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Subject: [Hong Kong] 蓮塘/香園圍口岸工程 Liantang/ Heung Yuen Wai BCP and associated works [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 21/01/2011 18:06     Subject: 蓮塘/香園圍口岸工程 Liantang/ Heung Yuen Wai BCP and associated works

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society objects to the approval of the EIA report on "Liantang / Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point and Associated Works" (EIA-190/2010). We have sent our official objection letter to Environmental Protection Department (English version only, see attachments).

Formal comment letter:
Heung Yuen Wai BCP EIA comment - HKBWS.pdf (115.36 KB)

A summarization of our comments:

1.        工程理據不足 Justification for the project
The report had not assessed expansion potential for existing Boundary Control Points (i.e. Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok).
There is no justification to build connection road on Rural Lands in Hong Kong to solve traffic congestion problems in Shenzhen.

2.        報告低估農地生態價值 Under-estimation of Ecological Values of Agricultural Lands
The report found many species of conservation interest in Abandoned and Active Farmlands, but said these habitats are of “low ecological value” or “moderate-low ecological value”. No compensation measures were suggested by the report and we think this is unacceptable.

3.        生態影響評估粗疏 Incomprehensive Ecological Impact Assessment
The Ecological Impact Assessment part of the report is incomprehensive, e.g. it did not provide statistical data nor scientific literatures for assessing flight path impacts and it did not comprehensively assess the impact of night birds like Eurasian Eagle Owl.

4.        誤導手法 Misleading Approach
The report claimed it followed the book “Avifauna of Hong Kong” when assessing the status of birds, however the wordings used in the report are different from the book. Some “scarce” bird species according to the book was written as “uncommon” or even “common” in the EIA report. This makes the affected area apparently low in ecological value.

5.        生態補償及監察不足Inadequate compensation measures and monitoring
The report did not suggest adequate or suitable compensation for affected farmlands, wetlands and secondary forests, and did not suggest monitoring measures for problems such as bird collision with noise barriers. We think this is unacceptable.


Cheng Nok Ming
Conservation Officer, HKBWS

Attachment: Heung Yuen Wai BCP EIA comment - HKBWS.pdf (21/01/2011 18:06, 115.36 KB) / Download count 859

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