於 27/12/2010 20:55 發表
The plain fact is, the Crested Serpent Eagle is still being seen at Long Valley today (27th December, 2010)!!! (Check the internet for photos taken by other photographers.)

From day 1, we knew the ea ...
師兄梗係冇睇呢度嘞, ... &extra=page%3D1 ,此鵰不同彼鵰也。
Author: fkm    Time: 29/12/2010 23:57

噢, 原來早有前科, *****為避免不必要的爭論,本文部份內容由討論區管理人刪除.*****
Author: VRII    Time: 30/12/2010 01:22


Author: cjacky    Time: 30/12/2010 04:35

我都係一個影雀佬 !  原本都想息事寧人, 當看不到,影下相,得閒POST 下相, 不知幾開心。 不過實在看不過眼要回一下。

其實唔係所有影雀既都係為求目的, 不擇手段既大衰人. 但在眾攝影朋友間確實存在住急功近利之人.

前兩天, 有朋友見到蛇鵰再次回到LV, 就有以下見聞. 干擾行為是存在的, 我們需要正視問題, 作出反思.

你看不到, 不是沒發生. 大家應該反省一下攝影態度, 不要做得太過份, 應共同為我們喜歡既大自然出點力.

[ Last edited by cjacky at 30/12/2010 04:51 ]

Image Attachment: Crested Serpent Case-1 27-DEC-2010-2.jpg (30/12/2010 04:35, 296.14 KB) / Download count 594

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 30/12/2010 09:43


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