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Subject: pls help id! [Print This Page]

Author: butter    Time: 23/12/2010 17:49     Subject: pls help id!

alas, this is the one and only photo I got with this bird!


[ Last edited by butter at 23/12/2010 17:54 ]
Author: Beetle    Time: 23/12/2010 18:01

1. Olive-backed Pipit

2. Difficult to be sure, but i would say Daurian Redstart
Do you have observations about its behaviour / other things about this bird?

[ Last edited by Beetle at 23/12/2010 18:04 ]
Author: butter    Time: 28/12/2010 18:59

Original posted by Beetle at 23/12/2010 18:01
1. Olive-backed Pipit

2. Difficult to be sure, but i would say Daurian Redstart
Do you have observations about its behaviour / other things about this bird?
re. 1: tks!
re. 2 : didn't have much chance observing before it flew away to hide between the branches. Initially, it was searching on the mowed lawn, then, it noticed me ...

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