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Subject: Birdwatching in India 印度觀鳥 [Print This Page]

Author: tonychk    Time: 23/02/2011 23:34     Subject: Birdwatching in India 印度觀鳥

Could anyone give a comment for birdwatching at Keetham Lake Bird Sanctuary and Keoladeo National Park in India?

各位雀友, 請問有沒有人曾到訪印度Keetham Lake Bird Sanctuary 及 Keoladeo National Park觀鳥. 能否提供一些意見給我哪兒觀鳥價值比較高?
Author: wcaptain    Time: 25/02/2011 16:48

You mean Bharaptur. There are lot of guides in the main gate. You could find one and they will help you. Beware of kids in the reserve. They have nothing to do except disturbing birders.

Alternatively, you could post a message on the OBC yahoo e-group and ask the local birders about which part is great.
Author: tonychk    Time: 26/02/2011 18:01

WCaptain, Thank you!

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