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Subject: Lung Fu Shan Winter 2010-2011 [Print This Page]

Author: bond    Time: 28/12/2010 16:31     Subject: Lung Fu Shan Winter 2010-2011

Today afternoon ~4:00p.m. Just around the Environmental Education Centre.

White-bellied Sea Eagle
Verditer Flycatcher
Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike
Asian Subtail Warbler
Author: brendank    Time: 9/01/2011 22:11

9 Jan 11 - Po Shan Road

Hadn't been to Po Shan Road in a while. Didn't expect much but it was pretty good.

5 Pale Thrush (first definite Pale Thrush for Po Shan Road)
2 Verditer Flycatcher
1 Rufous-tailed Robin
1 Red-flanked Bluetail
Pallas's Leaf Warbler--numerous
Yellow-browed Warbler--numerous

By LFS Environmental Education, 1 Black-winged Cuckooshrike

Image Attachment: pthrush.JPG (9/01/2011 22:11, 75.66 KB) / Download count 847

Image Attachment: verditer.JPG (9/01/2011 22:11, 55.21 KB) / Download count 885

Author: pchunchiu    Time: 10/01/2011 00:53

9th Jan 2011

Small Niltava x 1
Verditer Flycatcher x 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher x 2

The Small Niltava was found along the stream near the Kotewall Fire Station at about 11:00 am.
Author: kfmak    Time: 10/01/2011 01:06

Chiu, today's photo!

Image Attachment: [1] 011aa.jpg (10/01/2011 01:06, 125.11 KB) / Download count 799

Author: pchunchiu    Time: 10/01/2011 01:32

Hi mkongfan, thanks for posting the picture. It is absolutely superb. Great picture and great bird.
Author: brendank    Time: 11/01/2011 12:15

A male Red-flanked Bluetail was by the Kotewall Road firestation today.  For a long time I could only see it's back and thought it was the Niltava. Also, a flyover Hair-crested Drongo.
Author: sdavid    Time: 11/01/2011 12:33

I saw the Niltava late yesterday afternoon (briefly, but still tickable!), but had a similiar expereince with that Bluetail when I first arrived.

Generally the area seemed very birdy, lots of thrushes around and stunning views of Bluetails (male and female) and Rufous-tailed Robin bathing in the stream.
Author: brendank    Time: 11/01/2011 13:22

Could you be more specific on the area? On Pik Shan path, on Kotewell Road, or above the firestation on the peak road?
Author: pchunchiu    Time: 11/01/2011 13:38

On 9th Jan I saw it along the stream just above the fire station, on the path leading to the peak (i.e. NOT Pik Shan Path). The bird was following a bird wave and foraged actively along the stream. Good luck.
Author: yyattung    Time: 11/01/2011 13:59

any latest information of the niltava this morning?
Author: sdavid    Time: 11/01/2011 14:15

Yesterday at around 1700, I was stood on the bridge on Hatton Road/Path, looking downstream/hill when I saw the Niltava fly from Fire Station side, across the stream and into the woodland, where it perched briefly and then flew into deeper cover.
Author: iherman    Time: 11/01/2011 18:11

To-day i didn't found the Small Niltava but 2 Verditer Flycatchers was found very active,
and after Keol Ko have left around half past one and a Fujian Niltava was observed at the same
stream area, unlucky Koel was miss the bird.

Fujian Niltava
[img]f99IMG_55115 by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]f99IMG_55114 by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

Verditer Flycatcher
[img]g98IMG_54942 by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

[ Last edited by iherman at 24/03/2018 16:18 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 11/01/2011 18:49

No way! Wow!
Author: lchunfai    Time: 11/01/2011 20:41

good find , herman !!
Author: wleepoin    Time: 11/01/2011 21:00

Good find & nice shots Herman! Keep it up.

Author: kkoel    Time: 11/01/2011 22:43

Great find Herman!! That tree really has some magic to it!!
Author: iherman    Time: 12/01/2011 10:49

Thank you Koel, Peter, Fai jai and Brendank
Author: brendank    Time: 12/01/2011 11:32

Small Niltava seen this morning above the firestation. Also several Pale Thrush, Grey-backed Thrush, Red-flanked Bluetails and 3 Besra. As of 10:45 no Fujian Niltava.
Author: fatchun    Time: 12/01/2011 12:38

Frreezing cold and rainy today, but that bird must be the best reward!
Author: yyattung    Time: 12/01/2011 13:26

