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Subject: Long Valley Spring 2011 塱原春 [Print This Page]

Author: Beetle    Time: 13/03/2011 21:31     Subject: Long Valley Spring 2011 塱原春

13 March 2011

White-cheeked Starling
Buff-bellied Pipit
Plantive Cuckoo
Yellow-browed Bunting
Japanese Quail

Author: thinfor    Time: 14/03/2011 10:15

Great find and congrats, beetle.
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 16/03/2011 09:52

11 Mar 2011
Ruddy-breasted Crake x1
Grey-headed Lapwing x1
Author: Beetle    Time: 19/03/2011 19:40

19 March 2011

Oriental Pratincole x2
Yellow-browed Bunting

There was some ideas about a possible Rosy Pipit but i could not locate a convincing bird.

[ Last edited by Beetle at 19/03/2011 19:41 ]
Author: madcat    Time: 24/03/2011 22:13


Red-billed Blue Magpie (perched on tree-top above the public toilet)
Eurasian Skylark
Red-throated Pipit
White-cheeked Starling

[ 本帖最後由 madcat 於 24/03/2011 22:16 編輯 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 8/04/2011 13:13

8/4/2011 AM

1 Chinese Penduline Tit (male)
1 Bluethroat
2 Plaintive Cuckoo
1 Little Bunting
5 Bright-capped Cisticola
25 Swintail Snipe
10 Common Snipe

(Photos later)
Author: gary    Time: 8/04/2011 13:27

5 Bright-capped Cisticola is very impressive! Does it show breeding plumage - more bright cap and shorter tail?

Author: brendank    Time: 8/04/2011 13:43

These birds were identified mostly by call.  I heard them in two different spots.  I did see two birds. One of which was in very poor plumage condition and seemed to be lacking it's tail almost completely. I would have thought it was Zitting Cisticola if I didn't hear it call.

I will add some pictures later.
Author: madcat    Time: 8/04/2011 18:01


Long-toed stint x1
White-shouldered starling x10
Crested serpent eagle x2 (in flight)
Golden-headed/Bright-capped Cisticola x2
Plaintive cuckoo x1

Author: brendank    Time: 8/04/2011 22:50

Photos from this morning.

This Bright-capped Cisticola was missing most of its tail.

Image Attachment: pendulinetit.JPG (8/04/2011 22:50, 78.18 KB) / Download count 530

Image Attachment: brightcapped.JPG (8/04/2011 22:50, 66.23 KB) / Download count 527

Image Attachment: bluethroat.JPG (8/04/2011 22:50, 58.57 KB) / Download count 529

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 10/04/2011 19:23

Saw one Chestnut-eared Bunting last week + Water rail, Plaintive Cuckoo, Little Ringed Plover, Black-faced Bunting.

Image Attachment: Chestnut-EaredBunting.jpg (10/04/2011 19:23, 84.36 KB) / Download count 460

Author: brendank    Time: 12/04/2011 13:28

12 April 2011

1 Long-toed Stint
1 Pacific Golden Plover
3 Oriental Prantincole
1 Japanese Quail
1 Black-winged Kite
1 Japanese Sparrowhawk
1 Bluethroat
2 Bright-capped Cisticola
2 Plaintive Cuckoo
Author: brendank    Time: 14/04/2011 12:54

14 April 2011

1 Chinese Penduline Tit (female unlike the male last week)
1 Bluethroat (male)
1 Pacific Golden Plover
1 Crested Goshawk
1 Plaintive Cuckoo
1 Bright-capped Cisticola
Author: wkcheng    Time: 17/04/2011 12:47

16 April 2011 AM

Pacific Golden Plover
Long-toed Stint
Grey Bushchat (1 Female)
White Wagtail (Apart from White-faced Pied Wagtail, Eye-striped White Wagtail and Black-backed Wagtail were found.)

