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Subject: Greater Coucal closeup 褐翅鴉鵑超大頭相 [Print This Page]

Author: fneil    Time: 27/01/2007 09:15     Subject: Greater Coucal closeup 褐翅鴉鵑超大頭相

I wished I had the Swarovski STS65HD which focuses to 3 metres as this coucal was right at the edge of the focus of the STS80HD scope (6 metres). Neil.

Lamma Island, 南丫島
Hong Kong,

Nikon CP8400 plus Swarovski STS80HD scope and Sw 30x eyepiece and DCA adapter

Image Attachment: greater coucal.close DSCN3038.jpg (27/01/2007 09:15, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1592

Image Attachment: greater coucal.close DSCN3022.jpg (27/01/2007 09:15, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1703

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