Subject: [Outing] 8/5/2011 蒲台及南面水域觀鳥 Po Toi & South Waters [Print This Page] Author: hgeorge Time: 17/03/2011 16:10 Subject: 8/5/2011 蒲台及南面水域觀鳥 Po Toi & South Waters
Activity information
Date: 8/5/2011 Sunday
Time: 07:30 - 16:00
Gathering Time & Place: 07:30 Aberdeen public pier, near Ocean Court (Please visit here for detail map and bus route: )
Fare: HK$160/Member; HK$200/Non-member
Target Species: Migrants and seabirds
Arrangement: The boat will go to Po Toi Island directly. The group will then have free time on the island (new comers can follow the leader to watch birds on the island) and participants are suggested to have their lunch on the island. The group should be back to the boat around 12:00-1:00 (depends on the leader's decision) and then the boat will stay in the Lamma Channel in the afternoon to look for seabirds and back to Aberdeen at 4:00pm. Please note that this is a brief arrangement and the activity leader will have the right to make the final decision.
Note: This will be a long trip on open waters. The ride could be quite rough and some people may be seasick.
Limited to 45 participants only - please return the registration form together with the fare to HKBWS Office for registration.
We will confirm the participants about 5 days before the outing whether their reservation application is accepted or not. All the registered participants are required to pay the prescribed fare, no matter they can attend the outing or not. Withdrawal must be raised at least ONE week before the activity, otherwise, no refund will be made. If we cancel the outing due to inclement weather or special reason, the paid fare will be refunded to the participants.
The Activiites Enquiry Hotline / for contacting outing leaders on the event date only: 9457 3196.
The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other liabilities arising from the activities.
現在活動尚餘4個名額,如有興趣參加,請在辦公時間致電辦事處2377 4387 與本會職員聯絡或非辦公時間致電 9457 3196 與鄭先生聯絡。謝謝各位!!
There are 4 spaces left. For those who are interested, please call the HKBWS office at 2377 4387 during office hour OR contact Mr. Cheng at 9457 3196 during non-office hour. Thank you so much!!Author: Ronaldo Time: 8/05/2011 20:36
I didn't see a lot of these birds... But I will add the following, all seen by the dam area:
- a likely Hair-crested Drongo (too large for a Black Drongo and not as elegant)
- a group of Ashy Minivets (about 4-5 of them). I doubt they were Swinhoe's, breast was very pale.
- a Siberian Rubythroat (only bird which I got a picture of...)
I can add Dusky Warbler, Sooty-headed Bulbul and Greater Sand Plover.
And of course Red-necked Phalarope, which seems to have been missed off the list.
[ Last edited by ajohn at 9/05/2011 09:44 ] Author: Beetle Time: 9/05/2011 11:45
更新了的雀鳥記錄, 是次活動最少看見/聽見53鳥種。 This is an undated record. At least 53 species were seen or heard during this trip.
Some people need to get up around 0530 and take the 1st bus/train from Shatin; plus tunnel bus/or take the 1st MTR around 0600 and change bus to Aberdeen, but the reward was waiting for the late comers. Is it fair to the early birds???
The HKBWS has reminded 2 days before that the time is 0730 at Aberdeen, how can they said "we are coming" at 0730 by phone replied and 21 minutes lated.
HOPE THIS WILL NOT HAPPENED AGAIN. Author: Mon Time: 14/05/2011 08:14
I, as the voluntary activity leader of the trip, sincerely apologize for my decision of waiting for the 3 late participants.
The late-comers said they will arrive within 15 minutes. This is my second time to lead a boat trip (last trip on 1 May no participants were late), and i haven't encountered late participants in previous trips to Mai Po and other sites so i was inexperienced about the usual practice.
There were some complaints about the route arrangement and my performance. The boat didn't go directly to Po Toi because of several reasons. Sea birds are one of the targets of the trip, and there is little chance for bird-watchers to go sea-bird watching. This is one of the reason why many participants join the HKBWS boat trip instead of going to Po Toi directly by ferry. The time on Po Toi was also to suit lunch time. The boat trip on 1 May 2011 also had a similar arrangement. I have also discussed with some very experienced bird watchers about the arrangement.
