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Subject: Lung Fu Shan Spring 2011 [Print This Page]

Author: brendank    Time: 15/03/2011 11:29     Subject: Lung Fu Shan Spring 2011

15 March 2011

Walked around LFS a bit this morning. Relatively quiet.  The Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike was around as was a pair or Rufous-tailed Robins. The Niltavas were not seen. The only true migrant I could find was a Pacific Swift mixed in with the Little Swifts.  

Image Attachment: pacific.JPG (15/03/2011 11:29, 61.51 KB) / Download count 821

Author: brendank    Time: 21/03/2011 11:56

The Fujian Niltava and the Black-winged Cuckooshrike were still on Pik Shan Path this morning. Apparently the warm weather did not tempt them to leave.
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 26/03/2011 22:17

26 March 2011 pm

Went to see if the Fujian Niltava was still here but failed. Very quiet and very few migrants were noticed.
Equally quiet in Po Shan Road as well during a short visit.

All see at Pik Shan Path:

Rufous-tailed Robin
Red-flanked Bluetail
Emerald Dove
Author: brendank    Time: 7/04/2011 10:26

7 April 2011 - Po Shan Road

Po Shan Road is not near as exciting in the spring as in the fall but still can have things that surprise me.  Today there was a large flock of Black Bulbuls feeding in a tree. When they took flight, I counted 31 birds.

Not a single flycatcher yet.

[ Last edited by brendank at 7/04/2011 16:51 ]

Image Attachment: blackbulbuls.JPG (7/04/2011 10:26, 108.36 KB) / Download count 789

Author: brendank    Time: 15/04/2011 11:32

15 April 2011 - Po Shan Road

Finally a flycatcher. A nice male Narcissus Flycatcher. This is a new bird and is the 15th flycatcher species for Po Shan Road (others are: Grey-streaked, Asian Brown, Dark-sided, Yellow-rumped, Blue-and-white, Mugimaki's, Grey-headed, Brown-chested Jungle, Verditer, Red-thoated/Red-breasted, Asian Paradise, Japanese Paradise, Black-naped Monarch, Small Niltava)

Image Attachment: narcissus.JPG (15/04/2011 11:32, 58.16 KB) / Download count 807

Author: fatchun    Time: 15/04/2011 11:41

Nice find brendan!
Author: brendank    Time: 15/04/2011 14:19

Thanks, hope more flycatchers will be coming.
Author: ajohn    Time: 15/04/2011 15:58

What about the Fujian Niltava?
Author: brendank    Time: 15/04/2011 16:39

I have defined Po Shan Road as the area around the s-curves descending from Po Shan Road, past Realty Gardens Buildings, and down to conduit road plus the first ~500 meters of the small concrete trail that runs east from the top of Po Shan Road. From what I can ascertain, this area lies just north of Lung Fu Shan County Park boundary. I have been keeping a list of birds just seen in this very small area. I saw the or another Small Niltava there in December. I haven't seen Fujian Niltava there yet.

This area is just east on the road from the location of a large mudslide that did much damage in June 1972.

Before I started going to that area, I am unaware of any records from that particular spot.  I think most other records from Lung Fu Shan have been from the Environmental Education building, Pik Shan Path, and Hatton Road parts of the park.
Author: iherman    Time: 18/04/2011 23:39

18-4-2011 Lung Fu Shan

Ferruginous Flycatcher

[img]26IMG_65183a by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]26IMG_65276a by bird8888, 於 Flickr[/img]

[ Last edited by iherman at 24/03/2018 15:11 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 19/04/2011 07:48

Great find Herman! Can I ask where it was seen at LFS?
Author: lmike    Time: 19/04/2011 09:33

Author: iherman    Time: 19/04/2011 19:22

I found the bird near Love Garden area.

Mike thank you !
Author: bond    Time: 20/04/2011 11:58

very nice!!! more and more flycatchers come!!
Today there is 1 Grey-streaked Flycatcher in the centre!
Author: ivantse    Time: 21/04/2011 15:27

Flycatchers are visiting here!!!
Today a nice male Narcissus Flycatcher has been seen around 1100am
Author: brendank    Time: 27/04/2011 11:32

27 April 2011

Grey-streaked Flycatcher and Olive-backed Pipit were around Pinewood Battery. Otherwise very quiet.
Author: brendank    Time: 19/05/2011 22:08

19 May 2011

Did a nocturnal trip to my favorite spot Po Shan Road.  Heard one Collared Scops Owl.  My favorite tree, the flycatcher tree, seems also good for mammals as well.  Nice to see this rather cute and sleepy pair of Masked Palm Civets.

Image Attachment: civet1.JPG (19/05/2011 22:08, 80.77 KB) / Download count 755

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