Subject: Mountain Bulbul at Tai Mo Shan [Print This Page] Author: wcaptain Time: 17/01/2011 11:53 Subject: Mountain Bulbul at Tai Mo Shan
3 Mountain Bulbuls were seen on top of Tai Mo Shan (about 900 m) yesterday PM. The habitat is mixed young trees and grassland. The area faces to the north near the biggest squatter area.
Not sure whether it is the highest pt of this bird in HK. Also, like to know whether Mountain Bulbul are regularly recorded on Tai Mo Shan
They are regular between the bottom and top falls at Ng Tung Chai.
Mike K Author: wcaptain Time: 17/01/2011 12:54
I was a little bit of surprised when I saw these three Mountain Bulbuls on top of Tai Mo Shan as I thought they are usually found at the lowland woodlands in central NT in winter. I won't be suprised if it is summer.
Perhaps the terms "lowland" and "upland" in HK do not apply to some woodland birds as 900 m may be still "low".
Two guys took a number of photos of this bird yesterday (probably at TPK).
Any Shing Mun record this year? Author: cjacky Time: 17/01/2011 13:15
FYI, Two Mountain Bulbul was found @ Shing Mun.
[ Last edited by cjacky at 17/01/2011 13:25 ] Author: wcaptain Time: 17/01/2011 14:14
THX. Based on the reported records and website postings, in winter, it is assumed that this bird species is widespread at the wooded areas in central NT including the upland woodland at Tai Mo Shan.
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