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Subject: [Hong Kong] Fire Damage at Nam Sang Wai 南生圍火災破壞 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 4/01/2011 11:34     Subject: Fire Damage at Nam Sang Wai 南生圍火災破壞

香港觀鳥會於1月1日早上曾經到南生圍視察12月31日火災造成的破壞, 附上一些相片記錄:
The HKBWS visited Nam Sang Wai on 1 Jan 2011 to record the impacts of fire on 31 Dec 2010. Here are some photo records:

Reedbed and vegetation alongside paths heavily damaged

Smoke coming from trees burnt down

Most vegetation around wetlands burnt

Equipped Fireman entering burnt sites

如果各位發現任何破壞環境的行為(包括雀鳥熱點及其他地點), 例如山火、填塘/填土、斬樹等等, 歡迎在論壇報告或聯絡本會自然保育主任鄭諾銘(電郵: cno kming@hkb )
If you find any activities causing damage to the environment (including bird hotspots and other sites), such as fire, fly-tipping/pond filling, cutting down of trees etc., please report them on the forum or contact our Conservation Officer Mr. Cheng Nok Ming (e-mail: cno kming@hkb )

Cheng Nok Ming
Conservation Officer, HKBWS

Image Attachment: NSW20110101_01.JPG (4/01/2011 11:34, 155.78 KB) / Download count 632

Image Attachment: NSW20110101_02.JPG (4/01/2011 11:34, 153.78 KB) / Download count 687

Image Attachment: NSW20110101_03.JPG (4/01/2011 11:34, 235.22 KB) / Download count 693

Image Attachment: NSW20110101_04.JPG (4/01/2011 11:34, 128.88 KB) / Download count 676

Author: mbill    Time: 4/01/2011 23:39

More pictures in the afternoon.

The Video:

[ Last edited by mbill at 5/01/2011 21:54 ]
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 5/01/2011 09:50

Thanks for sharing!

[ Last edited by Conservation at 7/01/2011 09:21 ]
Author: wuelite    Time: 6/01/2011 10:02     Subject: 2011年1月1 日南生圍山火

[ Last edited by wuelite at 6/01/2011 10:05 ]
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 6/01/2011 17:30

Thanks for your video report! We have visited Nam Sang Wai again recently, the second fire on 1st Jan is very close to a known roosting site for Great Cormorants. I am not sure how large the impact is the fire damage on roosting cormorants, but seems cormorants do not like the burnt areas much.

感謝報告!! 我們近日再到訪南生圍視察, 發現一月一日山火非常接近一片鸕鷀夜棲的林木。 暫時未清楚對牠們實際影響有多大,不過發現似乎牠們不太喜歡燒過的地方。

Cheng Nok Ming
Conservation Officer, HKBWS

[ Last edited by Conservation at 7/01/2011 12:54 ]
Author: hooooon    Time: 7/01/2011 00:05

After the fire, I took the following photos and clip to show how serious of trees and reed burnt.

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 7/01/2011 14:16

Beware of damaged trees at Nam Sang Wai 留意南生圍損毀樹木

We have observed that some of the trees in Nam Sang Wai have been seriously damaged by the recent fire. For your own safety, please avoid approaching seriously damaged trees when you are visiting there.
我們發現南生圍部份樹木受火災嚴重破壞, 為閣下安全著想, 到訪南生圍時請盡量避免接近一些受到嚴重破壞的樹木。

Cheng Nok Ming
Conservation Officer, HKBWS
Author: anncheung0831    Time: 17/01/2011 00:27

Original posted by Conservation at 7/01/2011 14:16 Beware of damaged trees at Nam Sang Wai 留意南生圍損毀樹木

We have observed that some of the trees in Nam Sang Wai have been seriously damaged by the recent fire. For your own safety, please avoid approaching seriously damaged trees when you are visiting there.
我們發現南生圍部份樹木受火災嚴重破壞, 為閣下安全著想, 到訪南生圍時請盡量避免接近一些受到嚴重破壞的樹木。
因為我個人認為不只是南生圍, 香港不同樹木都可能受到嚴重破壞.
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 17/01/2011 10:14

南生圍的桉樹是比較耐火的, 即使樹桿變燒通心亦仍然可以生長, 不過視察時發覺也有樹木倒下, 所以提醒一下會員注意。

其他樹木的問題有時很難用肉眼辨識, 不過亦有跡可尋, 例如有樹洞、嚴重傾斜、有大量枯枝等等, 可參閱發展局護樹報告(當中提及的各點。

The Eucalyptus Trees are rather Fire-resistant and It can still survive with burnt centre. However we found some fallen trees after the fire last year so It is better to remind members of the issues.

It is sometimes difficult to spot a dangerous tree in other places, but you may be able to find problems like big tree hole, leaning, lots of dead brances etc, you may refer to the Tree Care Report from Development Bureau. (
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 25/01/2011 18:41

The HKBWS received reply from Yuen Long Lands Office on 25 Jan 2011. The office said they will carry out hydro-seeding on the affected Government Land, and they have advised the private land owner to carry out remedial actions.

Cheng Nok Ming
Conservation Officer, HKBWS
Author: anncheung0831    Time: 30/01/2011 05:13

Original posted by Conservation at 25/01/2011 18:41
The HKBWS received reply from Yuen Long Lands Office on 25 Jan 2011. The office said the ...

2011-01-29:南生圍又惹祝融 火頭多處

2011-01-25:元朗地政處將會在政府土地重新植草 ... o=lastpost#lastpost
The HKBWS received reply from Yuen Long Lands Office on 25 Jan 2011. The office said they will carry out hydro-seeding on the affected Government Land, and they have advised the private land owner to carry out remedial actions.



As I am not sure about the definition of "防火帶", I would like to ask what does it mean and is it preferable to the case in Nam Sang Wai? Thanks much!

Ann(Cheung Tsz Yan)

[ Last edited by anncheung0831 at 30/01/2011 05:36 ]
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 30/01/2011 23:13

According to Henderson's Reply, the "firebreaks" would be done by clearing weeds along path and around trees and thus reduce impacts of fire.

Cheng Nok Ming
Conservation Officer, HKBWS
Author: russcath    Time: 31/01/2011 08:32

Was the fire set?
Author: anncheung0831    Time: 31/01/2011 11:46

Original posted by Conservation at 30/01/2011 23:13
According to Henderson's Reply, the "firebreaks" would be done by clearing weeds along path a ...
What I concern is that I am wondering as if the government and the developer are using different ways to conserve Nam Sang Wai~
i am worrying as if more greenland(including grass and tree covering) will be lost due to the fire break
Author: anncheung0831    Time: 1/02/2011 20:07

由於小妹仍然整理資料中, 詳情稍後再分享!

For a firebreak to work in Hong Kong, you need to create a belt of 5-10m free of grassy vegetation (trees are fine). Then, on the side that you want to project, you should plant a belt of fast growing trees to stop flying ashes from getting across the fire break. That is to say you only cut grasses and you have to plant trees. Normally, there is no need to cut trees for making a fire break.

恒基稱設防火帶 被疑藉機殺樹
南生圍 17樹被鋸 ... amp;art_id=14932791

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