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Subject: bunting in She Shan [Print This Page]

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 5/01/2011 19:10     Subject: bunting in She Shan

Hi there,

I posted this bunting picture taken in She Shan. Thought it might be a yellow-throated bunting.
Can anyone help confirm the identity?

many thanks ... o=lastpost#lastpost

[ Last edited by Ronaldo at 5/01/2011 20:59 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 6/01/2011 00:33

I think it is a Black-faced Bunting based on head shape and leg color.
Author: subbuteo    Time: 6/01/2011 08:13

The streaks along the flanks look very rusty which I don't think I've seen before on Black-face Bunting and the facial pattern looks distinct.  It may just be the light and posture but I'm not sure what this bird is.

Author: ajohn    Time: 10/01/2011 17:34

I agree that this looks like a female Black-faced. I think the warmer colours (yellow and red tones) look stronger than usual due to the light.

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