Some said I was not enthusiastic on finding birds. But the fact is i spent a large part of time during the trip at the front of the boat looking for seabirds with my binoculars, while sometimes stay at the back of the boat to guide some less experienced participants. In the afternoon i spent more time at the back of the boat to look for seabirds passing at the back, and i did noticed two or three groups of terns passing and inform other participants. I did take a short sleep (not more than 20 minutes) near the end of the trip partly because i was too tired after searching birds for several hours.
I hope you understand that sea bird watching can be very boring and frustrating, and It is impossible for us (and of course for me as the activity leader) to guareentee good birds seen on the sea. However, I need to apologize again for the unsatisfactory trip leaded by me.
[ Last edited by Beetle at 15/05/2011 13:30 ] Author: ajohn Time: 15/05/2011 19:25
Beetle, I would like to reassure you that I thought there was no problem with the trip.
Yes, it was slightly frustrating that we needed to wait after rushing to arrive on time, but I think that was the fault of those who arrived late rather than you as trip leader. Personally I think you did the right thing - I know that if I was running late I would hope that the trip leader would be prepared to wait a few minutes. Maybe others disagree, that is their opinion. I had actually forgotten about the delay until it was mentioned on this forum - it made no difference to the rest of the day.
As for the trip itself, I agree that you were one of those who seemed to be scanning the most often for seabirds. I remember you reporting some of the groups of terns, and making sure the message was relayed around the boat. I also agreed with the decision to go to sea first. OK, it was quiet, but there was no way of knowing that would be the case. There had also been few landbirds reported in the previous days, so going to the island first would also have been a risky decision.
At the end of the day, bird watching is a matter of luck - sometimes there are lots of birds, sometimes you spend hours looking with very little reward. That unpredictability is one of the best things about this hobby. I have been on many boat trips when we have seen less than we did on the 8th!
I think some people do not appreciate that leading the trip is actually a fairly tricky job. You need to make sure everyone has arrived, decide on a route, hope that you can find birds and try to ensure that everyone sees the bird that you find. Sometimes this means that you get less time birding than others on the trip. Personally I do not like organising trips and tend to avoid it. Thank you to those who are prepared to run the trips so that those less experienced bird watchers get the opportunity to participate. Author: wserene Time: 16/05/2011 01:54
Hi Beetle, you did well on 8th outing. No matter birds were seen or not seen, this was not your fault. Indeed, I appreciated that you told us the major sites to find birds and knowledge about PT migration birds. Thanks so much.
Serene Author: brendank Time: 16/05/2011 14:04
I think the trip was very well organized and I don't think there was any problem with the way it was run. Late comers always represent an impossible situation for the leaders. Wait for them and be blamed for making the group wait or go and be blamed for not giving people some leeway in arriving--either way people will be unhappy. I think this type of thing is best left to the discretion of the fieldtrip leader. Author: Tony Time: 16/05/2011 15:50
Hi bettle,
I think you do not need to blame yourself. It is about the time management of the late comer. I remembered that there was similar situation on 1st May Po Toi trip. The trip was delayed for around 20mins as well. It is not avoidable for this kind of situation. I think we may understand some are the first time to join this kind of trip and do not have experience on planning their time to the gathering location. Some may live far as well. There may be some improvement for this kind of trip. I think Sai Wan Ho may be better than gathering location than Aberdeen since MTR is usually more 'secure' public transport than taking bus or minibus. And it is easier for beginner.
At the end of the day, we just hope people enjoy bird-watching or learn something through the trip. I agree with John, bird-watching is a matter of luck. The thing we enjoy on bird-watching is being unpredictable. Otherwise, it is not exciting at all. Author: mbill Time: 16/05/2011 18:05
Beetle, We are very sorry to make you blame yourself. We think the major problem was the late comers.
Of course no one can guareentee finding birds in the open waters; even at Po Toi. As a leader, you are too tired after searching birds for several hours and only take a short sleep was much acceptable. Also the weather was fine that birds migration takes place some days earlier may be the problem.
We are really enjoying this boat trip very much.
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