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Subject: [Hong Kong] 環珠江口行動計劃 Study on Action Plan for PRD Estuary [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 27/01/2011 14:57     Subject: 環珠江口行動計劃 Study on Action Plan for PRD Estuary

There will be a public consultation forum for "Study on the Action Plan for the Bay Area of the Pearl River Estuary" on this Saturday, 29 Jan.
The Study is on various aspects across Pearl River Delta Cities, covering transport, housing, recreation and environment.

Date:   Saturday, 29 January 2011
Time:   10:00am – 12:30pm
Venue:  Auditorium, 8/F, the HK Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point (Quarry Bay MTR Station Exit C)

Your opinions can be sent to HKSAR Planning Department (e-mail: )


日期:     一月二十九曰 (星期六)
時間:     早上十時至下午十二時三十分
地點:     香港北角百福道21號香港青年協會大廈8樓演講廳

大家可向規劃署提交意見,電郵: (e-mail: )

Website for downloading the study and other details :
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 27/01/2011 15:12

Opinions and Questions to be raised by HKBWS on the forum:

1.        We welcome a joint-government policy on environmental protection, which allows more efficient measures carried out on tackling pollution problems and protecting ecologically sensitive areas.

2.        The proposed designation of Robin’s Nest as a country park and proposals of “Green Network” are welcomed. the designation would help the Chinese Grassbird, which Hong Kong is the most important site for the species.

3.        The enhanced protection of coastal environments would be beneficial to wetlands and waterbirds. At present there is no cross-boundary policy on issues such as Environmental Impact Assessment. The present plan would be a good chance to review these policies, and are there solid measures suggested by the current study?

4.        At present movement of most wildlife are blocked by highly developed areas. The study suggest the construction of a "Green network". Apart from enhancing recreational facilities, are there any concrete proposals on how to link protected areas to become a network that can be utilized by both wildlife and humans?


1.        我們歡迎這計劃,可以令打擊污染問題、保護高生態價值地點等各種措施更有效率。

2.        我們亦支持將紅花嶺一帶劃為郊野公園範圍,以及將珠三角郊野聯繫成「綠網」,因為這些措施可以令珠三角地區各種野生生物受惠。香港的高山草地是大草鶯在世界上最重要的生境,其中紅花嶺與梧桐山以至南中國山丘地區的聯繫,對保育大草鶯非常關鍵。

3.        跨境海岸保護措施亦對保育沿海濕地十分有利。珠三角各地沿海濕地面對龐大發展壓力,現時在環境評估制度上各地沒有統一的標準,在政府間的溝通亦十分有限,這些跨境環境問題在本計劃提供的機遇下,應得到妥善處理。本計劃有沒有建議具體方案解決這些問題?

4.        現時被高密度城市發展佔據大部份陸地,陸上野生生物不能走到城市令一邊的郊區。計劃中建議建設的「綠網」有沒有實質建議讓野生動物使用?
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 24/02/2011 12:03

There will be two more public forums on the Action Plan Study organised by the planning Department:

1st Forum
Date : 3 March 2011 (Thursday)
Time : 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. (Registration will start at 6:30 p.m.)
Venue : Hall, G/F,
Duke of Windsor Social Service Building,
15 Hennessy Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong

2nd Forum
Date : 9 April 2011 (Saturday)
Time : 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.(Registration will start at 2:00 p.m.)
Venue : Exhibition Hall, 4/F,
Hong Kong Productivity Council Building,
78 Tat Chee Avenue,

The HKBWS will raise our concerns including the following:
1. Full report not yet available for public review;
2. Impacts of infrastructure development on wetlands in the region;
3. Designs on the "Green Network/Corridor" and their impacts on the country side.

日期 :2011年3月3日(星期四)
時間: 晚上7:00– 9:30 (登記於晚上6:30開始)
場地: 溫莎公爵社會服務大廈大禮堂

日期: 2011年4月9日(星期六)
時間: 下午2:30– 5:00 (登記於下午2:00開始)
場地: 香港生產力大樓4樓展示廳

1. 完整報告仍然未公開予公眾;
2. 各項擬議基建對灣區重要濕地的影響;
3. "綠網/綠道"的設計及對郊野地區的影響。
Author: Sze    Time: 2/03/2011 23:13

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 20/04/2011 15:09

以下是本會就《環珠江口宜居灣區建設重點行動計劃》提交的意見 (只有中文版):
The following is the HKBWS's comments regarding the PRD plan (Chinese version only):

comments on prd_hkbws_submission.pdf (320.46 KB)

Attachment: comments on prd_hkbws_submission.pdf (20/04/2011 15:09, 320.46 KB) / Download count 752

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