What I want to see but I could NOT see any:
27) Passer montanus (Eurasian Tree Sparrow) 樹麻雀
28) Pycnonotus aurigaster (Sooty-headed Bulbul) 白喉紅臀鵯
29) Saxicola maurus (Siberian Stonechat) 西伯利亞石"即鳥"/ 黑喉石"即鳥"
30) Hydrophasianus chirurgus (Pheasant-tailed Jacana) 水雉<--Breeding season: May~Aug @HK in the past-->reducing population--no breeding in HK now due to the destroy of freshwater wetland; Migrating season: late May~mid Jun and late Sep~Dec @HK present
What I/ others saw last week but I could NOT see any:
31) Himantopus himantopus (Black-winged Stilt) 黑翅長腳鷸
32) Charadrius dubius (Little Ringed Plover) 金眶鴴
33) Actitis hypoleucos (Common Sandpiper) 磯鷸
34) Tringa totanus (Common Redshank) 紅腳鷸
35) Anas crecca (Common Teal) 綠翅鴨
36) Gallinago gallinago (Common Snipe) 扇尾沙錐/ Gallinago megala(Swinhoe's Snipe) 大沙錐/ Gallinago stenura (Pintail Snipe) 針尾沙錐
37) Phoenicurus auroreus (Daurian Redstart) 北紅尾鴝<--My favourite bird 我最愛的雀鳥
What I learnt:
There are actually many rare species but only a few people realize that they are present.
What I want to ask:
1. How to identify Egretta eulophotes (Swinhoe's Egret) 黃咀白鷺?[size同小白差唔多之餘眼裂較短而且偏藍色?<--睇網上相自己draw o既假設]
2. How to identify Aythya nyroca (Ferruginous Duck) 白眼潛鴨?[同小鸊鷉似樣因為都係黃眼但係白眼潛鴨大隻好多?<--睇網上相自己draw o既假設]
Viney C., Phillipps K. and Lam C.Y. 2008. The Birds of Hong Kong and South China. 8th Edition. Information Services Department, Hong Kong Government.
<<香港及華南鳥類>> 作者: 尹璉/費嘉倫/林超英
Please inform me if you find any wrong spelling/ wrong ID/ TOTALLY WRONG etc.
如有錯漏, 歡迎指正! Author: HFCheung Time: 2/02/2011 11:25
You may consider joining the HKBWS bird watching class or HKBWS outings.
HF Cheung
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