The Small Niltava was seen well with a Verditer Flycatcher just above the fire station at 12pm.
Author: fatchun    Time: 12/01/2011 15:44

No sight of small niltava at 12:45-14:30. But an emerald dove and 2 adule male, 2 imm. male and 2-3 female red-flanked bluetail were in there.
Author: lmike    Time: 12/01/2011 18:12

Koala, iherman............
Author: lpaul    Time: 13/01/2011 09:30

Small Niltava still present at 08:30 this morning.
Author: fatchun    Time: 17/01/2011 23:53

Other than niltavas, a Brown bush warbler was there.
I am not so familiar with ID of bush warbler. But the calling, color, and no eye brow are all pointed to the Brown bush warbler.
I hope I ID it right and I wish someone could find it and take some photos for it.

It was at the position of female small niltava. But it was on the middle position of a tall tree.

Author: fatchun    Time: 19/01/2011 17:02

A female and a male small niltavas are still there.
Author: brendank    Time: 20/01/2011 12:03

20 Jan 2011-Po Shan Road

1 Verditer Flycatcher
3 Mountain Taylorbirds
6 Pale Thrush (showing reasonably well)
1 Grey-backed Thrush
Author: brendank    Time: 26/01/2011 18:21

I received a secondhand report of the Fujian Niltava and a Dusky Thrush yesterday at Pinewood Battery.

I looked there this morning.  Best birds were a flock of 12 Black Bulbuls migrating over HK Island.

[ Last edited by brendank at 26/01/2011 18:52 ]
Author: fatchun    Time: 26/01/2011 23:13

A 2nd hand information as well.
A male fujian niltava was seen in today morning at Pik Shan Path.
I am thinking if there are two individuals in LFS now...
Author: brendank    Time: 27/01/2011 10:31

Fujian Niltava just seen near Graduate House on University Drive. From the road follow a little dirt workman's trail (which eventually connects with Pik Shan Path) up 20 meters. The bird was in this area.
Author: brendank    Time: 27/01/2011 22:47

27 Jan 2011

Here is a picture of Fujian Niltava from this morning.  I wish I could have photographed the belly better so I could be sure it wasn't a Rufous-bellied Niltava.  

I wonder if there might be three "Fujian" Niltavas around. I saw a picture of Niltava at Pinewood Battery. It was also difficult to eliminate Rufous-bellied from that photo.  It seems that this spot, the spot of Herman's bird, and Pinewood Battery are quite far apart. Maybe these birds move a lot but I find it a bit surprising that are a moving around so much. My guess is there are at least 2 birds.

Image Attachment: niltava.JPG (27/01/2011 22:47, 58.71 KB) / Download count 768

Author: ivantse    Time: 28/01/2011 01:01

Here are the pictures that i captured in afternoon.
but i am not sure that is Fuijan Niltava or Rufous-bellied Niltava?

Author: brendank    Time: 28/01/2011 10:42

The Fujian Niltava is being seen now on the workman's trail connecting University drive to Pik Shan Path about 40 meters from University Drive. These shots clearly rule out Rufous-bellied Niltava. I think it probably the same individual Herman found a few weeks ago above the firehall.

Image Attachment: Nilt1.JPG (28/01/2011 10:42, 58.62 KB) / Download count 775

Image Attachment: Nilt2.JPG (28/01/2011 10:42, 60.79 KB) / Download count 768

Author: ctakming    Time: 29/01/2011 23:12

Still there today. Thank Brendank and Beetle.

Author: Beetle    Time: 29/01/2011 23:23

I couldn't get the Fujian Niltava today (cry) but the pair of Small Niltavas were still present.
Author: kfmak    Time: 30/01/2011 01:45

Original posted by Beetle at 29/01/2011 23:23
I couldn't get the Fujian Niltava today (cry) but the pair of Small Niltavas were still present.
Would you mind to point out the location of the Small Niltavas?
Author: brendank    Time: 31/01/2011 10:03

No Japanese Robin (seen on the road between Realty Garden and the end of Po Shan Rd yesterday) on Po Shan Road this morning.

Quite birdy otherwise:

6 Asian Stubtail Warbler
4 Rufous-tailed Robin
5 Pale Thrush   
2 Grey-backed Thrush
1 Greater Coucal
Author: sdavid    Time: 31/01/2011 10:20

Fujian Niltava up the builder's dirt track at Pik Shan Path at around 0830 this morning.
Author: fatchun    Time: 31/01/2011 16:08


Around 15 individuals of rufous-tailed robin are in upper part of LFS and two black-winged cuckoo-shrikes also.
Author: Cyrus    Time: 31/01/2011 21:27

Japanese Robin was still present at 17:45~~

Author: brendank    Time: 1/02/2011 10:41

February 1, 2011

Japanese Robin seen at 9:35 am.

