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Subject: WANTED: Japanese Yellow Bunting at Long Valley 塱原尋找硫黃鵐大行動 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 9/03/2011 12:14     Subject: WANTED: Japanese Yellow Bunting at Long Valley 塱原尋找硫黃鵐大行動

相片鳴謝Photo credit: Owen 深藍

硫黃鵐 (IUCN易危物種) 在香港屬稀少及不穩定春季過境遷徙鳥,除后海灣一帶,塱原亦是其中一個有較多記錄的地點。可是,距離上一次在塱原記錄到硫黃鵐(2006年4月19日) 已經差不多有五年時間,由於雀鳥調查每星期只進行一次,所以我們希望在今年春季舉行一次「尋找硫黃鵐大行動」,增加人手到塱原尋找牠的芳蹤。
根據香港鳥類名錄,以往硫黃鵐的紀錄是介乎3月27日至4月28日,而高峰時期為四月首兩個星期,我們鼓勵鳥友和攝影者在三月底至4月底多到塱原看鳥拍鳥。如有發現硫黃鵐,請盡量拍下雀鳥照片,並記下牠出現的生境 (照片或文字均可),以便管理人員了解更多硫黃鵐在塱原使用的生境條件,然後在此討論區報告有關記錄,當然,我們亦歡迎各位在此報告塱原的觀鳥記錄。

請注意,雖然我們很希望能夠再次錄得硫黃鵐,但請鳥友和攝影者到塱原觀鳥拍鳥時自律並尊重當地村民、農友、他們的農作物和其他物品,以免發生不愉快的事情。有關注意事項請參考: ... &extra=page%3D1

WANTED: Japanese Yellow Bunting
Japanese Yellow Bunting (IUCN Vulnerable) is scarce and irregular spring passage migrant. Besides Deep Bay area, Long Valley is one of its favourite sites. However, the last Japanese Yellow Bunting recorded in Long Valley was on 19 Apr 2006, which is almost 5 years ago. Since bird survey is conducted once a week, we would like to hold an activity “WANTED: Japanese Yellow Bunting” this spring. Hope to have more manpower to look for this bird in Long Valley.

According to Avifauna of Hong Kong, past Japanese Yellow Bunting records are between 27 March to 28 April and the peak appears in first two weeks of April. Bird watchers and photographers are encouraged to go Long Valley more frequent during late March to late April. If you have found the Bunting, please try to take a photo on the bird and record down the habitat (either photo or word), so that we can know more about their habitat preference in Long Valley. And please remember to report the sighting in this forum. Of course, all birding reports in Long Valley are welcome!

Please note that when you’re birding or photographing in Long Valley, please behave yourselves and respect local residents, farmers, their crops and belongings. For the Important Note for Birding in Long Valley, please visit: ... &extra=page%3D1

Image Attachment: wanted.jpg (9/03/2011 12:14, 114.03 KB) / Download count 761

Author: cfrankie    Time: 9/03/2011 14:57

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 9/03/2011 16:41

如果各位之前有在塱原拍得這種鳥, 都可以post上來討論區, 以填補以往空白了的資料。謝謝!!
If you have taken photo of this species in the past, please do post to the forum to fill the previous data gap. Thank you!
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 29/03/2011 10:03


Two Japanese Yellow Bunting were recorded in Long Valley yesterday (28 Mar).
It seems that the migration of the species has started. If you are going to Long Valley, please keep an eye on this species and report here. Thank you so much!!

Author: fkm    Time: 30/03/2011 21:18

Original posted by HKBWS Officer at 29/03/2011 10:03

Certainly! I personally recorded a Japanese Yellow Bunting on 29th March, 2011, despite the found was in Macau.
Author: tampccw    Time: 6/04/2011 10:25

地點 : 蒲台島  大灣   直升機坪 ( Po Toi  Tai Wan  HL )

日期 : 2011-04-05

時間 : 13-25

(Japanese Yellow Bunting )









[ Last edited by tampccw at 6/04/2011 11:00 ]
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 6/04/2011 14:40

謝謝fkm 和tampccw, 不過這是尋找塱原出現的硫黃鵐, 對於其他地區的雀鳥報告, 可以到相關部份報告有關記錄。謝謝!!
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 4/05/2011 15:05


The spring migration of Japanese Yellow Bunting has come to an end. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all bird watchers and photographers in participating the Japanese Yellow Bunting campaign. This campaign not only collected records of the species but also filled the data gap in the past years. This showed that our regular survey is insufficient for recording this kind of migratory species. We need all your help in the future recording bird species that are uncommon in Long Valley. Please do not hesitate to report your sightings in the BBS. All records are important!! Thank you so much!!

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