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Subject: Temporary draindown of Pond #8a 淡水塘#8a暫時放乾 [Print This Page]

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 18/02/2011 10:36     Subject: Temporary draindown of Pond #8a 淡水塘#8a暫時放乾

Temporary draindown of Pond #8a

Next week the pond in front of the Tower Hide will be temporarily drained down to allow access for WWF staff to cut and remove emergent grasses. This is necessary to prepare the Pond for the arrival of spring shorebirds in mid-March by restoring areas of open shallow water.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to your birding activities.

Bena Smith, Reserve Manager, , 2471 6212




[ Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 18/02/2011 13:38 ]
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 18/03/2011 09:13

The pond was reflooded during last night's high tide. Water-levels will be further adjusted today so that the pond is back to normal operation in time for the good daytime tides over weekend.

Thanks for your patience!

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