The Proposed Shek Kwu Chau Incinerator would have an significant impact on the breeding White-bellied Sea Eagle pair. There is little mitigation towards the species and no compensation was suggested in the report. We will submit our official comment later.
環境諮詢委員會環境影響評估小組已於3月21日討論該環評報告, 環境諮詢委員會大會將於下星期一的會議(4月11日)討論。本會已經分別致函委員會表達反對意見。
The EIA sub-committee of the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) has discussed the EIA report on 21 March 2011, and the "Big Meeting" of ACE would be held next monday (11 April). The HKBWS has sent separate letters to the committee members addressing our objection and comments.
Please help object to the Shek Kwu Chau Incinerator by submitting comments to Town Planning Board.
HKBWS has already submitted objection to the designation of the IWMF based on the following reasons:
1. The designation would affect the breeding White-bellied Sea Eagle pair on Shek Kwu Chau;
2. The Town Planning Board should not accept such designation because the EIA report has not been approved.
EPD has restarted the public consultation of the EIA report. the Deadline for submitting comments is 17 Dec 2011 (Sat).
HKBWS still thinks that the report has not yet comprehensively studied the impact on White-bellied Sea Eagle, and thus not suggested adequate mitigation/compensation measures for the Eagle. Our official submission will be uploaded to this forum soon. Author: HKBWS Chuan Time: 28/12/2011 12:59