Location: look at this map. It was seen about where the "B" in Besra is. ... 73&goto=newpost

Image Attachment: japan_Rob.JPG (1/02/2011 10:41, 37.85 KB) / Download count 754

Author: iherman    Time: 8/02/2011 16:52


Pale Thrush
[img]a17IMG_58606a by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

Rufous-Tailed Robin
[img]a11IMG_58535 by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

Japanese Robin
[img]a16IMG_58605a by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

Black-Winged Cuckoo Shrike
[img]a15IMG_58590 by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

Fujian Niltava
[img]a14IMG_58497 by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

Verditer Flycatcher
[img]a13IMG_58650 by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

[ Last edited by iherman at 24/03/2018 16:15 ]
Author: twallace    Time: 8/02/2011 18:23

Japanese Robin,Good find & Great news~~Herman Sir!
Author: iherman    Time: 10/02/2011 01:08

Thank you wallace
Author: bond    Time: 10/02/2011 10:32


A Woodcock flying over the environmental education centre at ~6:30pm

And now the Fujian Niltava looks a pet more than a wildbird
Author: fatchun    Time: 10/02/2011 19:34

At HKU, a strange thrush appeared in HKU campus.
I think it is probably a female black-throated thrush!

It had a obvious white throat, a pale breast band without big spots like Dusky thrush. Its head and face did not have any pattern (e.g. eye brows) like eye-browed thrush and pale thrush. The overall color tone was dark grey and its head and back were of the same color. Whole body of it did not have orange feather. The bill color looked dark yellow or orange but did not like a Japanese thrush and Common blackbird. The size of it was about the blackbird's size.

All characteristics seem pointed toward a black-throated thrush (dark-throated thrush?). But it was obvious that the wing of it had a white patch. I cannot tell if the white patch was moulting feathers.

[ Last edited by fatchun at 10/02/2011 20:02 ]
Author: fatchun    Time: 11/02/2011 09:12

It is seen again today. I could now tell what the white patch on the wing was.
It is a moulting bird with fluffy feathers. I could see the hanging white feather on its wing today. Also, I could see two black stripes on two sides of it's throat.
Unfortunately, it was chased by a blue-whistling thrush and flew away before Brendan came. We then cannot find it again.

Would it be other juvenile thrush species other then black/red-throated thrush?? thank you so much!


[ Last edited by fatchun at 11/02/2011 09:16 ]
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 16/02/2011 20:50

Went lunchtime today to Pik Shan for the niltava. Didn't see it.
Instead, couple of Black-winged cuckoo-shrikes, 1 Asian Stubtail, 1 Rufous-tailed Robin, 1 Red-flanked Bluetail (f) and 1 Emerald Dove.

I may be too late for the niltava even if heard it was seen yesterday :-(
Author: brendank    Time: 25/02/2011 10:50

The Fujian Niltava is still on the workmen's trail.  Some photographers for better or worse have been baiting the Niltava which probably explains its tame behavior recently.

[ Last edited by brendank at 25/02/2011 13:04 ]

Image Attachment: fujian.JPG (25/02/2011 10:50, 63.57 KB) / Download count 780

Author: pchunchiu    Time: 28/02/2011 10:21

27th Feb 2011
A superb male Common Rosefinch was present near the Peak.
Author: brendank    Time: 2/03/2011 11:06

Female Small Niltava and male Fujian Niltava were still present at Lung Fu Shan today.
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 3/03/2011 15:17

Lunchtime today, saw briefly the female Small Niltava and a couple of Emerald Doves.

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 4/03/2011 23:06

Pictures of the birds...

Saw also briefly a Besra, flying over the stream

Image Attachment: Emerald Doves.jpg (4/03/2011 23:06, 80.11 KB) / Download count 634

Image Attachment: Small Niltava.jpg (4/03/2011 23:06, 61.83 KB) / Download count 643

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 11/03/2011 20:38

Several thrushes today around lunchtime (inc. Grey-backed and Japanese - identifiable females, only glimpses of others), 1 Black-winged cuckooshrike, 1 male Bluetail, 1 female Emerald Dove.

[ Last edited by Ronaldo at 11/03/2011 20:39 ]

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