Also, calls were heard from Large Hawk Cuckoo, Indian Cuckoo and Plaintive Cuckoo.
Author: brendank    Time: 17/04/2011 21:39

17 April 2011

1 Cinnamon Bittern
1 Water Rail
1 Blue Throat
1 Painted Snipe
1 Indian Cuckoo

Image Attachment: cinnamon.JPG (17/04/2011 21:39, 77.9 KB) / Download count 512

Image Attachment: rail.JPG (17/04/2011 21:39, 65.91 KB) / Download count 495

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 23/04/2011 06:57

22 April,
Long-toed stints (at least 4)
Water Rail
Cinnamon Bittern
male Bluethroat
no sign of the Ruddy-breasted Crake which people spotted last week.

Saw a farmer spreading herbicide on the grass/reeds where the Water Rail is hiding. Is it acceptable practice?
Author: Tony    Time: 26/04/2011 12:52     Subject: LV 20110425

2011/04/25 am

Long-toed Stint x 22

Yellow-breasted Bunting x 2
Oriental Reed Warbler x 1

Brown Shrike x 1

[ Last edited by Tony at 26/04/2011 12:55 ]

Image Attachment: brown shrikeJPG.JPG (26/04/2011 12:52, 122.85 KB) / Download count 384

Image Attachment: long_toed_stint_e.JPG (26/04/2011 12:53, 176.19 KB) / Download count 499

Image Attachment: oriental_reed_warbler.JPG (26/04/2011 12:55, 124.03 KB) / Download count 515

Image Attachment: TONY1741e.JPG (26/04/2011 12:55, 159.88 KB) / Download count 491

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 26/04/2011 14:10

Spraying herbicides and insecticides are common practices for local farmers to remove unwanted weeds and pests.
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 28/04/2011 15:54

28-Apr-11 morning cloudy
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper x1
Long-toed Stint ~7-10
Citrine Wagtail x1
Chinese Francolin was calling too.
Author: ckacheung    Time: 28/04/2011 17:20

26th April, 2012
Long Valley

[ Last edited by ckacheung at 28/04/2011 17:23 ]

Image Attachment: 6R8U9220.JPG (28/04/2011 17:20, 45.54 KB) / Download count 394

Image Attachment: 6R8U9239.JPG (28/04/2011 17:21, 38.34 KB) / Download count 394

Image Attachment: 6R8U9285.JPG (28/04/2011 17:21, 38.57 KB) / Download count 410

Image Attachment: 6R8U9319.JPG (28/04/2011 17:22, 37.75 KB) / Download count 397

Image Attachment: 6R8U9345.JPG (28/04/2011 17:22, 54.14 KB) / Download count 423

Image Attachment: 6R8U9369.JPG (28/04/2011 17:23, 38.32 KB) / Download count 409

Image Attachment: 6R8U9388.JPG (28/04/2011 17:23, 54.34 KB) / Download count 399

Author: madcat    Time: 28/04/2011 17:46


Yellow-breasted bunting X 2
Chestnut-eared bunting
Brown shrike
Yellow wagtail X 30+(comprising different sub-species)
Long-toed stint x 7
Indian cuckoo
Plaintive cuckoo
Large hawk cuckoo
Author: kkoel    Time: 30/04/2011 19:32


Pechora Pipit x3
Black-browed Reed Warbler x1 (seen by a fellow birder)
Cinnamon Bittern x3
Yellow Bittern x1
Chestnut-eared Bunting x1
Ruddy Crake x1
Curlew Sandpiper x1
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper x3
Long-toed Stint x11
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 4/05/2011 14:29

Curlew Sandpiper is a new record in LV! Congratulations!!!
Author: wkcheng    Time: 4/05/2011 22:00

2011-05-04 PM
1 x Cinnamon Bittern
3 x Greater Painted-Snipe
2 x Asian Barred Owlet
1 x Yellow-breasted Bunting (Male)
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 5/05/2011 10:34

2-May (hot and sunny)
Pechora Pipit x1
Yellow Bittern x1
Author: brendank    Time: 6/05/2011 14:52

6 May 2011

3 Chinese Goshawk
1 Cinnamon Bittern

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